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俄媒:普京接受访问土库曼斯坦邀请 来源:环球网 2022-06-10 20:47
【环球网报道 记者 赵建东】当地时间10日,俄罗斯总统普京与土库曼斯坦总统谢尔达尔·别尔德穆哈梅多夫在莫斯科举行会谈。据塔斯社报道,普京在会谈中接受了别尔德穆哈梅多夫对其发出的访土邀请。 俄媒:普京接受访问土库曼斯坦邀请 报道称,别尔德穆哈梅多夫对普京的热情款待表示感谢,“我想借此机会邀请您在方便的时间对土库曼斯坦进行正式访问”,别尔德穆哈梅多夫说道。普京回答,“谢谢,我一定利用这次机会。” 塔斯社称,别尔德穆哈梅多夫在会谈结束时还向媒体公开表示,阿什哈巴德(土库曼斯坦首都)高度重视与莫斯科的合作。报道称,这是其上任以来的首次正式出访 被判死刑英国雇佣兵对俄媒表示后悔:我原本亲俄…… 来源:环球时报新媒体 2022-06-10 19:54 据今日俄罗斯电视台(RT)9日报道,顿涅茨克“最高法院”当天以“充当雇佣兵”并“试图以武力夺取权力”的罪名判处两名英国公民艾登·埃斯林和肖恩·平纳以及一名摩洛哥公民易卜拉欣·萨阿敦死刑。在被判死刑之前,埃斯林在接受RT采访时表示,如今他对自己为乌克兰作战的决定而感到后悔。 俄罗斯RT网站报道截图 埃斯林说道,西方媒体在说服他支持乌克兰方面起到了重要作用,最终使他成为政治游戏中的一枚“棋子”。他表示,自己自2014年以来一直关注乌克兰冲突,并且“最初是亲俄”和“亲顿巴斯”的。他称自己支持克里米亚入俄,并认为顿巴斯人民有权“独立”。 他还承认,“在我开始看到(西方)媒体报道之后,我的观点开始改变”,并补充说他当时看的是美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、英国广播公司(BBC)和美国福克斯新闻网。自从向顿涅茨克民兵武装投降后,他发现自己与顿巴斯武装人员的共同点要多于他曾经一同战斗过的乌克兰士兵。他说道:“我被欺骗了。” 艾登·埃斯林接受RT采访 埃斯林还称,他甚至收到了“亚速营”武装人员的威胁。他之前以为,“亚速营”在被纳入乌克兰国民警卫队后发生了变化,但最终亲眼看到的是“他们并没有太大变化”。他还对乌克兰军队的训练水平持怀疑态度,称“他们不像他们想的那样专业”,例如他们的炮兵训练“不太标准”,所以有可能会错过军事目标而击中民用基础设施。 在回忆过往时,埃斯林称自己当时不应该加入乌克兰军队,而应找一份文职工作,这样就不会成为一枚“棋子”。他还指责乌克兰政府未能结束冲突,“他们(乌政府)本可以轻松结束战争。他们有机会,但他们没有选择这样做”。 报道援引埃斯林的说法称,他现在感觉自己被乌克兰和英国抛弃了,在被俘后他联系乌克兰方面的所有尝试均未成功,而且自投降以来,乌克兰总统泽连斯基“一次”都没有提到他的案件。与此同时,埃斯林及其律师联系过的英国官员只是一直在说,他是乌克兰的“最优先考虑对象”。现在,他敦促可能考虑为乌军作战的其他外国人不要“被欺骗而卷入一场你们不应该参与的战争”。 责编:樊羽玮 因说话带口音,华裔女子殴打拉丁裔女子被控仇恨犯罪 时间: 2022-06-06 06:34:44 来源: 北京《环球时报》 编辑: 陆雨 【侨报网综合讯】近日在加州山景城一处星巴克咖啡店里,一名华裔女子袭击了一名拉丁裔女子,只因为后者说英语带口音。目前这名华裔女子已因仇恨犯罪被捕。 --all immigrations 说英语带口音 including me but chinese 口音 much less than 印度裔,墨西哥裔 that even spouse hardly understood what are they talking about. it is quite unusal but not too surprised especially 是一名教徒 very easily be brain-washed by priest-like in church. didnt our rotten MJD denied they were chinese? i also saw some the black believe they were the white. 北京《环球时报》援引当地媒体报道,警方介绍称,这名华裔女子名叫Daixin Neill-Quan,33岁。她在袭击那名拉丁裔女子前并未与后者有过任何接触,该女子也没招惹过她。但在听到这名拉丁裔女子点咖啡时说出英语带有口音后,Quan先是用种族主义的言语辱骂了这名拉丁裔女子,让其“滚回自己的国家”,然后还拿出手机拍摄对方,称要把对方举报给美国政府和军方将其遣返。 --it happened to us when mom appliedthen picked up eyeglasses that she should get benefit for free, the white threaton to 举报 us 给美国政府 who suspect we were illegal immigrations and not citizen. i called our township and 举报. the case was solved. i got explaination that government cut off the social benefit budget so each eyeglasses store had a limit number allowed so when mom applied was told free but then kicked off by the store because her colour and ignored mom was quite old. when i disputed why lied right in the beginning and refused to pay which irritated the white.... 