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Key to Exercise 14, The New Pali Course (Part I)
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1. Dhanavanto bhātarānaṃ dhanaṃ dātuṃ na icchanti. The rich men do not wish to give wealth to (their) brothers. icchati: to wish, desire, expect [+ inf.]; ask for [+ acc.]
2. Dānaṃ datvā sīlaṃ rakkhitvā sagge nibbattituṃ sakkonti. Having given alms and observed the precept, they are able to be reborn in heaven. nibbattati: [nis+vattati] to come into being, be reborn, exist; come out from, arise, become, be produced, result pp. nibbatta sakkoti: to be able aor. (a)sakkhi
3. Kumārī alātaṃ ānetvā bhattaṃ pacituṃ aggiṃ jālessati. The girl, having brought a firebrand, will make a fire to cook rice. alāta: (n) a firebrand jāleti: to cause to burn; to light, kindle
4. Nāriyo nagarā nikkhamma udakaṃ pātuṃ vāpiyā kūlaṃ gacchiṃsu. The women got out of the city and went to the bank of the tank to drink water.
5. Nattāro araññā phalāni āharitvā khādituṃ ārabhiṃsu. The grandsons brought fruits from the forest and began to eat. ārabhati: to begin, start, undertake, attempt ger. ārabbha pp. āraddha
6. Sīlavā isi dhammaṃ desetuṃ pīṭhe nisīdi. The virtuous sage sat down on the chair to preach the doctrine.
7. Coro āyudhena paharitvā mama pituno aṅguliṃ chindi. Having struck (him) with a weapon, the robber cut my father’s finger.
8. Yuvatiyo padumāni ocinituṃ nadiṃ gantvā kūle nisīdiṃsu. Having gone to the river to gather lotuses, the maidens sat down at the bank. ocināti (ocinati): to gather, collect, pluck, pick off
9. Mayaṃ chattāni ādāya susānaṃ gantvā pupphāni ocinissāma. Having taken umbrellas, we will go to the cemetery and gather flowers. ādāti (ādadāti): [ā+dadāti] to take, accept, grasp, seize ger. ādā, ādāya
10. Kaññā vatthaṃ ānetuṃ āpaṇaṃ gamissati. The girl will go to the bazaar to bring cloth. āpaṇa: (m) a bazaar, market, shop
11. Tumhe vanaṃ gantvā gāvīnaṃ dātuṃ paṇṇāni āharatha. You go to the forest and bring leaves to give to the cows.
12. Mayaṃ locanehi rūpāni passitvā sukhaṃ dukkhaṃ ca labhāma. Having seen images with eyes, we get comfort and pain.
13. Tvaṃ sotena suṇituṃ ghānena ghāyituṃ ca sakkosi. You are able to hear with the ear and smell with the nose. ghāyati: to smell ger. ghātvā, ghāyitvā
14. Kukkuṭiyā aṇḍāni rukkhassa mūle santi. The hen’s eggs are at the root of the tree.
15. Viduno amataṃ labhitvā maraṇaṃ na bhāyanti. Having obtained the ambrosia, the wise men do not fear death.
16. Manussā cittena cintetvā puññāni karissanti. Having thought with the mind, human beings will do meritorious deeds. cinteti: to think, reflect, ponder, think over, imagine, design, intend, plan
17. Tumhe dhammaṃ sotuṃ ārāmaṃ gantvā puline nisīdatha. Having gone to the garden to listen to the doctrine, you sit on the sand. ārāma: (m) 1. (in general) a park, resort for pastime, garden, pleasure-ground, etc. 2. (in special) a private park, given to the Buddha or the Saṅgha for the benefit of the bhikkhus, where they meet and hold discussions about sacred and secular matters; a place of recreation and meditation, a meeting place for religious gatherings
18. Dhanavanto suvaṇṇaṃ datvā ñāṇaṃ laddhuṃ na sakkonti. The rich men, having given gold, are not able to get wisdom.
19. Dārako chattaṃ gaṇhituṃ sopāṇaṃ āruhi. The boy climbed up the stair to take the umbrella. gaṇhāti: to take, take up; take hold of; grasp, seize ger. gahetvā
