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英国内政大臣批准向美国引渡阿桑奇 时间: 2022-06-18 04:50:29 来源: 侨报网综合
编辑: 聂晓
--阿桑奇的父亲 also should 在澳国驻纽约领事馆外的新闻发布会上发表讲话 calling 澳大利亚 do something.
俄乌局势进展:俄强烈反对立陶宛“封锁”加里宁格勒 乌粮食问题四方会谈下周举行 2022年06月22日 19:52 来源:中国新闻网参与互动参与互动
  中新社北京6月22日电 综合消息:立陶宛日前决定禁止经境内铁路向俄罗斯加里宁格勒州转运货物后,俄罗斯外交部21日强调,立方若坚持“封锁”加里宁格勒,将面临报复措施。另据土耳其媒体报道,有关乌克兰粮食出口问题的四方会谈将于下周在土耳其举行。
--obviously 立陶宛 has no 主权 or believes 欧盟 behind its back can protect from Russia 报复.



  中国常驻联合国副代表戴兵21日在安理会乌克兰问题公开会上发言时指出,国际社会对抗情绪无助于乌克兰危机的妥善解决。戴兵强调,冲突长期化、扩大化将会带来更大的安全风险和外溢效应,任何一方都不可能从中受益。国际社会应当共同致力于降温灭火、维稳劝和,为当事方早日恢复谈判、实现停火止战创造条件。(完) 【编辑:甘甜】

马斯克与拜登唱反调 称美国经济不久后或陷入衰退 2022年06月22日 10:00 来源:中国新闻网参与互动参与互动
  中新网6月22日电 据彭博社报道,当地时间21日,世界首富、特斯拉CEO马斯克表示,他认为美国经济可能在不久的将来陷入衰退。
  报道还称,高盛(Goldman Sachs)经济学家20日下调了美国经济增长预期。经济学家们在一份研究报告中表示,经济衰退的风险正在上升。他们认为,明年经济衰退的可能性已经从15%上升到30%。
-- 马斯克 is right as he saw the auto drive app. bugs cant be solved easily by americans made, and his company stock unit price went down except space shuttle business may make profits if many rich people desiring the trips, plus usa group need him to maintain out of space 太空站. Baiden might make a huge profits for himself and group so he cant see others suffering including us. certainly i wont surprised that europe union countries are much worse than master about 通货膨胀, especially to other pity countries who have no guts to buy Russia oil because afraid to be punished by master group. very soon 乌克兰粮食 controlled by master to sell high to those countries needed. might also lower down usa foods price. this is exactly master wants to get the world oil, 粮食, ???... on hands then sell high to other countries.

彭斯:除非拜登政府改变路线,否则美国人民将很快更换领导层 时间: 2022-06-20 16:41:45
【侨报特约记者严添6月20日华盛顿报道】周一,前副总统彭斯(Mike Pence)在芝加哥大学俱乐部(University Club of Chicago)就美国目前的经济状况发表讲话。他声称如果拜登政府与民主党人不能“大幅度改变路线”,美国人民就将在11月的中期选举中做出“更换领导层”的决定。
--today(6/20/2022) we walked to ALDI, when checked out in front of the white senior man quite politely to let me cut in(i held 2 potato chips bags, spouse has 4 items: 5pcs/bag bagel, 5pcs bananas, a box cracker, a pack hot dogs in his back bag, total $9.07) so i told him we had more items than he has(5 items). later he saw another young black male to let him in who also turned down(didnt see any item). we walked home felt good about the polite white senior man--a long time didnt see since Bushs wars. 6/10 we bought $188 chinese foods so we have good different type foods for lunches (粽子 烙饼 包子 馄饨 春卷 with different brands or same brand variety taste, spouse quite satisfied and enjoyed) and sometimes lunch humburg meats or hot dog with navy beans;pork with chili beans and crackers, (坚果/芝麻)汤圆 for afternoon 甜点 or potato chips. ps 6/22/2022 all made from China except 1 pack 上海粽子 made from taiwan. we ate a pack 春卷 today very satified.