在这名拉丁裔女子阻拦她的拍摄行为时,Quan则殴打了她。 同时,Quan还辱骂了星巴克店的印度裔店长,甚至把这名印度裔店长误当成了墨西哥人,称要把他遣返回墨西哥,并让他“滚回自己的国家”。 目前,Quan已经因仇恨犯罪和殴打他人被捕。至于这起发生在5月28日的案子为何现在才被警方披露,当地警方称因为案发当天是周末,由于人为失误而耽误了。 有网民还扒出了疑为这名华裔女子在推特和脸书上的社交账号,并留言对她进行谴责和批判。这些社交账号的姓名与头像照片都与警方通报的华裔女子的信息对得上。 Daixin Neill-Quan。(图片来源:Daixin Neill-Quan推特。) 从账号内容来看,该女子似乎是前总统特朗普的铁杆支持者,曾在2020年5月17日在自己的社交账号上发帖庆祝特朗普没有被国会弹劾,并在2021年1月19日在自己的脸书账号上发帖控诉民主党和媒体迫害特朗普,还用种族主义的口吻辱骂了副总统贺锦丽。 --i would say all Trump supporters very dislike 贺锦丽, the rich guys wife told me 贺锦丽 tried to let 6 years old child decide their sex-type that i also strong against because too young to know well and still have time to modify if parents pay enough attention. the rich guy told me about 贺锦丽 sex life which i cant tell is rumour or else. both side spread lots liars including black China by all means. they wont accept if any happens to Baiden then 贺锦丽 becomes usa president. 此外,她似乎还是一名教徒,在一些帖文中多次表达对“上帝”的感谢。 --i would say she is, many from china due to lonely so they went to church. every week the priest-like brain-washed them. when i was in university my female classmate dragged me to her church about 4 times/a month the priest wanted us raise our hands admitted we were sinner. i thought crazy but did see one by one raised their hands... i quit maybe most of them did something wrong but i never hurt any one. this is the 1st step to brain-washed the believer. one of church sent 2 female visited us couple times after we moved in 2013 and our old lady warned me that church is evil-type should stay away, later they mailed to me including this year my spouse also told me the same thing. however chinese from china and me wont tell good or evil and those evil type definitely target at new commer immigrations especially 台獨 attend churches. 另外,Quan似乎曾经在广东佛山生活过,称自己曾在当地读中学,并在2008年时发布过多张自己在佛山生活的照片。 Quan的一个个人网站显示她2013年毕业于波士顿大学的传播学院,并称自己拥有一个“市场营销”网站。(完) 美国多州公路枪击事件近年激增 来源:央视新闻客户端 2022-06-06 08:02 美国官方统计数据显示,近年来,加利福尼亚州、密歇根州等地的公路枪击事件呈激增趋势,而破案率非常低,日益引发公众担忧。 美国全国广播公司3日援引官方统计数据报道,加州2019年报告发生210起公路枪击事件,2021年1月至11月报告发生将近500起,增幅之大令人震惊。在2021年的近500起事件中,共有50人丧生,数百人受伤。 在密歇根州,管理部门注意到公路枪击事件明显增加后,于2021年开始统计具体数据。密歇根州警方一名发言人告诉媒体,这个州最大城市底特律及其周边地区2021年报告发生67起公路枪击事件。 在伊利诺伊州,高速公路枪击事件近期频繁发生,迫使州政府出台多项措施,但成效如何有待观察。 --hardly saw the bad news reporting about ILL because the medias already became dumb that every day gun shot killed people.. 当美国全国广播公司询问其他州的公路枪击事件数据时,佐治亚州、宾夕法尼亚州、内华达州、佛罗里达州、纽约州和科罗拉多州官员回复说没有相关统计数据,俄亥俄州、亚利桑那州、得克萨斯州和华盛顿州则未予答复。 受公路上车来车往、噪音淹没枪声等因素影响,这些公路枪击案的破案率非常低。例如,去年加州只有大约8%的公路枪击案有嫌疑人被捕;伊利诺伊州为5%;密歇根州情况略好,32%。 