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2022/06/25 17:59:26瀏覽91|回應0|推薦0 | |
又一致命疫情在美国暴发!确诊病例数超5年平均水平,已致7人死亡 来源:环球时报新媒体
2022-06-24 21:40 据美国广播公司(ABC)24日报道,美国佛罗里达州近日暴发脑膜炎球菌感染,联邦和州卫生官员正在展开调查。美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的数据显示,截至周二,已有至少24例确诊病例,7例死亡病例。 报道称,此次疫情较为严重,以至于联邦卫生机构称这是“美国历史上在同性恋和双性恋男性中暴发的最严重脑膜炎球菌疫情之一”。 佛罗里达州卫生部表示,确诊病例的数量已经超过了该州5年来脑膜炎球菌感染病例的平均数量。 “这令人担忧,因为这种病菌有相当高的致死率,”加州大学旧金山分校的医学教授和传染病专家彼得·钱洪博士(Peter Chin-Hong)告诉ABC新闻,“这不是类似恼人的皮疹或疖子之类的东西。即使你使用了抗生素,它也可能会杀死你。” 脑膜炎球菌疫苗 图源:美媒 据悉,感染脑膜炎球菌可能引发脑膜炎——即大脑和脊髓内壁发炎。美国CDC表示,可能出现的症状包括头痛、发烧、颈部僵硬、恶心、呕吐,如果病毒感染了血液,还会出现深紫色皮疹。 这种疾病通过体液(主要是唾液)交换传播,需要长时间的密切接触才会被感染,这使得它的传播能力低于普通感冒或流感。 美国CDC还表示,大约十分之一的感染者的鼻子或喉咙后面存在这种病菌,但他们自己不会生病,这使他们成为“携带者”。 根据该机构的数据,脑膜炎球菌可能致命,约10%至15%的感染者会因此死亡。 报道称,虽然这种疾病主要是在同性恋和双性恋群体中发现的,但目前没有证据表明它是一种性传播疾病。 皮特表示,某些人被感染的风险更高,包括那些生活在拥挤的地方或患有艾滋病的人,但这不是所谓的“同性恋病”。 他补充说,公众面临的风险很低,因为脑膜炎球菌疫情的暴发往往是地方性的,通常不会从一个州传播到另一个州。但他敦促人们遵循CDC的建议,即任何被认定为有感染脑膜炎球菌风险的人群,如果他们住在佛罗里达州或计划前往佛罗里达州,都应该接种脑膜炎球菌疫苗。 美国CDC国家免疫和呼吸系统疾病中心主任何塞·罗梅罗(José Romero)博士在一份声明中说:“接种脑膜炎球菌疫苗是预防这种严重疾病的最好方法,这种疾病能够很快变得致命。” 责编:王怡 --in 2006 Nov i infected H1N1(earlier was ATT female went to NY ate in restaurant then infected, due to dying so returned to ILL), in 2009 usa medias reporting FL, CA, NY then IL....? that time i thought CA should be the 1st. Baiden better focus on usa indoors business not target at Russia and China. expecially China government did greatest jobs in dealing with Covid-10 while in usa many people died. who taking care their people? China is the best. ===================================== 综述:美式人权霸凌在日内瓦受到坚决抨击 来源:新华网 2022-06-25 16:05 新华社日内瓦6月25日电 综述:美式人权霸凌在日内瓦受到坚决抨击 新华社记者聂晓阳 2022年是美国高调退出联合国人权理事会后重返的第一年,重返联合国人权理事会的美国“劳心费力”加大对中国等一些国家的抹黑攻击力度。美国基于双重标准和人权问题政治化对他国指手画脚,美式人权霸凌一次又一次在人权理事会会议上受到广大国家的坚决抨击。 正在日内瓦举行的联合国人权理事会第50届会议上,美国、荷兰等国翻炒谎言冷饭,利用莫须有的指控在涉疆等问题上抹黑中国。在会外,一些西方国家支持的非政府组织也跟风起哄。对此,中国常驻日内瓦代表团予以坚决反击。 中国代表在发言中说,中国坚持以人民为中心,成功走出一条顺应时代潮流、适合本国国情的人权发展道路。当前新疆社会安全稳定、发展持续向好、人民安居乐业。美国、荷兰等国无视自身存在的严重人权问题,反而出于政治目的,再次用谎言和谣言对中国抹黑攻击,打压遏制中国发展,中国坚决反对。 中国代表说,近年来已有来自100多个国家的2000多位外交官、国际组织官员、专家、记者和宗教人士参访新疆,“凡是访问过新疆的外方人士,都认为他们在新疆的所见所闻同西方政客、媒体的描述完全不同”。 随后,近百个国家在会上以共同发言或单独发言等不同方式,表达对中国正当立场的理解和支持。其中古巴代表近70个国家做共同发言,指出尊重各国主权、独立和领土完整,不干涉主权国家内政是国际关系基本准则。新疆、香港、西藏事务是中国内政,反对将人权问题政治化和实行双重标准,反对以人权为借口干涉中国内政。 今年3月,在联合国人权理事会第49届会议期间,委内瑞拉常驻日内瓦代表罗萨雷斯表示,美国等国动辄对发展中国家指责诬蔑,实施非法单边强制措施,给有关国家人民造成深重苦难。这些国家以“人权教师爷”自居,自身人权状况却令人震惊,西方主流媒体也刻意回避。国际社会应持续关注美国等国侵犯人权行为,追究其责任。 在联合国人权理事会第49届会议期间举行的“美式人权观及其对全球人权治理的危害”边会上,韩国崇实大学教授田收米认为,美国在国际交往中只是将人权作为获取国家利益的道德资本。拜登政府攻击中国人权状况,其目的只是获得道德资本,使其为美国的霸权政治服务。 巴勒斯坦社会发展部部长艾哈迈德·马吉达拉尼在一场涉疆问题视频会议上坦言,美国国内种族主义泛滥,穆斯林群体首当其冲,美国还一直标榜自己是少数族裔人权捍卫者,实则最没有资格谈论穆斯林人权。 