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2008/03/12 17:15:08瀏覽1720|回應1|推薦9
張啟典下午現身指控周美青在哈佛燕京圖書館偷「定期刊物」, 說他『事發隔天,基於好奇心,跑到哈佛大學校方的警察局,看到官方的報告,上面有周美青的英文名字,並且註明是「偷竊」的行為。』(見指控周美青偷報張博士現身 曾看到警局報告註明「偷竊」)

張啟典這回學乖了, 不敢亂掰周美青偷的是什麼報紙或雜誌(見怎麼老是有人指控周美青偷不存在的東西? 造謠也要做點功課嘛!), 只是籠統的說是「定期刊物」, 但是還是一口咬定他親眼看到了事件報告, 上面有周美青的名字.

張啟典大概想賭哈佛校警不會保留將近30年前的事件紀錄, 來個死無對証吧? 不幸的是, 閒雜人等基於好奇心跑到哈佛大學校方的警察局, 是看不到有嫌犯姓名的官方報告(Incident Report)的, 只看得到包括事件發生時間、地點、性質、處理方式等資料的報案日誌(Public Police Log)!

Does the Harvard University Police Department disseminate incident reports to the general public?

No. In the interest of maintaining community members'
privacy the HUPD does not disseminate incident reports to
the general public. Because the HUPD is a private police
agency it is not required under the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts' Public Record Law to disseminate police
reports to the public. The University's Office of the General
Counsel has authorized the HUPD to provide theft victims
copies of incident reports in order to submit them to their
insurance companies when making a claim for reimbursement.

Public Police Log

The HUPD produces a written daily log that is available to the public, as required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 USC 1092 (f), 34CFR668.46 (“The Clery Act”) and Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 41, Section 98F.
The purpose of the daily log is to provide information about valid complaints of criminal and other significant incidents occurring on campus to members of the University community, which might be relevant for their safety and security.
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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2008/03/13 06:32



"Allegations that the person has committed a crime of moral turpitude;"