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boeuf a la gelee 牛肉凍~ de Norpois 大使大為讚美的Francoise 美食
2011/09/23 22:39:50瀏覽1092|回應0|推薦1

boeuf a la gelee 牛肉凍~ de Norpois 大使大為讚美的 Francoise 美食, 尤其是那凍汁 : 
在我家廚房的胡夣卜牛肉冷盤出現了. 在我家廚房的"米開朗基羅"設計下, "牛肉躺在如晶瑩石英一般碩大的凍汁晶體之上" (p29)

Beef In Jelly Ingredients:  Preparation: 75 min

For 8 people: 1 kg of beef cheeks,
2 Carrots,
1 onion,
2 turnips,
2 leeks,
1 stalk celery,
1 clove garlic,
1 tablespoon oil
3 sprigs of parsley,
1 bag of frozen

Recipe Beef In JellyIt is a cooked beef cheeks in cold water that is boiled 20 minutes in a pot, skimming occasionally.

2 are peeled carrots, turnips, leeks, onion, celery and garlic.

It then attaches the leek, celery, parsley, a sprig of thyme and a bay leaf to make a bouquet garni, and deposited in the pan with the garlic and onion which is pierced with the nail cloves.

We seasons, and left to simmer, skimming well 1:40.

3 then removed the meat and vegetables to cool, then pass the juice and measure its volume to prepare the necessary jelly powder, mixed and placed in the refrigerator.

4 Pour a layer of jelly at the bottom of a cake pan, and replace the fridge.

5 It details the meat into slices, and carrots and turnips.

We cut the celery and leek in length.

Is deposited a layer of meat in pan, then the carrots and turnips, and so on up, placing the leeks and celery in the center layer.

Then added the rest of jelly on it and is cooled in the refrigerator 10

見中譯版第二冊56頁, 弗朗索瓦絲透露了他牛肉凍(冷牛肉, 凍汁牛肉)


1. 親自去中央市場選購炊上等的臀肉, 小腿肉和小牛腿, 就好像米開朗基羅當年為修建朱爾二世(指教宗 Pope Julius II的陵墓而用八個月時間去卡拉雷山區挑選最上等的大理石(p.17)
2.須文火: 他們(別人)火太急, 又將菜分開燒,
3. 牛肉需如海綿一樣爛, 才能吸收全部湯汁

In 1505 Michelangelo was invited back to Rome by the newly elected Pope Julius II. He was commissioned to build thePope's tomb. Under the patronage of the Pope, Michelangelo had to constantly stop work on the tomb in order to accomplish numerous other tasks. Because of these interruptions, Michelangelo worked on the tomb for 40 years. The tomb, of which the central feature is Michelangelo'sstatue of Moses, was never finished to Michelangelo's satisfaction. It is located in the Church of S. Pietro in Vincoli in Rome.




Ingredients for 8:

- 2 or 3 beef cheeks
- A calf's foot
- 1 kilo of carrots
- 2 bottles dry white wine (Sauvignon Blanc or Muscadet)
- 1 sprig of rosemary (10 cm)
- 1 large onion
- 3 cloves garlic
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 package of gelatin (6 sheets)
- 1 bunch parsley
- Salt and pepper

Remove the thick skins of beef cheeks, left by the butcher, but do not throw them.
Chop onion, peel and crush garlic cloves.
Peel carrots and cut into slices.
Cut the cheeks into cubes of 5 cm.
Saute onion and cheek pieces.
Cover with white wine, salt and pepper, add garlic, rosemary, calf's foot and skins (they melt and contribute to the formation of frost)
Cook 4 hours on low heat.
Spread the while keeping the stock you put the cold in order to degrease.
Separate the calf's foot and rosemary carrots. Keep them.
Line the bottom of a cake pan with parsley leaves and half the carrots and meat and then the rest of the carrots (Here I usedindividual ramekins)
Heat the broth and stir in gelatin as you whisk.



700gr of heel to the nuts or beef cheek 
1 / 2 calf's foot 
150g shelled fresh peas 
1 bunch baby carrots + 2 carrots 
1 bunch of spring onions + 1 peeled onion studded with 3 cloves 
200gr miniceleris 
1 leek 
1 sheet gelatin (2grs) 
1 bouquet garni 
1 tablespoon cognac 

Put the chopped beef and calf's foot in a saucepan, cover with cold water, boil 3 minutes, drain. Put the meat in a casserole, cover with cold water and bring to a simmer. Add the whole peeled 2 carrots, onion studded, washed leeks, cut in half, and bouquet garni. Salt and pepper. Simmer 1 heure45. Peel the other vegetables. Cook them in boiling salted water, separately, keeping them slightly crisp and cool them immediately. Soak gelatin in cold water. Drain the meat, strain the broth, reduce it to do 60cl. Stir in the gelatin, whisking drained, cool, pour the cognac. Shred beef. Pour 1/2cm jelly in a bowl, let cool then alternate to the vegetables with the meat, cover each layer of jelly. Let take 3 hours in the refrigerator in plastic wrap. Serve the terrine cut into slices with a salad.


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