加州公路巡逻队官员瑞安·斯通布雷克说:“许多驾车者甚至没意识到有子弹飞过来了,直到开回家才发现车身有弹孔。这样就很难判断,到底是在哪个路段中弹的?” 美国多个政府部门以及各类机构注意到公路枪击事件激增,已着手研究具体原因,暂无定论。一些专家推测,公路枪击事件激增与枪支销售量增加、新冠疫情期间人们焦虑程度上升、“路怒症”更易发作等多重因素存在关联。 --from what i saw our rich neighbour and wife have sort of NOV election 焦虑 and income pressure. 斯通布雷克注意到,虽然加州2021年与黑帮暴力相关的公路枪击事件同比减少38%,但是与路怒症相关的公路枪击事件同比增加54%。 艾丽西亚·本顿是一位悲伤的母亲。她去年11月18日从佐治亚州亚特兰大市给女儿阿马妮·莫里斯及两个外孙打电话,当时女儿一家人正驱车行驶在加州旧金山一条公路上。本顿没料到,这是自己最后一次与女儿通话。就在电话挂断几分钟后,流弹击中汽车,29岁的女儿随即殒命,而这起枪击案至今没有破案。本顿说:“我很愤怒,因为警方应该要努力破案才对!” 专家开始注意到,公路枪击事件破案率低可能增加公众对警察的负面评价。美国斯普林·希尔学院犯罪学教授佩奇·沃恩说:“民众认为执法部门无能、反应迟钝、缺乏装备,无法确保公共安全。” 责编:赵钰阳 --it already no safety place in usa, during Bushs wars our road frequently heard drivers(maybe the same person) made a huge noice. it stopped but now happened again every day. is the driver 路怒症? spouse just quite upset and thought police should wait to catch those bastards to make good money. Putin knew very well why usa inflation because Printing too many paper dollars, why Europe suffering inflation? because 能源政策 made biggest mistakes. At least usa 财政部长耶伦 admitted she under estimated inflation that has nothing to do with Russia. when 耶伦 finally can perform to reduce China products import taxes, Nov election already failed, americans lost their patience right now. our old house neighbour using pity eyes wanted his 12 years old son mows our lawn... and explained his house in British is going to sell and money quite tight now. he is desperately but due to unknow junks and grass was destroyed i am quite hesitate to agree. ps 6/4/2022 earlier banker told me they can offer higher CD rate for us but on 5/31/2022 it turned out their investment dept. talked to us. in the beginning declared 3.5% annuity then found out we have no interesting to buy their recommanded quite low risk mutual funds and others, it became 3.1% because they cant earn more money from CD-like. i told them if they manage our investments we can pay the fee but not if lose money. we all knew even 3-3.5% wont cover the inflation but over 20 years i can see our investment unit price didnt continue step up but every war immediately down to purchased price even lower and worry those unit price under $10 would any time crashed because the war wont stop. im study "美联储缩表,现实要比想象更复杂" now to make sure any our investment be impacted by 美联储缩表, to see whether earlier enough to cut off. ps 美联储缩表,现实要比想象更复杂 2022-06-01 20:19:03 来源:微信公众号“宏观芝道” 最后更新: 2022-06-01 20:41:39 湖畔看彩虹 : 这篇文章把美联储缩表的机制解释得算是比较清楚了,用一句话概括,缩表的玩法就是美联储减少购买(new short term 美国国债)或者(加上, not 或者)卖出作为资产持有的(those became short term)美国国债,将获得的资金用以偿还美联储债务(对应文中的存款准备金和ON RRP),再想办法让金融机构拿到钱后去接盘美债。