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2017/03/05 04:00:58瀏覽1578|回應3|推薦68 | |
中華健兒多英勇! 史傳青冊遍九洲。* 感動首相鐵娘子,
*此詩為紀念劉放吾將軍,二戰時帶領中國遠征軍113 團, 亦是八百壯士,於緬甸仁安羌與日寇英勇作戰、大獲全勝。 其事蹟足可與鎮守上海四行倉庫之八百壯士相輝映。 其功蹟,包括對戰略形勢的影響,與民族鬥志的發揚, 以及國家地位的提升,更是輝煌、彪炳。 謹以此詩,恭對該團官兵,以及所有抗日英雄致敬。
* 地上五洲,天上四洲。
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
They Were Another 800 Warriors*
Chinese warriors were very courageous! Eight hundred of them to save besieged allies.
The merit was marked on a pagoda of seven layers. The story was recorded in histories of nine continents.* It moved the Prime Minster nick-named Iron Lady, She thanked their commander Liu Fang-Wu later in person.
*This poem is written to pay tribute to the heroic deed of the 113 Regiment of Chinese Expedition Army led by Commander Liu Fang-Wu to fight the Japanese in Burma, in World War II.
Their bravery can be equally compared with another 800 warriors, who defended the Si-hang Warehouse at Shanghai, at the beginning of Japanese invading war.
Their victories, including the impact on war strategy, the raise of national morale, are even more brilliant and important.
and all those anti-Japanese heroes.
*Five continents on earth, four continents in Heaven.
此詩原係逥覆陸游先生普文 紀念其世伯劉放吾將軍二戰時於緬甸作戰之英勇事蹟而作。 回讀原文時,已全部被刪。(現在大部分又已恢復)(04/08/2017) 為對遠征軍抗日英雄致敬,重謄原稿並普網於本格。 復應詩友鄧潔(思敏)女士之逥覆,認為「這首詩很具有歷史價值。」 覺得應該將其英譯以利世人普遍讚頌,共同致敬。
請參閱: 1)陸游先生普文: 紀念仁安羌戰役勝利75周年 http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/99827331 緬懷仁安羌大捷的中華儒將(附:仁安羌村民支援建碑塔珍貴照片) 2)專家在南京談歷史文化視角下的仁安羌大捷(繁體.doc版) http://blog.udn.com/jfeng13x/99902679 3)Humming Bird(2012/09/19 00:24)著: 遲到70年的感謝 http://blog.udn.com/hummingbird2009/6868688 4)Humming Bird(2013/01/25 01:40)著: 魂兮歸來~中國遠征軍緬甸建碑 http://blog.udn.com/hummingbird2009/7254390
5)【中国江苏网】专家在南京谈历史文化视角下的仁安羌大捷 : http://wap3.jschina.com.cn/jrtt/jiangsu/nanjing/201704/t20170401_3882378.shtml?tt_group_id=6403851022325973250&tt_from=weixin&utm_source=weixin&utm_medium=toutiao
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