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about 問券調查
2016/12/13 04:44:12瀏覽116|回應5|推薦0

after I posted politic-related to my classmates 論壇, my classmate decided to do 問券調查 whether 同學會論壇 allow or disallow. when I saw  問券調查 is quite simple then I request do a bit more research as:

Nov 25 at 4:31 AM
Sorry, I have trouble login google account. you can add me to "can talk politic".  many things if you want to call it politic-related then they are.
I don't mind to tell all of you that I believe we can talk anything, and if I "dislike or hate" I would just ignore, didn't know my posting caused a problem.
I do know in taiwan/ROC still have lots forbidden informations so can hold taiwan people as rotten politicians hostages. believe me I have been udn and worldjournal many years till they both blockade my accounts and I also visited LeeAo/PFP/KMD websites (Certainly MJD-related websites never allowed me) in 2000.
if I am forbidden in 80清數 because as one-china supporter that only proves 80清數 is no better than those coward medias/parties websites.
Taiwan spoil independent bastards but kill one-china supporter voice--the most ridiculous only could happen in taiwan like voluntary chicks for japanbastards.
I never lie about I am one china supporter even I never join any party in taiwan, in usa.
my family did vote for rotten A-bien and after he was mayor, MJD announced taiwan people were not chinese which my family especially my 2nd brother who donated his summer hard working salary to MJD can't accepted.
my 2nd brother was supporting MJD because a rumour(unfortunately very likely true) spread that only KMD rich/powerful kids can study in usa, and MJD could change it. for his usa dream he convinced my family voted for A-bien.

in usa I also struggled whether for myself benefits/safety stayed in usa, should stay away taiwan/china related, but I couldn't so returned and  voted my 1st time and forced dirty LDW stepped down in 2000, for that my mom and brother-in-law suffered threatons and myself phone was monitored.
I voted for PFP Soong because KMD Lien was too close to dirty LDW when I post my advice(stay away dirty LDW) for KMD and they killed my voice.

when I post my opinion against Bush's bloody war in at&t 問券調查, my husband was laid off by at&t and later we suffered 3 years tax-chasing even it was bank's fault(mistakes IRA as RIRA).
I did write a letter to ILL congressman about why shouldn't issue bloody wars as we chinese suffered japanbasrads did and got his response declaring how wonderful jobs usa would do for IRAQ people in the future and immediately I dumped to garbage.

every one has bottom line for politic, mine is we all are chinese and live in our chinese land. one china is the max. benefits for taiwan people and all chinese.

my husband retired and soon your guys also would retire, I hope we all have confidence in our retiring life so we can have guts to do more, talking more without fearing.
( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/01/03 07:23

美媒:被政客利用 亚裔收入高“优势”是错觉 ...《华盛顿邮报》报道,亚裔美国人多年来的这一“优势”似乎证明了亚裔在美国的繁荣,甚至已超越白人,好像只要他们努力工作,就能轻松过上舒适的生活。正因如此,亚裔美国人经常也被用来作为回避白人和非裔美国人,白人和西裔美国人收入差距的借口。..不少人疑惑为什么典型的美国亚裔家庭收入总是超过典型的白人家庭。许多统计数据似乎都显示出了亚裔美国人的优势,其中一个普遍的解释就是亚裔美国人受教育程度更高,这的确是事实,但还有另一个更重要的因素可以解释亚裔和白人之间的收入差距:居住地的差异性。..五分之一的白人居住在物价较低的乡村地区,但97%的亚裔美国人居住在或靠近生活费用较高的大城市..揭示种族的收入差异性并不是重点,重要的为什么亚裔美国人总是被扣上“在美国轻松获得成功”的刻板印象?




蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-03 07:29 回覆:
this is a good paper, and it all about 問券調查 designed existing bugs. as I said my nephew working in CA got higher salary than my husband in IL and he told me because CA much higher renting/daily expenses cost, and my nephew did complain most salary paied for renting and others hardly can save money.  問券調查 should include details then can find out the truth. 問券調查 designed existing bugs already became a threaton weapons in usa, in taiwan ..to misguide their people.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-01-03 07:34 回覆:

when my husband working for at&t he found out chinese as doctor degree from china got much lower pay by human resource and he helped the guy get the fair payment.

this is not just one case I bet most immigrations underpay especially if you are from china..

2016/12/19 11:16

many years ago 2012-2015(?) I already post in udn

君非君 臣非臣 始艰危 终克定

黑兔走入青龙穴 :dirty 李登辉 1988年7月4丁卯火兔 became Taiwan president.

欲尽不尽不可说:dirty LDW plans to terminate ROC by usa master and japanbastards support so  不可说.
惟有外边根树上 叁十年中子孙结 :(2018 year 侨胞 is the key)
--it is already told you dirty LDW 1988年7月4(黑兔) became president, 2018年(叁十年) all Chinese in the world support one-china except few dirty LDW type in usa.

日月丽天 群阴慑服 百灵来朝 双羽四足
中华而今有圣人 虽非豪杰也周成 四夷重译称天子 否极泰来九国春
双羽 : "习"近平 !!