换句话说,美联储没法再以印钞的方式接美债了,想换成让社会存量资金接盘。 所以成败的关键就在于谁来接盘美债?如果在国债利率没有大幅上涨的情况下这两种工具接住了,说明缩表成功了。 --my question is 美联储缩表 so can increase interest rate to attract investors buy on 美联储 hands short, middle and long term 美国国债? 但谁能保证美国国内有充足的资金接盘?有资金也不一定有流动性。如果万一真的接不了盘导致国债利率大幅上涨,那么美股泡沫被刺破的可能性是极高的。 --i would say 有资金 but investors are lack of interesting to buy because print too much paper money caused quite high risk. haaa i bet the bank investment dept tried to allure us to buy 美国国债. no wonder from investment company on line i caught the "10-Year T-Note" after daily market closed still would change data that confused me a lot whether it were 24 hours updated. japanese quite united together bought huge their japan 国债 but this year they cant so japan$ deeply down. 所以更保险的方式就是文中没有提到而美国挖空心思正在做的:让美国以外的资金流入美国充当国债接盘的缓冲垫,越多越好,越多就越可以压低美国债利率而减少缩表对美国实体经济的冲击,金融实体两头都可以保住,同时美联储缩表也会更充分,可以彻底做到“返老还童”,有利于下一次扩表。 --exactly, and our rotten 黑心蔡 already cheat taiwan people invest in usa market and thats how my 2 nephews were 被套牢. 其实现在美股涨势衰竭,说不定哪天就一泄而下,缩表应该不是个好的时机,可能是国内通胀高企让美联储不能再等,总得先救一头, --think about how long usa banks interest rate almost 0%? what is inflation rate jump up?缩表 already cant hold any more or more low end jobs cant find workers but shut down because if restaurants meals price up but amount reduced then much less clients come. same happens to grocery stores clients no sale no visit. 所以欧洲和日本资金进来后就忙不迭开始了,同时让日元异常贬值也有看住人民币汇率,防止在缩表时被人民币升值偷袭的意思。 --人民币升值 is definitely on the route, 日元异常贬值 maybe more japanese would suicide, maybe can export more products in usa or else, maybe more investors stop invest in japan markets... 美国超750名车主投诉特斯拉不明原因刹车 监管部门要求车企配合调查 来源:央视新闻客户端 2022-06-05 10:14 综合美联社及哥伦比亚广播公司4日消息,美国国家公路交通安全管理局在6月3日公布的一份文件显示,全美有超750名特斯拉车主投诉在使用特斯拉汽车部分自动驾驶功能时,汽车在道路上发生不明原因的急停刹车。 美国国家公路交通安全管理局要求特斯拉提供其收到的所有与错误制动有关事件的报告,包括因相关事件引发的车祸、伤亡以及财产损失。该文件落款日期为5月14日。 此外,该文件要求特斯拉在6月20日前提交相关报告,但该公司可以申请延期。 在今年2月,美国国家公路交通安全管理局宣布,将对41.6万辆特斯拉汽车展开正式调查。原因是该机构接到投诉称,特斯拉的自动驾驶辅助系统Autopilot出现了刹车意外激活的情况。 责编:王怡 波及1万人!马斯克:特斯拉需要裁员约10%,并暂停全球招聘 据媒体报道,马斯克在本周四发给特斯拉高管的一封电子邮件中称,公司需要“裁员约10%”。 在这封题为“暂停全球招聘”的电子邮件中,他说:“我对经济有一种非常糟糕的感觉。” 特斯拉今年2月提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的年度财务报表显示,截至2021年底,其全球员工人数为99290人。这意味着此次裁员人数将接近1万人。 消息公布后,特斯拉在法兰克福证券交易所跌超3%。 马斯克发出“强制到岗令”:要么来公司上班,要么走人 而华尔街见闻昨天介绍,在周四给高管的这封邮件之前,马斯克就向员工发出了“强制到岗令”,要求特斯拉员工要么每周在办公室工作至少40个小时,要么就算作是辞职。他的该举动随即被市场解读为其想通过让员工到岗办公来“变相裁员”。 马斯克本周员工发送了两封电子邮件,他在其中一封中提及: 如果你不出现,我们将认为你已经辞职。 