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2022/06/21 14:39:57瀏覽86|回應0|推薦0 | |
7/16/2022 on 7/13/2022 i went to talk another side neighour house 2 workers and was told the house going to sell next month after done some painting, clean.... jobs. they plan to sell $180,000
earlier old lady son told me the senior woman(owner) told him already moved to live with daughter and her house sold to her daughter friend on 7/21 is closing date. so i verified website house value and found out old lady house dropped down to $200,000, the other one(smaller) not yet posted. i got feeling the more senior houses would be on market soon. 7/18/2022 the old lady informed the son house is under contingent. 2 male mexican brothers. 8/26/2022 zillow showed old lady neighour house 8/22/2022 Sold $185,000 the other side neighour Contingent; next one : $125,152 Sold on 08/19/22 美国房地产市场陷入低迷 程度远比美联储承认的要糟 时间: 2022-08-25 16:38:04 【侨报网报道】一位著名经济学家表示,美联储的紧缩政策已使美国房地产市场陷入低迷——然而决策者尚未完全承认问题的严重程度。 根据纽约邮报报道,在联邦数据显示 7月份新单户住宅(single-family)的销售量触及近七年来的最低水平后,Pantheon Macroeconomics的首席经济学家谢普森( Ian Shepherdson)为房主提供了悲观的前景。 经季节性调整后的年增长率为 511,000套,销售额下降 12.6%,远低于市场普遍预期。 “房地产市场的状况比美联储愿意承认的要糟糕得多,”谢普森在给客户的一份报告中说。“但政策制定者已经明确表示,通胀是他们的主要目标,而住房是附带损害。” 在新冠大流行期间蓬勃发展之后,随着美联储提高利率以抑制通货膨胀,最近几个月房地产市场已经降温。美联储为冷却支出和减缓经济需求所做的努力导致房屋销售明显放缓和价格下跌。 根据房地美(Freddie Mac)的数据,自 1月份以来,抵押贷款利率几乎翻了一番,截至上周,30 年期贷款的利率已升至 5.13%。但自 6月份飙升至 5.8%以上以来,利率实际上已经略有下降,因为人们越来越担心美联储的行动将引发经济衰退。 谢普森表示,虽然新屋销售量已跌至大流行前水平以下,但房价放缓和近期抵押贷款利率下降表明“销售量的最大跌幅已经过去”。 同时,他警告说,房价“最糟糕的时刻还没有到来”。谢普森表示,尽管需求因负担能力的挑战而下降,但住房库存已达到 2009年 4月以来的最高水平。 “我们预计在可预见的未来,新房价格将逐月大幅下跌,”他说。 美联储主席鲍威尔承认,在7月份的银行会议之后,房地产市场的状况正在迅速变化。当时,他表示,冷却期最终将有助于那些在大流行时期的繁荣时期难以找到房子的潜在购房者。 “我想说,如果你是购房者,或者想要买房的年轻人,你需要重新调整一下,”鲍威尔说。“我们需要回到一个供需重新结合的地方,通货膨胀再次下降,抵押贷款利率再次下降。” 联邦公开市场委员会上个月的会议纪要也谈到了这个问题,并指出政策制定者意识到住房条件已经软化。 官员们表示,“住房活动明显减弱”,并预测“住房活动将继续放缓”。 正如《华盛顿邮报》报道的那样,本周 Zillow的分析显示,7 月份美国房价十年来首次下跌,与上个月相比下降了 0.1%。 最近几个月,谢普森多次对房地产市场的状况表示悲观。 7月,他警告说,他预计房价将因需求“暴跌”而“大幅”下跌。 当时,他预计房价相对于收入“被高估了大约 15%到 20%”。 编译:V ==================================== 【世界说】美媒:美政府行政令成本惊人 让工薪阶层纳税人背上“巨额”税单 来源:中国日报网 2022-07-16 16:43 中国日报网7月16日电 据福克斯新闻网站报道,拜登政府目前正在试图通过一系列行政手段重写美国的法规,而在这一过程已花费超过5000亿美元的税收。 据美国国会预算办公室数据,在短短16个月时间里,拜登政府实行的行政措施中八项成本最高项目已向美国纳税人收取了5320亿美元。例如,在参议院民主党人拒绝推进拜登提出的《平价医疗法案》扩展法案后,拜登大笔一挥,通过行政命令继续推进,提议向纳税人增收340亿美元。 图片来源:路透 拜登政府的许多行政措施旨在惠及民主党的富裕阶层。比如,他们延长学生贷款偿还期限的决定,使美国社会中不到40%的上过大学且终身收入更高的人群受益,而这是建立在牺牲60%没有上过大学的美国人的利益之上。 --should i say 民主党的惠及民主党的富裕阶层,共和党的惠及共和党富裕阶层 thats why pity middle-low income people are totured for many years? correct:1. 不到40%的上过大学且终身收入更高的人群受益? spouse 上过大学 as manager,50 years old was broken never got any 受益(even refused to apply IDES job loss benefit because afraid the jobless recording cant get better jobs in the future), 2 times failed in ivestment that i deeply suspect caused by usa presidents endless issued wars as the 3rd time investment i saw very clearly and afraid might fail again by Bush Obama Trump and Baiden wars. our ancestors 预测 showing i might living as the poor in the end now i completely believe it because usa bloody wars wont stop. 2. 牺牲60%+ 没有上过大学的 and 上过大学的 retired seniors and those no kids 美国人的利益之上。 到目前为止,暂停偿还贷款已经让纳税人付出了近1000亿美元的代价,这对工薪家庭而言,无疑是个沉重打击。他们被迫“救助”那些人数占学生贷款近三分之一,且来自20%最富裕阶层的人。此外,政府还单方面取消了4万名借款人的学生贷款债务,总共花费了30亿美元。 --i already point out spouse from the poor family cant but joined army 2 years so can get benefit to pay little 大学 tuition by himself as taxi driver job, ours also poor family so me and 2nd brother cant but gave up private 大学 but 重考 to be Public 大学生 to pay half cheaper tuition. the only Baiden should take action is to investigate why so high student loan rate if cant stop greedy loan companies why not offer government loan? 拜登甚至正在考虑再花费大约2300亿美元,用于取消收入达30万美元的家庭的1万美元学生债务。这不仅没有解决美国家庭因通货膨胀而面临的高物价问题,而且是一种可耻的政治策略,显然是为了维护民主党的富裕阶层而过度利用自己的职权。 --i would say Baiden did for himself 2nd term be elected by more younger group vote 民主党. 拜登政府行政措施不仅代价高昂,而且正在损害美国经济和美国工人。目前,由于拜登政府考虑不周的行政措施和经济政策很大程度上导致了美国劳动力短缺严重。由于通货膨胀,美国家庭今年花费超支将高于5000美元,而拜登政府却忙着发布行政命令,为广大纳税人们增加数以千亿美元的开支。 如果总统拜登放下他的笔,拿起一份报纸,也许会看到他的行政命令已经辜负了许多美国的家庭。 (编译:王晔 编辑:马芮) --he wont believe at all because that period time showing less youngers support him after waived 学生债务, it did look much better until more and more worse by his endless support the actor that ate up the stupid waived 学生债务 policy. ========================================= how our neighbours (89,67 old)face the biggest changes in 2022--very painful chnages 2022年邻居母子(89岁和67岁)面临的最大改变--非常痛苦的变化 PS 6/12/2022 OUR OLD LADY NEIGHBOUR went to live with her daughter for couple days, her son told me earlier that she might sell the house and he started put his tools in his trailer and showed to me. however yesterday afternoon he came to talk to me and i can see his panic that she suddenly decided and signed to live in medical care facility (hospital?) that she bought long term care would take care the expenses within 6? years and she paied over 20 years. this year the price jump up she thought should quit continue pay but has difficult to walk stairs and her shower bathroom not easy to modify at all. i felt sad for him who still imagination can live in a boat and have a trip to any other places. so i told that is bad for the senior and lots maintain jobs for the boat. if old lady not necessary needs to sell the house for money he could consider partial rent to 3 students each $500-$700/mon. then he worried only has 1 bathroom... he quit cigarettes for 3 years but now resume, and worried didnt buy long term insurance what would happen to him. we didnt buy either because the premium would jump up every year, before you really need you cant pay, the old lady may still alive but running out 6? years coverage, and every day is $250 what if not enough coverage? all i can say is to the senior any change would be a painful. he and his ex-wife have a son who came by couple days ago but wont move here to live with him while he cant offer the whole living expenses(his total monthly income is $2200 or $2700?, he cant wait 66 1/2 full retired age but applied SSA at 65 ie 80% down, may be qaulified for social benefit?). he suspect whether sister pushed mom made the final decision. i told him old lady mentioned that not used to living with daughter who wanted her sell the house couple times quite earlier. unfortunately the son didnt sense what she needs. this afternoon he showed to me their house which older than us, bought at his 4th grade and his father also expanded living room and garage plus tools shed and turned tub into shower with 2 steps that caused his mom problem this year. he just replaced with a new tall toilet for her. ps old lady neighbours son told me the city cancelled branches pick up unless put in garden paper bag with $3 ticket. i really want to tell city why not using 64/32 gal tank in stead of paper bags that can reduce residents paper bag cost and save forests beside whenever it is rainning day paper bag easy bottom broken that picker wont do anything but a mess it happened to me twice i have to buy bags again and clean the mess. besides we have long drive way and the paper bag with yard waste is very heavy. 64/32 gal tank has wheel easy to move and no worry raining days. he told me cant but put in garage until thanks-giving and christams holidiays for free, because he got over 10 bags already. i dont know when did $3 ticket begin, no wonder our mower did job quality down and some nasty neighbour dump yard wastes in our yards especially old house the nasty neighbour boy (whose father begs me offer mow job) kept dump branches and one big tall main branch, their small stones, broken bricks/cement.... it is worse and worse when neighbour is short of income for save money can dump to other yards. in Elgin water bill $5 for city LEAF RAKEOUT PROGRAM, REFUSE COLLECTION $19.30, SEWER (MAINTENANCE $1.81 + TRTMNT - FRWRD $2.68) $4.49, WATER (base $12.58 + use $4.53/gal) $17.11 total $45.9(1 gal water usage) ps base would be changed because days different from 30-33 $0.38/day every year the REFUSE COLLECTION and WATER price up. 6/15/2022 i would say our neighbours son must make a mistake from what i saw on line city website the only changes is all yard waste such as cut grass, wild weeds and spring-summer falling leaves put in paper bag with sticker but branches bundled and autumn falling leaves(10/1-12/3) put on side road nearby curb no need sticker. $3.05/purple sticker, 35Lb yard waste paper bag $1.3-$2.5/each on line shop +shipping fee $5?. certainly i prefer 35/64 Gal tank with weels.