联合国人权理事会前民主公平国际秩序问题独立专家德扎亚斯日前接受新华社记者采访时说,无论是美国等西方国家还是一些所谓的非政府组织,他们关心的并非是真正的人权问题,而是借人权问题向中国“敲响信息战的战鼓”。 德扎亚斯直言,美国借不实宣传影响舆情,史上不乏先例。在政治宣传掩盖下,美国2003年发动了伊拉克战争,2011年又借政治宣传给袭击利比亚造势。“我们必须对人权的政治化和武器化说不,必须坚决抵制这种价值观的腐败。” 本月13日,在德扎亚斯的个人学术网站上,他同联合国前人权特别报告员理查德·福尔克共同发表文章,批评美国等国家选择性地看待人权问题。 对这种怪现象,德扎亚斯和福尔克在文章中一针见血地指出:“(美国和西方)仇视中国和仇恨言论的合唱本身违反了《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,是一种机会主义和不诚实的表现。”(参与记者:陈俊侠、徐驰) 责编:韩雯雯 --no wonder usa itself cant solve gun shot serious problem and now 堕胎权 brought up, what is the next one? from my view it is caused by how to perform usa 宪法 in proper way, not because 宪法 define "freedom" then americans can have freedom without bottom that turns out "I have freedom but you dont", or "only the bastards can have freedom but not decent people" . as 堕胎权 i would say not because women have 堕胎权 then can make other people suffering higher and higher insurance premium. if they pay 堕胎 fee by themselves i wont againt it at all. i agree in certain case can get insurance coverage such as raped and have police recording. i heard some one mentioned husband raped wife, it is very simple to save money to get insurance coverage the couple in the end would "agree" to report to police. if the husband dont want to have bad records such as politician, professor, company CEO... they would control themselves or definitely pay it. for those low end jobs husband either accept 结扎 or stop. any way pay by pockets could reduce rape. ps if police caught the rapers, the rapers have to pay 堕胎 fee to insurance company under monitor so cant jump next year insurance premium too high. same as what usa done to othetr pity countries who are in master black listing and adding more and more in. from what i saw master very short history IQ caused what happen in usa today that the law protect bad seeds very well but not victims. the most sardonic is master cant solve itself serious many problems without knowing the reason but continue black China no wonder except master group cant but 在日内瓦受到坚决抨击. ps didnt it happen scandals in usa that private jails force criminals hard working without pay or very very little? didnt usa company already denied China 新疆 existing whatever master accused? master group is very disgusting pretended 视而不见 blinders. ps in my parents generation didnt know 结扎 after younger brother born(got 5 kids), mom did 2nd 堕胎 then doctor talked to father about 结扎 and inquired who should do 结扎, father answeared wife but doctor said: you are wrong it is you should do 结扎. father agreed(not remember whether got discount or