内容还包括: 任何希望远程办公的人每周必须在办公室至少(我的意思是‘至少’)工作40小时,或者离开特斯拉......这比我们对工厂工人的要求要低。 马斯克在第二封电子邮件中表示: 当然有些公司不需要这样做,但他们最后一次推出出色的新产品是什么时候?已经有一阵子了。 他还补充道,很重要的是高管要在办公室出现,而这也是为什么他本人“住在工厂里”的原因。这样生产线上的工人就能看到他们在一起工作。如果他不这样做,“特斯拉早就破产了”。 马斯克:衰退可能已经到来 马斯克对于经济糟糕的感觉,其实由来已久。去年年底时,他就在推特上表示,如果历史可以借鉴,那么大多数人都无法度过下一场衰退。衰退大约会在2022年春天或夏天到来,最迟不晚于2023年。 5月26日,在被问及“你是否觉得我们(美国)正在接近经济衰退”时,马斯克在推特上回复称:“是的,但我认为这实际上是一件好事(actually a good thing)”,他表示,这有利于企业优胜劣汰。 在被进一步问及“你认为这次衰退会持续多久时”,马斯克表示,“根据过去的经验,大约需要12到18个月。本质上是负现金流的公司,即价值破坏者(value destroyers)需要消亡,这样他们才能停止消耗资源。” --due to inflation jump high, people spent less money in their yards, house maintainence... Recently a guy drived business truck stopped by for roof, siding, gutter damaged by bad weather if we have house insurance. As i said what did 戴琪 care about Baiden 2nd term if only if herself stick on anti-china role that both party want. ps 特斯拉上海已实施双班制,6月产量有望全面恢复正常 2022-05-30 09:12:53 来源:第一财经 最后更新: 2022-05-30 17:12:04 --the question is will europe rich people buy it? the new Narzi groups all over europe countries supporting the actor. 劳工部长:不排除发生经济飓风,希望特斯拉大规模裁员不会发生 时间: 2022-06-03 17:37:32 【侨报特约记者严添6月3日华盛顿报道】劳工部长马蒂·沃尔什(Marty Walsh)周五表示,美国经济目前的确存在发生“飓风”的可能性。这与拜登总统当天早些时候宣称“美国经济已进入稳定增长的新时期”形成了鲜明对比。 沃尔什部长的这番表态是在当天回应美国有线电视新闻网的置评请求时所做出的。本周早些时候,摩根大通的首席执行官杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)警告市场,称必须为迎接“经济飓风”而做好准备,因为高通胀、联储会从6月起实施的量化紧缩(QT)和持续的俄乌冲突将对美国经济造成一系列前所未有的挑战。 沃尔什说:“我听到了戴蒙的说法。我们可能会受到经济飓风的袭击,这可能会是一场严重的暴雨,或者比这更糟糕。我认为这是毫无疑问的。我们现在真的无法做出预测,因为未来存在着不确定性。” 值得注意的是,拜登在周五上午就最新出炉的5月份就业数据发表讲话时曾宣称,美国经济已进入了稳定增长的新时期,因此相关的经济数据可能会随着时间的推移而开始回落。而沃尔什对于经济风险的谨慎立场显然与白宫的表态出现了分歧。 --people only buy daily necessary foods. whenever Jewel has some on sale more people shopping, when no sale immediately 门可罗雀, because more and more retired, retiring popullations. the rich guys wife told him my spouse worked till 69 and applied SSA at 70 so more than his. she also told me if anything happened to my spouse i would get 100% of spouse. that was not same as SSA officer told me(base on spouse 65, 50%, when i disputed she answeared rules changed already but today 6/3 spouse visited SSA websites showin 100 however not showing base on his 65 or 70 or the last year he gets if we can get the answear from SSA then can help the plan for future, however we expect nothing. the rich guy neighbour inquired how much i paied for mower i told him 2 years didnt increase a penny as $100 for 2 pins yard. he showed me his yard and asked me whether i mind his wild weeds in grass? i answeared No (mine is not better than his, this year lots wild weeds every