--ps 6/21/2022 i bundled branches when 11:15am pickup came, i auto help to put our 3 boundle branches in their truck and the driver came down picked up the last bundle. not all branches can put in paper bages or fall down and paper bags would break easily. that reminds me i never saw mower guy or the son nor the other side mexican family put their bundled branches. ps 6/20/2022 this afternoon our old lady returned with daughter. i went to chat with her and found she was at upset mood and told me soon goes to living in the assisatance appartment covered by long term insurance for 6 years, i invited her taking shower in our place and any time she could chat with me if needs. after i waked up around 5pm i went to check her and the son told me already left with sister and also very upset mood that real estate agent came today put "house for sale" sign already that old lady did tell me soon the cleaner and junks pickup coming. he told me his mom 89, he is 67, sister 66 another brother 65, none of them consider his situation and where he can live as $2200/mon(SSA+pension) with $80,000(or $180,000?) savings, no one told him the status... i let him vent the angry and adviced him do not think too much but focus on what items left in the house he needs and label it before tomorrow the pickup take away. he is considering about mobil house(already 15 years used) $89,000 for 65+ people, i warned him it still needs to pay monthly fee and that kind house just like auto car and $89,000 would be gone forever not mention repairing/replace cost such as roof or new mobil. he kept caughing and needs cigarette that he showed to me 2 packs cigarettes but would stop once empty(it would be very hard especially live alone), he told me he cant sleep last couple days, his mom told him wont give him a penny... and sister in charge all his mom money-related. i completely understood his feeling that he felt be dumpped completely by every relatives. he is the only one living with mom for many years and his mom just a couple weeks living with daughter then suddenly changed. i told him the long term care and her SSA+pension may not 100% cover for 6 years, those not on the policy listing insurance wont pay, thats maybe his sister wants to sell the house in a hurry(they expect for $230,000 sold as is, quite earlier the old lady told me planed to divide evenly for 3 kids). ps some reporting declared right now the house selling price is higer and may drop down caused by interest rate up. so it is another possible reason for the sister to sell mom house. 6/21/2022 in the morning old lady and other relatives came to get what they want i stayed away except waived my hand to the son, and afternoon the pick up truck came so i went to ask whether can examine our previous house owner(was carpenter) left lots tool-related in garage which he asked for $3000 to take away. i inquired how much our neighbour paied, he answeared $5000. later the son told me he has another 2 more times because today was too hot working in 2nd FL. unfortunately old lady ended to hurt the son a lot that didnt give him time to find a place so can keep some table, chairs, shevles... furnitures and some appliance he needs if the place doesnt provide. yesterday he told me his mom didnt see what he done such as organized garage which i saw him did good job. then he mentioned why he paint a line on the ground so his mom can park properly (she was parked in center but the son retired needs parking space for his van). however he didnt realize it was hard for 89 old mom changed the way. yesterday he asked me do i want to keep something. i turned down and earlier also turned down taiwan woman offered, i told them as seniors the less furnitures-related things the better. spouse bought too many already. i plan to clean out this year in case too old to move those things. he told me his mom asked him whether keeps some photos, why would he want them. Again the mom didnt know whats important to him now. when i asked him can he keep her car so can save oil expense? he told me the mom wants to sell it too. his van is 2001, mom is 2002 but only 60,000 mileage and better shape like new. Later he mentioned about his mom complaints the son hardly talked to her. this she told me already that the son inherited father side. when he still worked i told her he was exhausted as truck driver and arm already got trouble(he wanted to retire at 62 then i told him the health insurance quite expensive so i didnt buy). he explained she cant hear unless loudly. that I agreed with him its hard to make conversation. when i picked up my mom in 2000 we also visited mom side 92? old aunt who had same problem, in the end by writing to communication each other we all exhausted. even mom had same problem