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民進黨到底是台獨史觀或屬日史觀?it was dirty LDW 慰安史觀, now 慰安猪史觀
2017/03/03 19:09:25瀏覽176|回應8|推薦0

Tony3083 :台獨史觀或屬日史觀 ???  我看都不像 "慰安史觀" 比較像 就是那種被姦 還喊很爽那種

--indeed it is 慰安史觀. even japanbastards still worship Chinese cultures, won't destroy any china antiques either robbed or got from our ancestors, learnt lots Chinese cultures and be proud of.
our weirdo LDW type, what we should say? not even japanbastards want admit dirty LDW is Japanese, treats as slavery.

don't forget japanbastards want our 黑心蔡 and force taiwan people eat japan nuclear polluted products for japanbastards. do you think japanbastards in fact treat 黑心蔡s as pigs?

Aaaa the answer is 慰安猪史觀.

they are dirty LDW type and not all of their Chinese mothers are voluntary chicks as LDW's mom, but very weird imaginations. however since dirty LDW let many Japan's black hands came to taiwan maybe their daughters, sisters, even their wifes became voluntary chicks again. it happened when japanbastards invaded, so very possible happens again by dirty LDW help.

恢復日本時代遺跡 because 台獨史 has no hero existing that ever fighting for 台獨笨蛋国(it is Chinese lands, never belong to 台獨笨蛋国 which never existing before, they even never fought japanbastards), they have no history, no culture because all are Chinese culture, chinese history in taiwan, they can't create by themselves because no hero, no well-educated respectable SAINTs. that's why 50 years japanbastards invaded taiwan(日史)is the only they can use.

they have no buidling cultures so 恢復日本時代遺跡 is their only ways.

I never understood people I worked with(the last IT company), my boss was graduated from Tai-Da quite smart and funny, can't see he would accept  台獨笨蛋国 and 慰安猪史觀 at all, not even his employees. will 20+ years under rotten MJD brain washed they could accept w/o suspect who they really are ?

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/06/22 22:19

邱毅:赖清德有四大优势 将逐步取代蔡英文...邱毅首先认为,赖清德是民进党内“新潮流和‘独’派共主”,再者其白手起家的身份有别于社会厌恶的官富二代,且赖清德执政的台南市政绩不差,并用“亲中爱台”一说制造“台独”与解开两岸僵局并存的假象,加上民进党既不满蔡英文的施政能力、又不肯将权柄转移给国民党,赖清德就在绿营支持者们的矛盾心理中成为“救世主”。


2017/04/17 20:45







2017/03/21 11:58
--慰安猪 is very stupid and lazy, that's why 解决食安问题,就是提高农药的残留标准.
same as 慰安猪s import japanbastards nulcear polluted foods to fool taiwan people by usa master random say say.

2017/03/21 11:51
蔡英文严防自己被下毒 却“投毒”害台湾老百姓 ...3月20日讯 朝鲜最高领导人金正恩胞兄金正男上月被特工以“神经性毒剂”暗杀。消息传到台湾,令蔡英文当局安全单位好不紧张。遂要求蔡英文护卫今后随身携带解毒剂,严防蔡在握手等活动接触中被下毒攻击。如真有意外,也能在第一时间实施抢救,帮蔡保命。谁料,对下毒攻击严防死守,拼力护蔡英文周全的台当局,转过身来却开始向台湾老百姓“投毒”。...未来,除台湾民众洗菜要增加清洗时间外,有意购买台湾茶叶的岛外旅客恐怕也应慎之又慎,当心被蔡当局“批准”的残留农药“氟派瑞”。因为有毒物专家已明确指出,该药长期食用会造成甲状腺肿瘤以及肝脏肿瘤。..陈宜民表示,常用农药“氟派瑞”(Fluopyram)在2014年的国际期刊已经被指出,经小、大鼠动物实验,该药长期食用会造成甲状腺肿瘤以及肝脏肿瘤,现在却在岛内茶叶用药上,一下提到6ppm,但包含澳洲、日本茶叶根本不能使用。尤其生菜色拉的莴苣,“通常商家只会简单清洗就直接给客人吃,无良一点甚至不洗,每天吃真的没有问题吗”?建议民众,为求自保,以后“菜一定要洗久一点。”...台当局“食药署”上周三,径自公告放宽共128项蔬果植物等农产品的农药残留容许量,包含莴苣从过去的不得残留,放宽到10ppm(ppm:百万分比浓度)。国民党“立委”陈宜民痛批,放宽达20倍!面对岛内食品、药品安全连环爆,“解决食安问题,就是提高农药的残留标准吗?”,国民党“立委”质问。