ps 6/20/2022 俄媒:黑海石油钻井平台遭导弹袭击 已致3人受伤7人失踪 来源:海外网 2022-06-21 09:05
海外网6月21日电 据今日俄罗斯网站20日报道,克里米亚地区行政长官谢尔盖·阿克肖诺夫当天表示,黑海石油天然气公司的钻井平台遭到导弹袭击,目前已造成3人受伤,7人失踪。
与此同时,俄罗斯调查委员会已经就炮击事件展开刑事调查。该委员会在声明中称,乌克兰武装部队的军事人员对钻井平台使用了“具有高破坏性的武器”。目前,乌克兰官员尚未对此次袭击事件发表评论。(海外网 张霓) 责编:秦璐敏
--i can see the worse and worse toward 3rd world war soon. once the actor got more "encourage" from master group side thats the fate for all the world. i cant see oil price would be down more.
--it is both rotten parties not “激进左翼”but“右倾观点”政策 wars for long time and never stop. so tell us what is the war 彭斯 "president" will issue and by the way what kind mutual funds should pity middle-low income people sell out before too late? what about Trumps, will he figure out and make difference and agree with me no more any kind wars but working hard for indoors business especially caused by him racial bias killing jump high?
--i dont think so because both rotten parties already together target at China as next, so what is 彭斯 "president" different 路线? what should we buy his group filthy favourist stocks or mutual funds (Baiden favourist must be usa made weapons related)?
针对目前高企的汽油价格,彭斯则表示拜登“并不知道该如何有效降低价格”。他特别指出,拜登从国家战略储备中释放石油的决定并不能降低目前的油价,反而会使美国容易受到未来国家安全紧急状况的影响。--from what i saw Baiden is very slowly to cancel Trumps tax-added in China products. what is 彭斯 "president" will do? How about Trump? if only if master continue issue wars i cant see 有效降低价格 is possible since Bushs wars even continue stealing oil and now 叙利亚 declared usa 偷盗粮食小麦和石油, Afghen people living in the hell. is it “激进左翼”or “右倾观点”wars? i would say they all are usa 2 rotten parties wars nothing else. wars are all the time and inflation is worse and worse. those rotten rich got from the bloody wars benefits felt nothing till too late. when would americans stop saying usa walking in the wrong way again and again? Can 彭斯 "president"?
--if he or Trump can declare our 7 mutual funds(and others) would be recovery and above $10 at least then i would convince spouse together vote them. can i hear from Baiden better or the same my requirement? dont forget we purchased 1999-2007? (i would verify and correct it), i quit purchase then did stop auto re-investment except few in 2013? the last one spouse bought annuity in 2009? i bought 1st Global Capital small loan investment in 2017 but in time got all money back with interest before the company broken and was sued) so many years not even fully recovered the unit price we purchased. every time before it nearby recovered then another different type wars happened and liquidify any time could happen (Bush wars caused 2 down already).

俄石油总裁:美西方制裁让危机蔓延至全球 来源:央视新闻客户端 2022-06-19 11:31
谢钦还强调,美国等西方国家对俄罗斯的制裁行为,破坏了二战后形成的法律制度基础,摧毁了既有的合同义务制度、司法和法律体系等,又殃及社会领域,并最终伤害全球市场。 责编:郭艳峰

谷歌俄罗斯子公司申请破产 来源:央视新闻客户端 2022-06-17 14:31
5月18日,谷歌俄罗斯子公司在俄联邦法人统一注册系统上显示了其申请破产的意愿。随后该公司宣布,今年3月22日起已资不抵债,只能宣布破产。(总台记者 张誉耀) 责编:刘倩
--not surprised all usa companies whose business related to China and Russia got "hurt" deeply. spouse worked hard didnt know why before married he got twice investments failed now i am more and more clearly knew that usa wars never stop thats why spouse failed. and ours at least 7 are in danger(3 any time under $10, 4 already and the worst is $4.xx/share) and another 2 earlier already liquidity caused by Bush wars.
2? days ago i saw a news that usa company 露华浓 $2.xx/share already announced 破产(usa famous revlon cosmetic company).

ps 6/19/2022 suddenly remembered our rich guy and his wife who are Trump supporters and chat with me earlier for long time, when we talked about Covid-19 the rich guy admited that he worried his age might be terminated earlier by Trump did. spouse is quite upset at Trump, i wonder maybe he felt the same fearing as 73 old in 2019. haaaa.
Honest is the best policy.