where) but i tried dig out the Dandelion roots if no time i would bent off the flower 1st, hoping the old lady not angry. he did the same way. in the past he would hire mower but not this year, our mower also unhappy about $100 so cut off spraying wild weeds killer and trim bushes.. just pure mow the grass only. Chat with old ladys son and was told going to sell their house and old lady serious diabetti feet problem cant self take shower so temporary lives with her daughter, might end in nursing home. i felt sad for both, the son divorced and lost himself house. ps the next to the rich guts another neighbour recently clean out yard which was like jungle and deers hided, no wonder spouse saw a big deer mon with ababy went thru our yard to look for new living place. finally realize why wild animals terminated because less and less jungle-like place for them to live safely. no wonder the rich couple were in hyper to convince me voting Trump. the rich guys wife is accoungtant and real estate business, she knew better but did she really know Trump or beautified by their imagaination? we had imagination about Obama, Trump and Baiden but we were all wrong. will Trump have guts to announce no more any kind wars which caused none my spouse nore old lady can get free diebetti shows trial since 2019?. 除了对经济前景表示担忧外,沃尔什当天还在另一档节目中回应了特斯拉首席执行官马斯克对于经济的“糟糕感觉”和暂停招聘并进行大规模裁员的决定。 他在接受雅虎财经采访时说:“我在大约两个月前与马斯克先生进行了交谈。我非常想和他跟进了解政府能做一些什么。老实说,这不仅仅是政府(对特斯拉)的回应,也是我们对于商业、对于经济走势的回应。” --i would say because 马斯克 supporting Trump that not welcome by Baiden group. 特斯拉 itself S/W auto-controlling bugs cant be solved easily. 针对特斯拉可能进行大规模裁员的决定,沃尔什则回应说:“马斯克是一个非常聪明的人,他正在研究他的公司在经济中的位置。我希望这(大规模裁员)不会发生。我也希望随着我们继续向前发展,我们能持续看到经济不断地变强。” --many americans just like us still using apple 6S+, 6ES and 2011 Subaru. same as shopping on sale or cant but buy the cheapest eggs which not fresh. China people also not interesting invest in usa stocks market any more same as Russian. ps 5月新增非农就业39万,拜登称美国经济已进入稳定增长的新时期 时间: 2022-06-03 14:53:46 --it is because retiring quit jobs so more available jobs awaiting? i heard Panda Express and Burger King declared lack of labours while other chinese restaurants including one from taiwan (running for many years) shut down. 乌克兰人在布碌仑酒吧刺伤乌克兰人 只因误认其为俄罗斯人 时间: 2022-06-02 11:44:25 【侨报网报道】当局称,在布碌仑的一家卡拉ok酒吧,对俄罗斯与乌克兰冲突的愤怒变成了流血事件,一名乌克兰顾客错误地坚称另一名乌克兰男子是俄罗斯人,然后用刀刺伤了他的脸和脖子。 据美联社报道,检察官正在以仇恨罪起诉他,因为他误认受害者的国籍后对他进行了袭击。 31岁的奥列格·苏利马(Oleg Sulyma)被指控用两个破碎的啤酒瓶砍伤一名乌克兰移民,原因是他听到对方说俄语,并要求他证明自己的种族,包括让他说一个发音很难的乌克兰单词。 “我要让你看看什么是真正的乌克兰人!”据检察官称,苏利马在袭击前说。 