not). that time we were quite poor(mom had to borrow money from my aunt from her side to pay kids tuition) and didnt exist any social benefits or health insurance so paied by pocket. when father getting old he complaint that should not have so many kids that he cant enjoy life but working hard. indeed for saving bus tickets he always walked. except playing gambling(挖花 and 麻将) and when we were kids brought us to climb mountains and sea side swimming. frequently worked all night that sometimes i waked up would 陪伴他 till fell slept again. thats why i never against 堕胎 until spouse company began cutting down health insurance coverage and without knowing ended to pay lots fee, it became worse and worse. after Trump declared no penalty if not buying Obama healthcare which paied for nothing and very high premium $800+? for the cheapest type, i immediately quit till got medicare this year. the poor got free insurance but turned the pity middle-low income cant buy. as over 65 堕胎权 event has nothing to do with me but speak for those under 65 pity middle-low income if still suffering what happened to me. ps 纽约市长亚当斯透露他15岁时女友选择了堕胎 时间: 2022-06-25 09:48:12 侨报网 --i would say usa really needs family eduction that told the daughters either parents cant pay the expensive 堕胎 fee or the boyfriend and his family has to pay, be smart dont do stupid thing at least dont hurt us to pay. while another side can teach their boys that we are not rich enough to pay your girlfriend 堕胎 fee either how about 50-50. i bet such 堕胎 wont happen because the girlfriend would terminate the friendship. it is not worth too young and hurt her body. that is why when doctor saw mom cant but 2nd time 堕胎 for her healthy made father took 结扎. 外国专家:中国为全球人权事业作出贡献 来源:中国日报网 2022-06-25 16:04 尼泊尔国际关系专家马赫什·帕塔克6月24日在《中国日报》撰文指出,对最不发达国家和发展中国家而言,人权主要涉及健康权、教育权、生计权和平等权,还包括为增进民生福祉推进包容性社会和法治建设,推动良政善治,实现可持续发展。各项数据表明,中国为全球人权事业作出贡献。 --平等权 is very im portant and unfortunately usa didnt care "平等权" at all, this is why 俄罗斯 request 平等对话 but master ignored and continue no ending donate weapons to the actor. And still only master group and G7 no other countries standby master side. 中国脱贫攻坚为世界作出表率 许多发展中国家面临着相似的挑战,包括收入不平等、普遍贫困、教育水平和识字率较低、基础设施不足、腐败以及针对妇女的暴力事件频发。为了克服此类挑战,这些国家应该将减贫与良政善治相结合,确保所有人都能诉诸司法,并促进基层社区发展倡议。 大多数发展中国家迫切需要更好的基础设施、新的产业和经济刺激措施。因此,它们应该着眼于建设新的基础设施、发展新产业,以促进经济发展。这将确保民众能够参与、促进并享受经济、社会、文化和政治发展,并助力政府更好地保护人权。 得益于40余年的经济高速发展,中国有能力向其他有需要的国家提供帮助。在经济快速发展的背景下,约8亿中国人摆脱了绝对贫困,民众所享有的医疗、教育以及其他服务的水平也显著提升。中国脱贫攻坚战造福的人数之多堪称史无前例。 中国不仅在消除绝对贫困方面取得巨大成功,也为全球减贫作出杰出贡献,其他国家备受鼓舞、纷纷效仿。 中国致力于构建人类命运共同体 新冠疫情让世界各国面临更严峻的挑战,最不发达国家和发展中国家首当其冲。