2017/03/07 15:49
村上新书提南京大屠杀遭右翼抵制 仍居热销榜首 ..村上新书提南京大屠杀遭右翼抵制仍热销,3天位居销售榜首

  【环球时报驻日本特约记者 蓝雅歌 李恬静】因提及南京大屠杀,日本作家村上春树的新作——《刺杀骑士团长》(上下册)遭到右翼人士的攻击,还有人在推特上发起了“不买村上春树运动”。尽管如此,这本书上市3天就位居综合销售排行榜榜首,目前已加印至130万册。...很多业界人士也对村上敢于揭露黑暗历史事实的行为表示赞赏。东京大学的藤井省三教授表示,村上春树是一位非常有良知的作家。“这不仅体现在某一部著作中,而是长年地表现在其思想上对于战争受害国家的尊重。《刺杀骑士团长》不是他第一次在作品中谈及侵略战争。他此前曾在多个场合表达过日本应该道歉的观点。”藤井教授还表示,村上在写书之前应该已经预料到会遭到右翼的抵制,但却毅然无畏地写下了这些文字。南京师范大学教授林敏洁表示,在如今日本充斥着否定历史的背景下,读者可以从村上作品中看到承认历史,尊重历史,以史为鉴的精神。


2017/03/04 09:40


--蕭美琴 is very rotten rich, so I suggest those suffered 台獨笨蛋國 caused businessmen's money lost, emoloyees' jobs lost make a list and request very rotten rich 蕭美琴 pay your loss.
don't forget 228 taiwan people forced to pay endless money, it's time make 蕭美琴s pay back.  台獨笨蛋國 did the exactly same things as old Chiang did.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-04 09:47 回覆:
蕭美琴 many years stayed in usa must know very well that usa is very good at using psychology as threaton weapons so Powell just 3 days in FBI office deeply believed Sadam can put nuclear weapon in his pocket. Maybe the whole MJD's mental abused their supporters--仇恨包裝 is usa master and japanbastards offered.

2017/03/04 07:56

the Taipei mayor continue changed his grandpa stories also proved he needs to see psychologists.
to continue get endless money from taiwan people he needs more and more miserable fake story to cover his endless blackmail greedy's. And he is not only one.

台獨笨蛋國的國民 really need to see psychologists now, they are very ill by rotten MJD's mental abused --仇 恨 包 裝.
can you imagine they don't 仇恨 japanbastards invaders but recover 慰安猪史觀, most of them are not dirty LDW type but by rotten MJD's mental abused -- pretended they were Japanese or one of their parent were Japanese.
Aaaa I knew japabastrads did many horrorable lab test on Chinese during invaded, this new kind mental abusing method must be japanbastards did in taiwan thru dirty LDW type help.

2017/03/03 19:51

噴漆蔣公銅像 東華大學4生自首承諾1周清除

--4名大學生 I am very disappointed at you. we Chinese history has many dynasties, whenever the dynasty dying many people would be killed and new dynasty built, does it mean we should destroy all our ancestors left especially 元朝 清朝? however I don't mind if you destroy japanbastards left in taiwan especially 总统府 because japanbastards are not part of our Chinese, they are invaders.

when my classmate did investigation whether can allow my opinions post in websites, certainly the conclusion is NO, base on the one against me declaring that is similar to taiwan people's altitude, I also told them I'm quite disappointed as well educated not a bit different from taiwan people's. I hope you can spend time in history that can make you smart and not blindly do the things and you will regret. no matter good or bad it is history, taiwan people already endless paied lots for that.

don't you ever inquire why they never forced jaanbastards pay for what did to their ancestors? why is that?
中正紀念堂還在英雄式崇拜 because to most taiwan people Chiang did take care of them including taiwan farmers, KMD soldiers, even dirty LDW, A-bien.. but they have no concious. as dirty LDW himself was 共黨(very likely 日共) sold out many 共黨 to get himself filthy politic benefits, same as other rotten MJD. what did you think about it?

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-03 19:54 回覆:
don't forget if not japanbastards(and fuck G8) invaded china,taiwan... we could still be 清朝, 228 would never happened. our 清朝 has quite good reputations in the world. yes, ROC is not so great because endless indoor and outdoor 战争s, still it is our history and good news is 中华人民共和国 recovers our Chinese proud now.
so why still dragged down taiwan people because the past? you have choice to join one china and be an hornable Chinese, not dirty LDW type because you are not japansese.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-03 21:35 回覆:

民進黨到底是台獨史觀或屬日史觀?it was dirty LDW 慰安史觀, now 慰安猪史觀
don't you think japanbastards in fact treat 黑心蔡s as pigs force taiwan people eat japan nuclear polluted products for japanbastards?
--恢復日本時代遺跡 because 台獨史 has no hero existing that ever fighting for 台獨笨蛋国(it is Chinese lands, never belong to 台獨笨蛋国 which never existing before, they even never fought japanbastards), they have no history, no culture because all are Chinese culture, chinese history in taiwan
is that you want to be slavery again?

when my classmate dragged me to church-related, I can't raised my hand to declare I were sinner, because I am not, never did bad things or hurt any one. next time when she invited me again I turned down then she told me LDW is believer so we should. Guess what I turned down because as well educated 清华大学 I can independent thinking. you know the truth about why dirty LDW, A-bien joined church? it is to please usa master to get trust. they believe nothing but money, power.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-03-03 21:36 回覆:
And they are sinners so sometimes do need get confort from religion especially Jesus because if you are believer anything you did bad things are forgiven if only if you go to church. dirty LDW did murder soldier and A-bien lawyer destroyed the evidence to get dirty LDW's support as presiden in 2000.
so try to be independent not so easy be cheated by politic parties including KMD. as well-educated 大学生 should have capabilities to thinking independently.