特朗普铁粉暴怒:卖的都是中国制造! 2022-06-18 16:48
--the man knew very well it is caused by his supporting Trump spread liars so Walmart dropped off his pillows (made in usa), has nothing to do with 中国制造 pillows. Certainly walmart as business would try to sell better quality lower price products no matter who made it. that is business to make max profits and long term and nothing wrong about it.
暴怒 will make things worse and no good to Trump, better keep in minds. there must have stores support Trump, it is called 这个地方不欢迎我 必有其他地方接受我 or 此处不留爷自有留爷处, if you cant find any store to sell your pillows in usa that means 你对 their 生意没有好处.

侨报社论:通胀不平抑,民主党在中期选举中难“突围”时间: 2022-06-17 23:11:51 来源: 侨报
编辑: 时间
--it is those voted for Baiden in 2020, will they come out to vote 民主党 candidates in Nov/2022? NY racial bias killing is a horrible nighmare while NY mayor encouraged 大麻 to get more city taxes or to make killing and rental business nighmare worse? obviously it is 民主党怂恿卖大麻 to save economic depression. certainly 共和党 wont against it. both rotten parties politicians and their families have serious 大麻 addiction problems. 怂恿卖大麻 to turn more americans became smoker so those politicians can run away the accusation during election period.
--股市 that is another major problem except 通胀. certainly some one declared all his investments went up. ours already down $200,000+. today i also caught our investment company weird datas "As of 06/17/2022 08:22 PM ET (Friday night)" is less than "As of 06/18/2022 12:57 PM ET(Saturday lunch time which should be the same data as last night)", in the beginning i found 10 Year T-Note 3.20 -0.09 Down -3.00% (last night) then changed to 10 Year T-Note 3.23 -0.00 Down -0.06% (today lunch time) as usual i ignored because didnt buy 10 Year T-Note. certainly i wont know whether our mutual funds have any related to it. but very weird it also happened to our investment, should i feel happy that Saturday lunch time got $86.7 more than last night? it made me more suspect that banks and investment company can any time changed clients money-related.
i even wonder did i see bank (with investment link) company 2 different websites, ie one of them is hacker made or my notebook bookmarks bank website became old version?
many leaks existing in usa freaky complex systems. when i google searched i would make sure they are not old version which years ago posted.
so i cant but comparing my copy data file with on line, finally found out it was GOLDMAN SACHS bond unit price is one day delay ie 6/17 showing $102.0260 Last updated at 06/16/2022 and 6/18 showing $102.8770 Last updated at 06/17/2022. unless sell it such unit price up mean nothing to me. besides have to pay the transaction fee and only bought $10,000 that i am afriad the company any time fall down.
maybe 10 Year T-Note got same problem didnt update before day closed. that i cant prove as didnt buy cant get details.
--拜登 blamed 石油公司 and 航运公司, 航运公司 blamed oil jump high, 石油协会列出10项缓解油价上涨. but to me it caused by blockaded Russia oil and fobid any insurance companies for Russia oil-boats (the next is Russia gas soon). even usa oil companies made huge profits to sneakly buy Russia oil with very low price and sold high. none of them telling the truth or admitted how much they made more money thru blockaded Russia oil.
--i knew very well KMD has the same problem for many years which is called blue skin green bone, to usa i would say "usa did bad things to taiwan people so the same bad things happen in usa", our ancestors called "善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到 ie 报应迟早会来的,也许会迟到,但从未缺席" .
all i saw is 拜登 can so strongly insist donations to the actor but so weak and very slowly 取消对中国商品加征的关税 which came from Trump, why? cant see it is usa itself problem need to be solved? why punish americans in stead?
--from what i saw any usa made is quite expensive. ie if usa export oil already why usa 石油公司 need to 增产 that has no competition selling price unless force other countries to buy?
--from my point 联储会 wants to get rid of on hands thousands millions 国债. the question is: will foreign countries continue to buy especially China, Japan? Japna itself in trouble(maybe pretended), whats good for China to buy 美债 who became usa target already?
--i cant see 大麻-type solutions 能遏制通胀.
ps 6/18/2022 渐行渐远 : 这个要卖就一定有人要? 06-02 07:32 来自福建省
Amadeus 06-02 18:13 来自北京市: 不一定啊,比如现在的俄罗斯,打死也不买呀。中日也都降低了手里的美债。不过美债的主要市场还是美国国内市场,还是有不少人愿意买的。只要美债的信用不崩(大家相信它会还)手里美元放着也是放着,一般都会去吃那几个点的息。
--i suspect 美国有不少人愿意买 or 联储会 wont continue 提高利率 to dump 美国国债 asap, it already happened to Japan that 日本央行坚持宽松无限量购买7年期或10年期日本国债 but 6月15日 13点54、13点55分两度日本国债暴跌触发大阪交易所熔断 not mention japan$ deeply down.
======================= 监控重新开始?
ps 6/18/2022 "lost access to my sbcglobal.net email" again !
2 months ago i posted in att forun:
Can ATTHelp tell me: 1. is it caused by micorsoft O.S. frequently updated problem? this month i can see our banks, utility companies also have this and that problems and some of them changed on-line pay service companies. 2. could any related to Russia and Ukraine event (you knew what i mean) for example my account might suffer hackers attacking as i am anti-war supporter since 2001? 3. any att-yahoo (or att) new function added or updated? 4. are we @sbcglobal.net users became burden to ATT system, because myself keep long history emails, if so i can reduce them if give me a month to copy them?