这起事件发生在4月25日,在羊头湾经典餐厅(Signature Restaurant)和法拉达酒家(Falada Lounge)里。周三,苏利马对袭击事件有关的谋杀未遂和攻击未遂等仇恨犯罪指控表示无罪。该社区是许多与俄罗斯和乌克兰有联系的人的家园。 苏利马在周三提审后被释放,并被要求在8月8日回到法庭。检察官说,他被指控刺伤男子安德烈·梅列什科夫(Andrii Meleshkov),后者需要缝17针来修复伤口。 辩护律师阿瑟·格什菲尔德此前在出庭时,形容这场冲突是“人们之间有争议的争论”,并说苏利马是“首当其冲的受害者”。 格什菲尔德称,36岁的梅列什科夫和他的朋友与苏利马打斗,导致苏利马的肺部塌陷,嘴唇和眼睛需要缝好几针。梅列什科夫则对纽约邮报说,苏利马刺伤他后,他才把苏利马推倒在地,坐在他身上。 根据纽约州法律,检察官可以用仇恨犯罪指控一个人,如果有证据表明他们采取行动的动机,是因为他们相信或认为另一个人的背景/族裔,尽管那是错误的。 据检察官称,苏利马在凌晨3点45分,也就是打烊前与梅列什科夫和他的两个朋友对峙,因为他们说的是俄语。 “你看起来像俄罗斯人,”检察官称,苏利马说,并要求他们证明自己实际上是乌克兰人。他继续坚称他们是俄罗斯人,即使他们说不是。 梅列什科夫说:“为了让他冷静下来,我们改用了乌克兰语,但这让他越来越激动,他开始要求我们翻译文字,以证明我们是乌克兰人。” 梅列什科夫说,苏利马让他和他的朋友念一种乌克兰面包的名字“Palianytsia”,因为俄罗斯人通常很难正确地念出这个名字。 据梅列什科夫说,行凶者对他说:“如果你念错了,我就不客气了。” 检察官说,苏利马随后用两个啤酒瓶砸在一张桌子上,说“我要割破你”,然后用锯齿状的边缘刺向梅列什科夫的左脖子和右脸。 检察官说,在警察到达后,苏利马继续辱骂梅列什科夫,称他是俄罗斯人。 梅列什科夫是一名卡车司机,他说自己在乌克兰东部出生长大,那里很多人说俄语,他的母亲是俄罗斯人。2015年,他搬到了布碌仑。苏利马是一名建筑工人,已经在布鲁克林生活了十多年。 布碌仑地区检察官蒋莎乐(Gonzalez)在一份书面声明中说:“这名被告涉嫌心怀仇恨和暴力,企图谋杀一名无辜的乌克兰男子,他认为这名男子是俄罗斯人。” “布碌仑的多样性让我们的行政区充满活力,仇恨引发的暴力在这里永远不会被容忍,”蒋莎乐补充说。(编译:SW --today our quite rich guy and wife insist chating with me for long time. they declared were demacratic supporters before but disappointed and turned to support Trump who was not rotten politician. i pointed out Baiden shouldnt involve 俄乌 event and the actor shouldnt twist their history as most 乌克兰人 came from Russia Union. the couple completely agreed and criticised they shouldnt destory their ancestors statues who were Heros. i also completely with them and told them same happened in taiwan. they very quickly defend for Trump that he wasnt the one wanted economic war at China that they not yet convince me. the couple also declared most people voted for Baiden not because support him but quite anger at Trump that i agreed and explained i wanted to vote Trump as same reason hoping he was not politician can do right things for americans until issued war at China. both us complaints middle-poor income are killed by usa endless wars. About the guns they declared americans so far only have rights to own guns, but not many americans really would buy guns same as they support guns right but didnt mean they own gun. the only good thing about is bad guys wont know whether you have gun or not so can reduce the bad things happen that also not convince me yet. they dont think usa has speach freedom that i would say government controls what can post what disallowed and mentioned about my infection H1N1 in 2006 Nov story, i cant tell due to illness voters came out to vote or the unknow person related to election judges