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more and more china proves their officers, stores... are much better than usa
2017/08/04 11:30:32瀏覽186|回應14|推薦0
just watched some 窃贼盗窃被直播 当天就落网, 邻居不给wifi密码 醉汉持刀找上门,

北京老人遇“以房养老”骗局, 女逃犯进银行开户被拿下,辽宁破获特大侵犯公民个人信息案...

--they all caught the bad guys or still investigation especially 北京老人遇“以房养老”骗局. in usa once you were cheated and signed some papers then you won't get justice even you report to government officers.

Recently due to our refrigerator was broken and we bought warranty. then found out in 2013 Fry's should refund $411.33(we paied then the store didn't have stock, when they had one we were forced to pay again and told us the 1st we paied would refund, however our credit card statements didn't show at all), I did call the Fry's told me it was billing cycle(their and credit card company) so won't show immediately. I trust both are big company, especially the credit card issued by chase bank.

we visited Fry's and the manager insist they did refund and print(later gave to me) a paper that showing "refund", then I tried to show our credit statements(fortunately I kept all statements and documents). the manager won't see and told us talking to credit company.

we called the bank the bankers did confirm no refund on our statement but I have to contact their dispute dept. and the man told me he can't see our statements I have to visit their branch and faxed. I visited the local branch was told only 2 months dispute is allowed, it was 2013 won't get their help. I told the bankr it was between you and Fry's we trust your company and don't know which did wrong thing. she agreed to fax for me but no responsibility. Later I called the dept to confirm whether they received it. the lady told me the same thing and if the amount over $500 could get some help. I insist they have to help and she told me 5 days later call again see whether they would take the case.

Last time we called the police for the psych thief(may more than one) and something left in our house(3 ladies photos, one is student ID, medicine, 安全套 for sex..)  we were told if the amount over $500, fotunately it just over $500. the detective showed up took the evidence and my listing for things stolen. Later the detective talked to me without my husband because he suspect my husband allured female students... then the case closed because it was not my huband. even there is a student ID card still can't catch.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/08/15 05:03


  参考消息网8月15日报道 美媒称,李晓鹏有一阵子很“崇洋”。学生时代,他读海外新闻,敬慕美国宪法。如今,这位曾访学剑桥和哈佛的34岁城市发展顾问认为,中国正在不断崛起,美国则受收入不平等、分权政府和社会两极化影响,沦为明日黄花。他在社交媒体上对逾8万粉丝如此表达自己的看法。






  非营利组织亚洲协会美中关系中心主任夏伟(Orville Schell)说:“中国人现在开始自豪起来,这是一种你说话有人听、或必须有人听的自豪。因为中国孱弱过,所以在这里‘伟大’这个概念的核心是权力。”

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-15 05:03 回覆:






蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-15 05:06 回覆:





--very very good. in the end all chinese would find out because our ancestors left priceless history IQ for us so we can have 伟大中国. the longer you stay in usa the less you would still fancy usa and other countries.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-15 05:13 回覆:
I thought Trump can have  chance to change usa as outside usa rotten politicians circle. but I was wrong he can change usa very little. no one can make usa better now. from now on I won't support any politician in usa, it is no use but waste my prcious time --I would rather study our ancestors 预测-related and reading china news.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-16 04:24 回覆:
抬头之势显眼 美国有哪些白人至上主义运动?...新纳粹主义和“三K党”等白人至上主义运动成员。


1.“另类右翼”(Alternative right)一词在2008年被创造出来,2016年7月开始在网络上不胫而走。根据这一词的创造者,这一派运动的理想集中在“白人身份认同”和对“传统西方文明”的保守。




2.三K党(Ku Klux Klan)KKK”是在1865年美国南北战争结束后,由前美利坚联盟军官在美国南部诸州创立...在1900年代蔓延全美。..后来变成了一场治安会运动,意在阻止该组织所歧视的人群享受与其他美国人一样的民权和自由。该组织的一些分支歧视美国非裔、犹太人和移民,而较近些年则开始歧视同性恋人群。..:“三K党”活跃于美国大多数州。据美国民权组织南方贫困法律中心估计,该组织成员数量在5000至8000之间。




保守公民委员会(Council of Conservative Citizens):创立于1985年,衍生于美国南部诸州支持种族隔离的运动。

美国自由党(American Freedom Party):2009年创立于加州,有种族主义的行动议程,反对移民。

--it is worse and worse. usa always accused other countries have terrorists now terrorists in usa born more and more. our ancestors told us don't do bad things to others or bad things would happen to you. usa Trump really should learn from our ancestors advices.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-16 04:29 回覆:

there are KKK members in usa congressmen. the weird things is some the black joins KKK.

quite earlier(before 2005?), we visited chicago and the KKK black members standing on the streetside very unusal, my husband told me that is KKK held a meeting in chicago. I was shocked. usa laws protect the bad seeds very well but ignore the victims suffered.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-16 05:02 回覆:



--from what I saw, in the past 移民 got most low end jobs, the white were rich enogh don't have to work. the bloody wars made many the while lost their houses so the grocery stores hardly see  移民 but the white now. they hate wrong people, it is bloody wars made them poor and pooer.

