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2017/03/01 13:49:46瀏覽110|回應12|推薦0
美媒:中国手机品牌欲凭先进技术走向世界...参考消息网3月1日报道 美媒称,低廉的价格帮助中国智能手机制造商登上国内市场销量的顶峰。现在,中国品牌希望凭借先进技术走向世界。




--very good, I would wait for it, especially the software to beat up japanbastards LINE.

I hope I can get a table showing how to type "pining", so can chat more with my relatives.

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2017/03/03 16:55

correct  he has NO desiring to work again

most people I knew as 硕士 working till 30s(some), 40s(many), 50s(quite few).

as 博士 all returned to taiwan as professors except one succeed back to usa teaching.  after laid off, can't but retired only one (my neighbour) can bid goverment project..purchase equipments, another after long time w/o job back working for boats maintainence.

most quite regret but can't change.

2017/03/03 16:18

美媒:更多留学生选择回国 分析称被中国经济所吸引 ...美国《华尔街日报》3月1日文章,原题:中国经济吸引更多的留学生回国...,近年来约80%的留学生回国,而2006年仅为33%左右。尽管回国并不见得是所有人的选择,但这些数据都印证了这股“回国潮”正影响着留学生们对于未来的选择。..有分析指出,如今的留学生群体较多为本科生。而在过去,留学生一般攻读博士或者类似的高学位,他们因此在国外更容易找工作..

--I'm glad to hear it, because even you are as 硕士博士 in usa you can find job but can't last longer and once you lost job you hardly can find. from what I knew some can work till 50s, some 40s and few 30s. my younger brother can't but retired as 58..the longest one. he has desiring to work again because very tough and not easy as immigration. it's not worth at all. but I do hope those 回国留学生 brought back some few goods things about usa and/or at least tell the truth about usa in china.--don't cheat and misguide your people then messed up china. as I said usa has millions rules most people can't but obey the rules or serverely punishments even you done nothing wrong. those utilities fee charge quite high and some merge to other bill. ..indeed few good things such as not many people smoke and cigarettes quite high tax, you have to take care trees in front of your property, ...

I hope one day china has fresh air every where, many green, good quality water(usa has lead poisen) then every one want to stay forever which rely on every chinese cooperate with china government and it is  回国留学生 duty.

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