6/17/2022 me: today happened as "Looks like you’ve tried to sign in unsuccessfully too many times. Recover your ID or reset your password to continue. Care Code: 205.2 [LU003]"
--this time i would be very carefully not reset password before verify all weird symptons. i realized my notebook got the problem that i login currently.com but apple 6s plus cell phone Yahoo! still can see the same [email scrubbed] account all emils and the latest received email was 6/17/2022 6:31am. my spouse notebook using outlook also can(same as cell phone) but quite slowly downloading.
hope att help can figure out the problem solution.
Another i noticed is last couple days my notebook keyboard frequently became hot which i strongly suspect microsoft updated cause it as usual.

my question is before i logged in i have at least 2-3 days didnt login at all. so how come got "sign in unsuccessfully too many times" problem? after got 1st error message i did try couple times (was thinking whether reset password but in the end gave up) and all the same error.

Brian46374:Ever since the issue that happened 2 months ago that started this thread I have had the same issue with "too many unsuccessful login attempts". I get that every couple weeks. I just reset my password. Been working on migrating most of my email to another provider as its too frustrating to deal with these issues any longer.

me: Brian46374 do you mind asking you personal question? do you think such weird thing happened might relate to the war and/or usa election?
i got weird feeling that when i post my opinions immediately got auto insurance fraud calling and then email account cant login problem.

i did restart my notebook, no luck. however a Microsoft popped up menu showing "updating xxx click restart" which i thought already restart but any way i did again hoping my notebook device or else updated can solve problem. still no luck.
2 months ago the same problem happened to my notebook and spouse did change password but caused a panic because all our 2 notebooks 1 cell phone cant login at all. so why only happened to my notebook which is ThinkPad windows 10 ?

