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2017/01/14 09:08:54瀏覽168|回應11|推薦0

please read china news to become a bit smart. the worst painful thing happens in taiwan is bounch 台獨笨蛋 themselves not smart but turn their kids idots by anti-chinese cultures. themselves can't teach their kids but forbid their kids to learn from our ancestors stories.

潘基文就慰安妇铜像表态 称反对“十亿日元换撤”...日本以支付10亿日元交换韩国撤除慰安妇少女像.

--潘基文 knew how to confort his upset people, we don't expect rotten MJD do jobs RIGHT, but at least can squeeze out 十亿日元 from japanbastards to confort MJD supporters.

in the past I did try teach 笨蛋台獨 to get our chinese sea lands from usa master/japanbastards but so stupid can't be taught. but 十亿日元 should be easy way for  笨蛋台獨 to learn from Kroean.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/01/14 09:17


--this 10亿日元 is only for 撤除慰安妇少女像 in front of japanbastards ambassdor building, not other places in Korean.

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