who treated us a free fried chicken legs caused(the rich guy immediately mentioned chicken-related disease) and in 2020 taiwan i infected again completely same symtons but lighter and taiwan had that infection problems. however government cant stop him chat with me. haaa i finally realize why couple times i tried to say goodbye they kept me staying. the guy works hard in his yards like i did mine, his wife still working to maintain current living status. when i mentioned lived with $1/day, the guy immediately declared his wife made him $2/day. i immediately declared woman is more carefully and wants living with budget to prepare well for future. they got well-educated kids and grandkids who got straight A+ scores. when i mentioned weird thing happens in our house, he told me one of his relatives would take away he bought foods. i told him at least he knew who, while spouse completely denied made me living in the fear and hell. ps i did hear Trump not really 100% economic war at China but bad mouth. however lots things were blockaded in harbors. 布碌仑火灾公寓楼走廊发现纳粹标志 被视为偏见犯罪调查中 时间: 2022-06-02 15:04:20 【侨报网报道】周二(5月31日)凌晨,纽约市布碌仑(Brooklyn),一幢公寓大楼发生大火。后来,纽约市消防局(NYPD)调查人员在公寓大楼走廊上发现纳粹标志,目前正在以偏见攻击犯罪对这场火灾展开调查。 据NY1报道,周二(5月31日),凌晨1点30分左右,纽约市布碌仑,默特尔大道(Myrtle Avenue)上,一幢公寓大楼突发大火。 接到报警后,消防员迅速赶到现场,大约半个小时后,大火被扑灭,但有一名消防员在救火中受伤,后来被送往附近一所医院治疗。 公寓大楼所有者赫伯(Herb)说道:“从未见过这样的毁坏程度,希望我再也不会看到这种情况了。” 纽约市消防局正在以纵火案的性质对这场大火展开调查,但随后在公寓大楼走廊上发现两个纳粹标志,这起大火被视为偏见攻击。 赫伯说道:“不可容忍,来自布碌仑的德国纳粹,格林堡(Fort Greene)是布碌仑一个文化多元的社区,这样的事情在任何一个地方都不应该发生。” 赫伯指出,大火造成大范围的毁坏,一楼的一家发廊被烧毁,租客们不得不从火灾逃生楼梯爬下来。 租客杰克·芬伯格(Jake Fernberg)说道:“邻居们从火灾逃生楼梯上下来,他们拍打着窗户,因为他们先听到了警报声,所以把我们都吵醒了。” 租客克莱尔·查蒂诺弗(Claire Chatinover)表示,走廊上的纳粹标志真是太吓人了。 查蒂诺弗说道:“当我进入拿东西时,看到那些纳粹标志,这让我感到厌恶。我知道会发生什么,但看到它,让我非常厌恶。” 赫伯说道:“那些标志,让人无法忍受,希望他们能抓住这场暴行的幕后黑手。” (编译:HS) 18岁少年布碌仑街头发动反犹袭击 面临仇恨犯罪指控 时间: 2022-06-02 15:51:51 【侨报网报道】布碌仑地区检察官蒋莎乐(Eric Gonzalez)表示,一名来自史坦顿岛(Staten Island)的18岁男子被控多项罪名,其中包括仇恨性攻击罪,他涉嫌在威廉斯堡(Williamsburg)对一名身穿传统哈希德服装的男子进行无端攻击,当时该男子正在步行前往犹太教堂。 据nbcny报道,洛根·琼斯(Logan Jones),18岁,被控三级攻击罪,三级威胁罪,三级攻击未遂罪,二级骚扰罪。 保释金定为3万美元,琼斯被要求于6月24日返回法庭。琼斯的律师信息目前还不清楚。 据地方检察官说,琼斯的指控源于对4月1日涉嫌事件的调查。当天晚上7点55分左右,在格里街(Gerry Street),琼斯和一群5人据称接近21岁的受害者和他的妻子,当时他们正在前往当地犹太教堂参加安息日仪式。 据检察官称,琼斯开始打这名年轻人的脸。他和其他两名男子踢倒了这名受害男子,随后试图从停在街道上的一辆卡车下面逃跑。 检察官说,在这名男子的妻子让一名旁观者拨打911后,琼斯和这五人逃离了现场。 这名年轻男子头部和身体严重疼痛,脸颊擦伤,脸部和口腔也有瘀伤。 “被告在没有任何警告或挑衅的情况下,据称仅仅因为他的犹太信仰就袭击了一个无辜的人。以宗教、种族、民族、性别或性取向为目标的犯罪对我们在布碌仑所代表的一切都是一种威胁,”蒋莎乐在一份声明中说。 (编译:SW) --the new Narzi groups are burst out soon all over in usa. |
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