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-19 12:37 回覆:
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 15:43 回覆:

魄力·定力·魅力——2016中国元首外交的世界印象 ...人格的智慧的魅力。






蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 15:45 回覆:



蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 15:51 回覆:







蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 15:57 回覆:




发表中美元首第三份气候变化联合声明,向联合国秘书长交存中国《巴黎协定》批准文书,推动二十国集团发表首份气候变化问题主席声明……英国《金融时报》指出,在国际气候议程缺少愿承担政治风险的拥护者之际,中国正展现出“领导力”。。“随着国际力量对比消长变化和全球性挑战日益增多,加强全球治理、推进全球治理体系变革是大势所趋。” “我们要积极参与全球治理,主动承担国际责任,但也要尽力而为、量力而行。”“要把能做的事情、已经形成广泛共识的事情先做起来。”……为什么要参与全球治理、怎样参与全球治理,习近平描绘出清晰的逻辑曲线。习近平主席刚刚成功主持G20杭州峰会,在世界经济关键当口,果断开出创新、结构性改革等“中国药方”。两个多月后,APEC利马会议在大洋彼岸举行。面对全球化逆流,习近平主席旗帜鲜明地倡导自由贸易,掷地有声地表达推进全球化进程的决心。


蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-22 16:02 回覆:

our ancestors's 大同世界 is coming.... hoping no more wars but working together to save the earth

--I got the dream that the earth flying to no where and till the whole world scientists working together move the earth to another orbit...using a net(网状织物) wraps the earth .

2016/12/19 10:36


--I bet it will be more than 25%.

if 民调 including those taiwan people in other countries including me.

if my classmates' 同學會論壇 wouldn't forbid my post opinions and udn/WJ let one china supporters post their opinions freely.

I bet if more taiwan people who have usa visa or green cards knowing usa master can't threaton you if you are CLEAN enough.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-19 10:44 回覆:

as we are chinese, all we should do is we have the duty to protect our chinese lands and sea lands well. Dump those humiliate us rotten politicians/parties forever.
I don't need 神经战、心理战 but already realize what's the best for all chinese especially taiwan people.

A dynasty can't protect our chinese lands/sea lands, it should be ended as soon as possible.

our chinese history already prove it. you can't hold pre-dynasty unless  those vey few can succeed in recovery. Does ROC/Taiwan exist such HERO? I don't think so but bounch selling our sea lands to get their filthy politic benefits. We don't have heros in taiwan but bounch dirty LDW type.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-19 10:53 回覆:


--I'm totally agree with 邱毅, I would suggest taiwan people if you dislike 台独 MJD and not good enough KMD then learn from me as real one-china supporters. LeeAo was/is right about KMD 假台独 and MJD 真台独, I understood why he hates both because  假台独 in the past also tries hard killing one-china supporters,  while MJD spoil their  真台独. this is why usa supoorted Ma and made a deal in 2000 when we forced dirty LDW step down.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2016-12-19 11:05 回覆:


--顾立雄 should keep in mind KMD's money came from china, only china people have right to chase back.

2016/12/13 05:04
I even hardly contact classmates in usa especially female Hx and lxx because myself suffered by anti-wars side effect plus my love for china and don't want drag them down by usa scary system because of me. we planed my husband retires in his 62 but laid off event can't but work till 69 in last year Mar, chinese immigrations(including taiwan) would be much difficult to find jobs. am I regret my anti-wars posting in usa? NO, I would do the same thing...a  memory to remember what I done as 老年人.
my husband worked in at&t those 斯诺登泄露有关美国官方监听行动的机密档案 are all truth especially at&t 监听 all its clients thru phone and email for government, and today still 监听.
Trumps is the only president candidates in usa can have guts telling IRQ war was wrong and wanted friendly with Russia and china in public.
I thought he could changes usa in certain way and good to the whole world people...a moment of PEACE till usa becomes rich enough aother Bush born..
But I think taiwan can't be changed...do n't want people knew the truth as usual.
My suggest remove my list from 我們論壇 to make all you 真正開心---that is I wanted for people I knew.
Because I received I answered. I read some news I posted my opinions.

2016/12/13 04:59
I also quite interesting to know whether KMD/MJD supporter, in USA(at least can visit china websites), has usa visa/grrencards in taiwan would impact our classmates answers but then I received another classmate talking 確實年紀都一大把,我也盡量把時間用在會讓自己真正開心的事。最近就在學二胡,蠻合適中老年的男人來玩,雖然進步不是很快,但過程確實很享受囉。。。
I rsponsed as :
Nov 27 at 10:16 AM
--I guess not.
in fact in the past I hardly 談個人政治觀點 in 我們論壇 , not even actively post anything else except few times when I response some emails I received and tried to recommand cartoons made in china or other non-politic  related 讓自己 and you 開心的事. even that taiwan writer china made still could be treated as 政治-related.
in a one way XX(who against) is right---built another "same feather" group. however I never like small circles, I live in KMD and MJD society and I belong to neither.
both parties built many "circles" which I really don't like and I am outside all the time including in usa.
indeed I hardly got others response me and very likely open my 個人政治觀點 caused it.
due to  MJD hiding their "台独政治觀點" before A-bien became mayor, I hate to be cheated and don't want to do the same thing to others, and I believe nothing to hide(honest) is the best policy, --you know me i know you and still can be classmates, like my last IT boss and me, even an old man 台独 type(he is electrican) worked for 中兴 as consultant --japan companies forced  中兴 all electricity designs must thru him. I respect his profession and he waned to marry me.