i got notice that showing: CharlieSmith11 commented on a post you are following: lost access to my sbcglobal.net email 6 hours ago. but i cant read what his comment was as 404 error. so i posted as:
to CharlieSmith11
i got error message as " 404 The page could not be found or you dont have permission to view it.
The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you dont have the necessary permissions to view it. Make sure the address is correct and that the page hasnt moved. Please contact your administrator if you think this is a mistake."
--from my experiences when i was upset about some items or service purchased and post my opinions on those comapny websites, they blockaded. until i modified not so sharp and directly "words" sometimes would works.

ps 6/19/2022
tonydi: We dont remove posts that are critical of AT&T (otherwise my post count would be really small 😁). That particular post was removed because it linked to a site that had nothing to do with Yahoo/AT&T settings so was considered spam.

me:thanks tonydi, i believe you and myself posting also quite sharp and directly. any idea why cant login problem happened again? both firefox and microsoft edge got same errors and i did clear the cache, cookies and browsing data. none works.
if change password can solve the problem why cell phone and spouse notebook have no such problem?

me: just tried login att.com has no problem and also login currently.com this time i got "Somethings gone wrong Lets try this again.If you were using an app, close this page. Otherwise, start over."
--it seemed login currently.att.yahoo.com; login both att.com and currently.att.yahoo.com got different error. can it help att figure out the repeated login failed problem?

me:the good news after i login att.com and click "ckeck email" then i can see all my emails.
i also tried currently.att.yahoo.com without login can see my emails too.
hope it help others who suffer the same problem.

me:correct : i only can see inbox emails, and some emails got "we couldnt load this message".
i hope att technicians can soon recover our lost history sub-directories emails.
myself as IT system integration project software leader knowing maintain-related job is very tough, the longer the more difficult.
the worst is without knowing caused by hacker, virus or att employee made a mistake or else.

peterwalker321 :8 minutes ago
I have the same issue on Building Business Intelligence Dashboards With Microsoft Excel website.Probably nothing we can do but wait and hope we can get access to our accounts again at some point today.

ps i would say master has to stop black China, Russia or such software related problems wont be solved. i can tell it is americans are very poor at mathematics (ie logic) and always can run away by black other pity countries.
can Baiden in a one way blockaded Russia oil and in another way blame Russia caused oil price jump high? does it make sense or sound logically? i bet most chinese wont accept but some chinese blindly worship usa aynthing and americans. this is why i kept saying americans are not suitable to do IT-related jobs which need strong logical minds.
i cant see any usa president is responsible but full mouth liars to cover their very selfish, rotten and dirty politic benefits. same as our rotten 黑心蔡 and MJD.

俄罗斯境内出现无法正常下载Windows系统安装程序现象 来源:央视新闻客户端 2022-06-19 17:23
当地时间19日,塔斯社报道称,俄罗斯境内出现无法正常下载Windows 10和Windows 11系统安装程序的现象。目前微软公司尚未对此做出说明。(总台记者 王德禄) 责编:魏少璞
--it can explain why peterwalker321 also declared same issue on Building Business Intelligence Dashboards With Microsoft Excel website.
it is called blocade Russia but bad things happen to americans too. our ancestors called it as 损人不利己, 杀敌一千自损八百. from what i saw Russian cant 正常下载 Windows系统安装程序 is minor problem(MS can solve it quickly) while americans cant login their email, Microsoft Excel account are much worse and took long time not yet recover.
our ancestors told us 一动不如一静,静能生慧. it is the best advice for those long time app. software.
........................... Continue (6/21/2022 3-4:00am)
me: tonydi : how about clutchgirl mentioned "FYI - I was told when I did finally get to speak to a person back when I initially posted here that it was ATT locking folks out as they were security checking accounts...."
--i thought it is possible because during BUSH wars it was a scandal that at&t monitored their clients, i knew couple years ago at&t quit(or reduced) but it seemed this time usa and europe union very strongly against Russia, looks like if Russia WIN then they would die so monitoring happens again?
certainly when i saw some declared to repeated change password solved their problem and some dont. increase monitoring rate.

