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2012/01/07 18:59:30瀏覽455|回應2|推薦11 | |
滿天,千萬顆連續爆開的燦爛煙花; 滿城,百萬眾不斷發出的驚奇歡呼; 把0八年在北京舉行的超世紀奧運, 在期盼中隆重而熱烈的揭開了序幕。 全中國十幾億人的臉上都閃耀著光彩, 胸中充滿了歡欣、鼓舞。 全世界幾十億人的口裏也發出來喝采, 心底湧起了羨慕、佩服。 兩百年的戰爭、殺戮、貧困、屈辱, 東亞病夫長久是: 傷透了心、受够了罪、吃盡了苦。 三十年的改革、開放、奮鬥、進步, 中華民族迅可以: 拍胸摩腹、揚眉吐氣、心舒意足。 這場盛會頗有點像, 萬國來朝,豪筵華舞。 在賽場内且又難得, 高占頭鰲,揚威耀武。 唯別忘了我們要能: 持盈保泰,長膺盟主。 更須引導大家致力: 環宇競榮,全民增福。 11/10/08 此詩有兩種英文譯本(附後)。 最好將其複印後並排對照閱讀。 你會發現文字之些微差異,其意味 (文意觀點及榮辱酸甜)會大不相同.
The 2008 Beijing Olympic Game ( II )
In the sky, hundreds then thousands, colorful fireworks exotically exploded. On the globe, East then West, jointly watched, excitedly applauded. The long awaited Olympic Game at Beijing, in 2008, was glaringly and glamorously inaugurated. Millions and millions of Chinese fellows everywhere: all their faces reflected with loftiness, all their chests bellowed out exclamations. Billions and billions of world people around the earth: from the mouths, lipped out laudations; in the abdomens, ached with admiration. Two hundred years of war, slaughter, dirty poverty, inhuman humiliation; made those East Asia Sick Men, in immeasurable deep misery and unimaginary torment -- terribly heartbroken!
Thirty years of reform, opening, endeavor and progression; made the Chinese Nation, soon can raise their chins, pat at their paunches -- vent out spleens! This face saving meeting seemed some sorts as: all nations attending as an audience, was pompously greeted with great feast and grand dance. In this specific arena, it was specially arduous to be the greatest winners of those highest honors, to show our valor and vigor. However, please do not forget you must hold your cap feather and keep a superior force, so might be on top forever. Moreover, you’d better compose a competing sport, to award a gold to all the athletes, produce glory for all party supporters.
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