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2015/10/11 05:14:30瀏覽2387|回應4|推薦72 | |
這是一首舊詩 再請批評指正
山丹丹開花 紅豔豔。 毛主席帶咱們 打江山。
這江山好打, 可皇帝難當。 香書房供出了個 暴虐狂啊!
他荼毒百姓, 並屠辱群臣。 搞的國弱民貧, 真丟人哪!
幸虧出了個 鄧小平。 改革開放, 求復興。
接著又來了 江澤民。 重整乾坤, 救沉淪。
再來便是那 胡錦濤。 大略雄韜, 幹的更好。
繼起又是個 . 山丹丹開花 紅豔豔。 中國人的風光, 終於是 大好一片哪!
貶的貶來、 褒的褒哇。 一部建國史 簡要的寫好了哇。
無論為官或為民, 千萬都不要自私自利。 你的一言和一行, 天上人間都記的仔細。
留個好名聲, 千古會傳頌。 留個壞名聲, 萬代都心痛啊!
立國的基礎 是禮義廉。 如果是無恥 難久站。
都須保持, 永光鮮。
啊 -- 哈哈哈哈! 啊?哈!
版權完全開放 歡迎譜曲演唱
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
When the Red Lilies Bloomed*
When the red lilies bloomed with vivid spirit and color, Chairman Mao rose and led us to seize the state power.
The kingdom was easy to build but the king was not easy to be. Worshiped in the temple of book was a tyrant of the worst degree.
He persecuted all his subjects: peoples and officials as well; caused such a chaos and suffers: a shame to the whole world.
Fortunately there came a man name Deng Xioping. He opened up and reformed, performing a rebuilding.
Successively there came the man named Jiang Zemin. He helped rebuilt the country, saved his poor citizens.
Succedingly the nation was managed by Hu Jintao. His plans were quite grand, His achievement was tall.
Presently the nation is led by Chairman Xi Jinping. Enhancing virtue and power, he earns more acclaiming.
Now we are richer and stronger, can promote moral help others, thus we won many praise words, coming from the whole world!
Now when the red lilies bloom with vibrant spirit and color. The scene of our beloved country is finally, really, much better.
Some of our leaders are praised, some are blamed. The history of our new nation, so is written briefly.
No matter you are officials or people, never be selfish or self-centered. All your words and behaviors can be clearly remembered.
Leaving a good name, you will be lauded for hundreds of generations.
Leaving a bad name, in hundreds generations everyone will be heartbroken!
The foundation of a nation must be built solidly, upon propriety, righteousness and sense of honor. If both officials and people are mostly shameless, the regime cannot possibly stand much longer. . We must keep and live with our can be brilliant ever and ever. . The red lilies beautifully bloom with more color and jubilation, lush in spring and summer time, wither in autumn and winter season. . As an old poet, I admire and sigh. Suddenly, throw away my blunt pen. Why not ride with the pleasant wind, to have a happy vacation in the heaven!?
Ah—Ha Ha Ha Ha! Ah? Haaa!
03/06/2011 first drafted 10/22/2018 finally revised
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