me: tonydi : Wonder what sort of a system update takes 7 months?
--how about robot auto monitor "security checking accounts" clients? i.e. robot issue scores by collecting clients opinions, the more not supporting current president or supporting another side such as Russia the higher score?
because i can also see the same bug happened to a cretain users in different years. that can be if the score reach certain level then trigger the bug.

ps clutchgirl : and it happened AGAIN !!!! locked out of my account on a monday morning.....
I have just been resetting and reusing the same password - seems to be holding so far. I am NOT changing my password every week.
FYI - I was told when I did finally get to speak to a person back when I initially posted here that it was ATT locking folks out as they were security checking accounts....

ps tonydi: I told the support agent it is a reoccurring issue that needs immediate attention & he replied w/the following: Id like to inform you that we got feedback from our Technical Team that there is an ongoing system update which may prevent you from logging in.
Wonder what sort of a system update takes 7 months?

tonydi: Some people are saying its those pesky space lasers again. 🙄
That AT&T database breach isnt the one that would have contained your Yahoo credentials although I guess the 3 billion users who have had their credentials compromised by Yahoo data breaches over the last handful of years might be a problem.
Of course if it were a data breach then the bad guys wouldnt be tripping the "too many attempts" flag for the vast majority of users who never change passwords.
Rumors of AT&T trying to get rid of the free email accounts by frustrating users have existed since Yahoo first took over as the provider of the email service. Every time Yahoo steps in its 💩 and breaks something, which I am fond of saying only happens on days that end in "y", people bring up this theory.
If AT&T wanted to get rid of the email service, why frustrate only certain users? Clearly this current problem only affects a small percentage of AT&T customers. None of my AT&T and legacy accounts have this problem and none of my clients have reached out asking for help. And the tech media have been radio silent so its not even a blip on their radar.
And the "make work" idea ignores the fact that the people responsible for fixing this are the people who already have permanent jobs as Yahoo engineers and software designers whether there are problems or not.
如果AT&T想要摆脱电子邮件服务,为什么只让某些用户感到沮丧呢?显然,目前这个问题只影响到AT&T的一小部分客户。我的AT&T和传统账户都没有这个问题,我的客户也没有一个向我寻求帮助。科技媒体一直保持沉默,所以这甚至不是他们的雷达上的一个光点。--it is quite silent. i would say they knew what behind and why happened to AT&T的一小部分客户 so 保持沉默 or att stock deeply down then wont do the nasty monitor job for government. the question is why those 一小部分客户 including me (my notebook IP address on the black listing?) but not spouse.

ps aunthelenirene : Well 2 months ago it happened and now I cant get into my email again. Got the same error code after trying to log in ONCE:
"Looks like you’ve tried to sign in unsuccessfully too many times. Recover your ID or reset your password to continue.
CARE CODE: 205.2 [LU003]"
Luckily, I was able to contact AT & T support by chat and for the first time ever, the issue was fixed in less than 5 MINUTES! So thankful! I told the support agent it is a reoccurring issue that needs immediate attention & he replied w/the following: Id like to inform you that we got feedback from our Technical Team that there is an ongoing system update which may prevent you from logging in. Rest assured that we are on top of this and we are working intensively to have this issue fixed as soon as possible. I would like to thank you for your patience while our systems are undergoing maintenance or being optimized for performance."
--however after i posted how i solved the problem but the solution was not work any more.
that reminds me whenever some one posted how to disable Microsoft new functions such as "one drive" related immediately that solution blockaded because one drive wants to collet fee, the solution is the biggest stone stop people paying it.
if it were not fee collect matters then did we a certain small portion clients cant login became the white mice as "a system update" tester?
--i cant post it as got "[a928c5a0-f197-11ec-9a64-c97e5ff7bdff]: Something went wrong. Please try again" message.
ps i did try on line chat att with techniction but i didnt buy their service such as direcTV or else so i selected at&t internet but no luck cant login cant get agent help.
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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