与此同时,疫情表明,世界是一个人类命运共同体。中国在不断为全球抗疫作出贡献的同时,也在重申这一事实。 中国与国际社会共享疫情相关信息,中国科学家更是研发出几种新冠疫苗。中国将新冠疫苗出口到其他国家,助力全球抗疫。中国还向其他国家输送医疗设备、派遣医疗团队,帮助它们控制疫情。 作为世界第二大经济体,中国是全球经济增长的最大贡献者,也是经济和政治大国。作为最大的发展中国家,中国为尼泊尔应对发展和经济改革提供了宝贵经验,让尼泊尔经济社会发生了翻天覆地的变化。 中国40多年来取得的成就堪称奇迹,激励着尼泊尔等国共同努力,共建人类命运共同体。 责编:韩雯雯 --China also calling for help Afghen, what master done? the mouth random say say declared usa standy by Afghen people but wont return Afghen people money that they really need now. ps 外交部:中国政府决定向阿富汗提供5000万元紧急人道主义援助 来源:外交部 2022-06-25 18:20 --how about master group, especailly those very rotten rich countries who black China 新疆、香港、西藏中国内政事务? 微软报告:限流也没用,俄罗斯媒体在美乌两国访问量猛增 来源:环球时报新媒体 2022-06-24 21:41 据俄罗斯卫星通讯社6月23日报道,为了惩罚俄罗斯在乌克兰采取的特别军事行动,西方国家竭力打压俄罗斯媒体机构,减少其网站的访问量并封锁其社交媒体渠道。然而,事实证明这些努力似乎是徒劳的。 图源:俄罗斯卫星通讯社报道截图 报道称,微软公司表示,尽管遭到流量限制措施的打压,受制裁的俄罗斯卫星通讯社(Sputnik)和今日俄罗斯电视台(RT)制作的内容,在美国和乌克兰两国仍然有很高的需求。 该公司周三表示:“即使尽了一切努力来减少对卫星通讯社和RT的访问量,俄罗斯宣传的消费量仍高于(乌克兰)战争之前(在美国每月约为6000万人次,与《华尔街日报》网站持平)。” 报道提出,微软公司的一份报告显示,自2022年1月以来,俄罗斯媒体网站在美国的访问量大幅增加。报告补充说,对俄罗斯媒体内容的消费活动最高峰出现在2月24日,当时飙升了82%。 该报告还表示,乌克兰的情况与此类似,自2月最后一周以来,被微软公司认定为“俄罗斯宣传”的内容消费量增长了216%,并在3月2日达到峰值。微软指出,此后消费量开始下降,但较俄罗斯在乌克兰的军事行动开始之前,仍保持着更高水平。 报道称,2月24日俄罗斯对乌克兰展开特别军事行动以来,西方国家对俄罗斯实施了全面制裁行动,包括关闭领空和出台针对众多俄罗斯官员和实体、新闻媒体和金融机构的限制性措施。 责编:李莹莹 --when i told spouse should read both side stories, then he told me he did and listing usa, British and other europe countries medias but not RT. you can see why i point out americans are lack of logical from Baiden to spouse. i wonder those visiting RT website got punished such as cant login Building Business Intelligence Dashboards With Microsoft Excel website(posted by peterwalker321) and att-yahoo(happened to me and a certain other clients according to tonydi) or got those supporting Baiden(including 乌克兰人在 usa) hackers attacking so login failed? can 微软 prove my suspicious about "robot auto monitor "security checking accounts" clients? i.e. robot issue scores by collecting clients opinions, the more not supporting current president(not just Baiden but since Bush) or supporting another side such as Russia the higher score? because i can also see the same bugs happened to a cretain users in different years. that can be if the score reach certain level then trigger the bugs. "? ps the bugs such as "Cursor moving" happened to me and tried to google search the solution then found out others got the problem much earlier than me, finally it stopped but happened again in years later then repeatedly. the worst is onedrive and file explorer caused data files auto deleted problems. |
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