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清华大学救国会 告全国民众书 and 李承龍斬首八田與一
2017/04/17 23:54:31瀏覽120|回應3|推薦0

斬首八田與一 李承龍:不清楚頭在哪裡...台南烏山頭水庫八田與一銅像15日被發現遭人鋸斷頭部,自稱犯案的台北市前議員李承龍、同夥女子邱晉芛,今天下午被通知到台北市中正一分局製作筆錄,傍晚被帶往台南地檢署複訊。兩人經過近3小時訊問後飭回,諭令限制住居,已搭乘高鐵返回台北。兩人坦承在15日凌晨合力鋸斷八田與一銅像,但對銅像頭部去向表示「不清楚」;犯案動機,二人稱是因為不認同八田與一的歷史評價。

--bravo bravo, thanks you did what we want. very appreciated.
it happened in the past and hope udn don't delete the truth again.

--it is my home town 清华大学救国会. in taiwan 清华大学 is famous for staying away from politic, and it is very wrong. I want to let them know what our previous schoolmates did during japanbastards invaded china.

today this 告全国民众书 still should call taiwan people be bravery get rid of japanbastards in taiwan, get our lost chinese sea lands back which sold out by 黑心蔡.

日本拒认台湾在冲之鸟渔权 蔡当局“热脸贴冷屁股”
bastards 賴清德:不影響台日友誼

--he knew well rotten 台獨笨蛋國 sold out our chinese sea lands to what japanbastards wants, certainly 不影響. very soon taiwan is also sold out, don't you see more and more japanbastards temples, 銅像.. in taiwan?

亲爱的全国同胞父老,急迫的华北丧钟声响,惊醒了若干名流学者的迷梦,也更坚决地使我们认清了我们唯一的出路。最近胡适之先生已觉悟了过去主张 “委曲求全”的完全错误,相信唯一的道路,只有抵抗。亲爱的同胞,我们却还要比胡先生更进一步说:武力抵抗,不但是依赖负有守土之责的长官,尤其希望全体民众,也都能一致奋起,统一步伐,组织起来,实行武装自卫。事实告诉我们:民众的地位是更为重要,民众的力量是更为伟大,也只有民众自己,更为忠诚而可靠。

( 時事評論政治 )
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2017/04/19 04:35

1950年代的台大校長 怎麼治理「匪諜最後的巢穴」

--very sardonic took 台大獎學金 彭明敏 turned 台大 into 台獨笨蛋國 and rotten MJD supporters.
today no one care about him any more.
台大 became 横行霸道 台獨笨蛋國 supporters.
previous 清华大学 in china joined 救国, today 清华大学 in taiwan stay away politic. it is called 淮南为橘 淮北为枳. 一代不如一代.
一代不如一代 caused by 横行霸道 台獨笨蛋國 愚民到令人发指地步 for their filthy politic benefits.

2017/04/18 22:51
did you usa master ever see any asia country invaded by japanbastards would abuse their pity 慰安妇 as our 在“小桃阿嬷”步向生命尽头的2015年,台湾发生“反课纲”事件,有学生提出所谓“‘慰安妇’不一定是被迫的?
did you usa master ever see any asia country invaded by japanbastards would 沒听过沒知识没见识没骨气 built 八田與一銅像 用日本神社对抗 their ancestors 妈祖? not mention our chinese sea lands and our pity fishermen abused.
if you usa master ignores what happen in taiwan caused by japanbastards then more and more terrorists born.

2017/04/18 00:14

斷頭案另有其人?李承龍縱火案同夥也喊自己是兇手...烏山頭水庫的八田與一銅像遭人破壞斷頭,前台北市議員李承龍在臉書影射是自己做的,曾與他一起犯下台灣民政府縱火案的邱晉芛也被約談,同案另外2名成員林立騰、何守為也都PO出與斷頭案有關的訊息. 邱晉芛今天下午也在臉書發文「一點半~中正一牌烏龍茶~然後台南半日遊」,還問李承龍「我的便當呢? 」林立騰則是在臉書抱怨「中正的銅像沒事,砍八格野鹿的頭就積極偵辦!我就是《兇手》來抓我啊!」而何守為也PO電鋸照片,註明「友人託售中古普爛打一把,專門斬妖除魔具有高度歷史意義 」。

4人在臉書的發言都引起不少人留意,紛紛留言加油打氣、支持行動,也有人說自己才是兇手,稱「砍下的頭已賣到資源回收站,和其他垃圾在一起 !」對於政府和警方態度,也有人質疑「為什麼蔣案卻不辦 」。

--I want to admit, 我就是《兇手》來抓我啊!
count me in. I am frequently post to get rid of japanbastards in taiwan, and udn can confirm it. by the way I also post in udn blog.
mother fxxk 台獨笨蛋國,沒知识没见识没骨气 台獨笨蛋國的國民 have no guts to admit what they done.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-04-18 00:15 回覆:
沒聽過沒知识没见识成功大学叫兽 didn't mean taiwan people 没骨气.
I dupped the japanbastards head in our toilet with my shits on it.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-04-19 02:44 回覆:
--調皮的人 is ME, I did it because I want my shits put on the head.
Sorry I destroy your plan because I knew the more about japanbastards did to taiwan people the more I hate japanbastards. I believe I am more than any one in taiwan hate japanbastards to the death especially our dirty LDW .