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Key to Exercise 10, The New Pali Course (Part I)
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Key to Exercise 10, The New Pali Course (Part I)




Translate into English


1. Bhagavā ajja sotārānaṃ dhammaṃ desessati.

The Exalted One will preach the doctrine to the hearers today.


2. Bhikkhavo bhagavantaṃ vandiṃsu.

The monks paid homage (bowed down) to the Exalted One.


3. Cakkhumanto sadā bhānumantaṃ passanti.

People who have eyes always see the sun.


4. Tadā balavanto veḷūhi arī pahariṃsu.

Then the powerful people struck the enemies with bamboos.


5. Kadā tumhe dhanavantaṃ passissatha?

When will you see the rich man?


6. Suve mayaṃ sīlavante vandissāma.

We will pay homage to the virtuous ones tomorrow.


7. Bhagavanto sabbaññuno bhavanti.

The Exalted Ones are omniscient.


8. Viduno kulavato gehaṃ gacchiṃsu.

The wise men went to the house of the man of high caste.


9. Himavati kapayo ca pakkhino ca isayo ca vasiṃsu.

Monkeys, birds, and sages (hermits) lived in the Himālaya.


10. Puññavato nattā buddhimā bhavi.

The grandson of the fortunate one was intelligent.


11. Kulavataṃ bhātaro dhanavanto na bhaviṃsu.

The brothers of the men of high caste were not rich.


12. Ahaṃ Himavantamhi phalavante rukkhe passiṃ.

I saw fruitful trees in the Himālaya.


13. Purā mayaṃ Himavantaṃ gacchimha.

We went to the Himālaya in former days.


14. Hīyo sāyaṃ bandhumanto yasavataṃ gāmaṃ gacchiṃsu.

Yesterday evening, the men who have many relations went to the village of the famous ones.


15. Viññuno pacchā pabhuno gehe vasissanti.

The wise men will live in the overlord’s house afterwards.



Translate into Pali


1. Sons of the wealthy are not always wise.

Dhanavataṃ puttā sadā viduno /paññavanto na bhavanti.


2. One who has relations does not fear enemies.

Bandhumā arīnaṃ /arībhi na bhāyati.

bhāyati + gen./abl.


3. The brothers of the virtuous will bow down to the Exalted One.

Sīlavataṃ bhātaro bhagavantaṃ vandissanti.


4. Your grandsons are not intelligent.

Tava nattāro buddhimanto na bhavanti.


5. Tomorrow the wise men will preach to the men of high caste.

Suve viduno kulavantānaṃ /kulavataṃ desessanti.


6. Today the rich will go to a mountain in the Himalayas.

Ajja dhanavanto himavantesu giriṃ gamissanti.


7. There are fruitful trees, lions and leopards in the garden of the rich man.

Phalavanto rukkhā ca sīhā ca dīpī ca dhanavato /dhanavantassa uyyāne /ārāme bhavanti.

uyyāna: (n) a park, pleasure grove, a (royal) garden

ārāma: (m) a pleasure garden, park


8. When will the famous men come to our village?

Kadā yasavanto amhākaṃ gāmaṃ āgamissanti?


9. The sons of the powerful will always be famous.

Balavataṃ puttā yasavanto sadā bhavissanti.


10. Once, the wise man's brother struck the virtuous man.

Ekadā vidussa /viduno bhātā sīlavantaṃ pahari.


11. Formerly I lived in the house of the over-lord.

Purā ahaṃ pabhussa /pabhuno gehe vasiṃ.


12. Yesterday there were elephants and horses in the garden.

Hīyo hatthino ca assā ca uyyāne /ārāme bhaviṃsu.


13. Now the man of high caste will buy a lion and a deer.

Idāni kulavā sīhaṃ ca migaṃ ca kiṇissati.


14. Our fathers were mindful.

Amhākaṃ pitaro satimanto bhaviṃsu.


15. Once we saw the sun from the rich man's garden.

Ekadā mayaṃ dhanavato uyyānamhā /ārāmamhā bhānumantaṃ /suriyaṃ passimha.





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