20. Mama bhaginī puññaṃ labhituṃ sīlaṃ rakkhissati. My sister will observe the precept to obtain merit.
Translate into Pali
1. The boys went to the foot of the tree to eat fruits. Kumārā phalāni khādituṃ rukkhassa kūlaṃ gacchiṃsu.
2. The maiden climbed the tree to gather flowers. Yuvati pupphāni ocinituṃ rukkhaṃ āruhi.
3. I went into the house to bring an umbrella and a cloth. Ahaṃ chattaṃ ca vatthaṃ ca āharituṃ gehaṃ gacchiṃ.
4. The girl asked for a fire-brand to make a fire. Kaññā aggiṃ jāletuṃ alātaṃ icchi.
5. We are able to see objects (= forms) with our eyes. Mayaṃ amhaṃ locanehi/nayanehi rūpāni passituṃ sakkoma.
6. You smell with your nose and hear with your ears. Tvaṃ tava ghānena ghāyasi tava sotehi suṇāsi ca.
7. Having gone to hear the doctrine, they sat on the sand. Te dhammaṃ sotuṃ gantvā puline nisīdiṃsu.
8. People are not able to purchase wisdom with (their) gold. Manussā suvaṇṇena paññaṃ/ñāṇaṃ kiṇituṃ na sakkonti
9. Having divided his wealth the rich man gave (them) to his sons and daughters. Dhanavā dhanaṃ bhājetvā tassa puttānaṃ ca duhitūnaṃ/dhītarānaṃ ca adadi.
10. The maidens went out of the city (in order) to bathe in the river. Yuvatiyo nadiyaṃ nahāyituṃ nagarā nikkhamiṃsu.
11. There were umbrellas in the hands of the women on the road. Chattāni magge vanitānaṃ hatthesu bhaviṃsu.
12. Having struck her with a weapon, the enemy wounded the hand of my mother-in-law. Ari āyudhena paharitvā mama sassuyā hatthe vaṇaṃ/vaṇitaṃ akāsi. (Literally: …the enemy made a wound in the hand of my mother-in-law.) vaṇita: (pp. of vaṇeti) wounded, bruised vaṇa: (m/n) a wound, sore
13. Having gone to the garden they brought flowers and fruits for the boys. Te ārāmaṃ gantvā kumārānaṃ pupphāni ca phalāni ca āhariṃsu/ānesuṃ.
14. He will go to the forest in order to bring leaves and grass for the cows. So gāvīnaṃ paṇṇāni ca tiṇāni/tiṇaṃ ca āharituṃ/ānetuṃ vanaṃ gamissati.
15. The girls and boys brought lotuses from the pond (in order) to offer to the shrine. Kumāriyo ca kumārā ca cetiyāya pūjetuṃ pokkharaṇiyā padumāni āhariṃsu.
16. Having bathed in the tank, our sisters and brothers came home to eat and sleep. Amhākaṃ bhaginiyo ca bhātaro ca vāpiyaṃ nahāyitvā/nahātvā bhuñjituṃ sayituṃ ca gehaṃ āgacchiṃsu.
17. Having seen a leopard the boy ran across the garden and crossed the river. Dārako dīpiṃ disvā/passitvā ārāme tiriyaṃ dhāvitvā nadiṃ tari. tarati: (lit.) to go or get through, to cross (a river), pass over, traverse; (fig.) to get beyond, i. e. to surmount, overcome, esp. oghaṃ (the great flood of life, desire, ignorance, etc.)
18. You get merit through charity and virtue. Tvaṃ dānena ca sīlena ca puññaṃ labhasi.
19. Having grazed (eaten grass) in the cemetery, my aunts cows went to the tank in order to drink water. Mama mātulāniyā dhenuyo susānamhi tiṇaṃ khāditvā udakaṃ pātuṃ vāpiṃ gacchiṃsu.
20. The maidens bought flowers in order to make garlands for (their) sisters. Yuvatiyo bhaginīnaṃ mālāyo kātuṃ/paṭiyādetuṃ pupphāni kiṇiṃsu. paṭiyādeti: to prepare, arrange, give, dedicate
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