2017/08/09 09:30

Today confirmed with the chase bank credit card dispute dept., exactly what I thought--they won't take the case. So I submit my complaint to BBB--we did before didn't take our dental , hospital...case. but may be stores-related.

what is my Desired Resolution ? I have no way to force chase bank and Fry's to prove or investigate they did nothing wrong. I suspect both can make a mistake but I do believe chase bank didn't reveive money if their system got confused it would reject the transaction. I expect BBB can help me to force Fry's refund $411.33.

according to BBB:

This case will be reviewed by a complaint specialist at the Better Business Bureau, and then forwarded to the business for their response. It is our policy to allow the business 30 working days to respond to your complaint. You will be notified when the business has responded.
this coming Saturday I would visit Fry's again if the manager willing to work out with me. Fry's company insist I have to talk to the store manager.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-17 08:31 回覆:

just received BBB response declared :We understand you are NOT satisfied with the business's response, and have noted your dissatisfaction in our files. While we regret we were unable to reach your desired resolution, the business has provided BBB with its position. This matter is now closed in BBB files, and will appear in the company's BBB Business Review as: "Answered - the business addressed the issues within the complaint, but the consumer remains dissatisfied."

Please note, the text of your response may be publicly posted on BBB's website. BBB reserves the right to not post in accordance with BBB policy, and we may edit your response to protect privacy rights and to remove inappropriate language.
If you wish to pursue your complaint via other avenues, some agencies that you may wish to contact are:

California Department of Consumer Affairs
1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N 112
Sacramento, CA 95834
(800) 952-5210

Contractors State License Board
PO Box 26000
Sacramento, CA
(800) 321-CSLB (2752)

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

ArbiClaims Dispute Resolution

--it's better than nothing. but I have no confidence thur agent could get my money back.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-17 08:37 回覆:

the problem is Fry's provide their person who won't talk to clients but bank only. Fry's wanted me to call bank contact their person. I did call chase bank but quite difficult talk to the right person so I insist the banker make a note to contact fry's the person. Finally the last man talked to me but only can tell me bank is processing and some one would call me. he refused to write down fry's the person contact phone number or talk to her. And thats all he can tell me no more.

not even can tell me when the some one would call me.

very frustrated. it should Fry's and bank talk each other to find out what's going on in stead client do the job and which hardly can succeed.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-17 08:51 回覆:

BBB....We charge $79-$159/party depending on the amount of the dispute. But you don't need to pay unless and until the other side accepts.

$79 for disputes < $1,500  •  $99 for disputes $1,500 - $2,500  •  $129 for disputes $2,500 - $5,000  •  $159 for larger dispute

the FBI I don't think they would take THE CASE but  online Internet crime complaints.

the other two agent companies only have contact phone that very difficult ... so I decide try to pay $79 and not sure what's that mean "until the other side accepts.".

2017/08/04 11:57

over 45? days finally we got internet/tv/security. but they messed up schedule, last night the installer should finish incomplete job(didn't seal the outside box, didn't mount inside security box door, forgot give us the keys for the door). we got $40 for their delaying, missed schedule. when I feedback why gave "60" score (earlier was much lower) because I believe the new schedule(8/4) should finish the job or I would continue get $20 if doesn't show up.

indeed their on-line chat has better performance than by phone. I wasted over 2 and half hours they transfered one by another one when the last man request the same stupid questions(names, phone, address, the problems...) then the phone broken(I suspect the company set time out caused it) . each time I called again the waitting time is longer and longer then phone broken.

 Really pissed off .... none of them knowing their product well and installation steps, not even know the inside metal box has a physical keys. they thought their security system all are wireless no inside main system box existing...

2017/08/04 11:41

when I called Fry's t man  my case and told me he can't see the warrty paper and their system got some kind trouble so by his request I photo and texted to him. He also told me no need to visit their store. but we still brought all papers we have including credit card statements on sunday. the repairing dept man told me they don't need them and already filed, gave me a job code and declared if no one contact me before wensday I could call them. I did then the lady gave me the repairing service contractor  phone number I called and told me the code was incorrect, too short then 3 ways talking. I was told before Friday I should get appointment. it didn't.

now a days we felt usa quality, efficicence are worse and worse, I told my husband maybe more and more seniors retired and young kids don't know their company very complex software system well...

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