and all of them dislike hearing aided. however his sister and relatives never taking care her didnt realize how hard to talk old mom. my mom was very easy-going and good temper she told us if she can hear but didnt want to listen 2nd brother lots complaints she turned off her ears. if she cant hear clearly also by guessing what he talked as 鸡同鸭讲 we all laught. our family every one quite talktive type except eldest brother who had 口吃 that caused by one day he told joke but suddenly forgot and his face and ears gradually turned red, suddely all of us felt funny and laught since then he got 口吃 problem until got job as team leader learnt slowly communication then went away. the last he mentioned is: he cant help her taking the bath, he could do for father. i would say he is not flexible type and didnt realize the best for him and mom if can live together as long as possible. my 2nd brother did that because he needed her so eldest brother would support him(i also did what i can). besides he is fat-tall type that is not easy help her without breath short problem. i did mention care giver might $10/hr (was told by taiwan woman) and not need every day take shower. however the old lady is not trust unknown stranger at all. i knew she is afraid as so many bad things happen in usa. even one of the senior woman went the same her barber shop was murdered(they all suspect the relative nephew? did, i asked her detail that the boss went to the site because the client missed appointment then found garage door didnt close which was not the client habit and died in bed with right foot on the ground, i suspect the killer is abuser). why i knew? because it happened to me the 3rd person abused my ankle, i was extreamly painful but struggling waked up too late so didnt catch the person in time. after that it stopped but abused my other portion. however later years still happened couple times after i waked up next day found difficult to walk without pain. ps 6/23/2022 spouse saw 2 tree-cutting guys trim their trees. i aslo noticed a usa flag in front door area. i inquired spouse whether a flag in our house can use to attract buyers if sell our old house. he told me that is a flag put on his father coffin, any one who was service in the army would get a flag from government. he assumed can, i doubt because different colour, blue not red(i would verify later). ps 6/25/2022 the son told me he made a bid on $59,000+ with $300 less than what requested. i told him saw 3? buyers came by. he said the agent text to him that he has to leave the house. so i told him can help us move the not working car so he can park his car there, any time can sit in his car till buyers left. he told me his son not far away just went to there this afternoon. And i wish him luck to get the mobil house. ps 6/26/2022 our old ladys son today told me he bid succeeded for mobil house about $59,000, 7/25? move in, im happy for him that he realized mobil house just same as auto car so he gave up $95,000 but $59,000(27 years old, tax $360+/yr, he estimated $700/mm to pay mobil management company and utilities plus cable). he also printed out and showed me the mobil house 20+ photos(not bad condition with ramp to the door). he mentioned about his sister might run away with moms money(just a joke) then i told him if his sister no worry about her financial in the future then she might give him a bit about whatever her mom left money, but if she is not doing well(very likely invest her money too) then just forget what he should get. people change when they need something especially money. he told me his sis in charge all mom money-related and will, old lady did tell me about some one invested her money, i warned her be careful. i wonder whether her investment got trouble that she already stopped pay her long term care monthly fee for 2? months then suddenly decided to live in medical care appartment under insurance covering. the son told me he called and told his mom that she can visit him, has 2 bedroom, 2 bath, with ramp. the son is not fool, and still help clean and organized the house after 6? interested buyers visited yestertoday and today. here is quite good living environment with big park with zoo and good size river-type with lake accross street. we and the rich guy neighbour both end side are a lot with trees. it would be easy to sell the house quickly. |
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