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2011/09/24 00:30:42瀏覽522|回應0|推薦2 | |
微風吹著廣告圓柱, 我認出, 我又感到那往昔時光的那共同永恆物質, 它那熟悉的濕氣和它那懵懂無知的流動性(Vol. II, p.59) The Morris Column Jean Beraud (1849-1935 French) Oil on canvas Musee Carnavalet, Paris, France Advertising columns or morris columns (French: Colonne Morris, German: Litfassaule) are cylindrical outdoor sidewalk structures with a characteristic style that are used for advertising and other purposes. They are common in the city of Berlin, Germany, where the first 100 columns were installed in 1855. Advertising columns were invented by the German printer Ernst Litfas in 1854. Therefore it is known as Litfassaule(Litfas column) in Germany, and can be found all over the country there. In France originally built by La Societe Fermiere des Colonnes Morris, from which they derive their name, they are mostly built and maintained today by the JCDecaux company, which purchased Morris in 1986. 那天當我像每日一樣來到戲劇海報源前時, 我看到了第一次剛剛貼上去的, 仍然潮濕的, 詳盡的, "菲德爾"演出海報....我擔心父母來不及為外祖母和我訂好兩個好座位, 便一口氣跑回家, 如癡如呆地望著那句富有魅力的話:"正廳不接待戴帽的女士. 兩點後謝絕入場"..... (Vol. II, p.16)
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