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2010/07/27 14:35:35瀏覽1495|回應2|推薦7 | |
背景音樂:媽媽請您也保重 請按喜好調整方格內喇叭聲音高低。 按了背景音乐自動播放,若無効,請在閲讀文章之後,再按 YouTube link 欣赏音乐。 在台南照顧阿母的外劳,說好只回印尼両個月就要回來的,但不知道為什麼,時間到了,人卻沒有出現?不得已,只好讓阿母继續留在「老人安養中心」。這出乎預料之外的事,真讓人心急! 歲月不饒人,二年前在照片中還亮麗,常帶微笑的她,聽就近照顧她的兄姊說:「媽媽現在身體精神,都已日漸衰退。」 Indonisia Nanny who has been taking care of Mom went back to her country for vacation. Mom was put temporarily in a well-run nursing home. My brother and sisters who stay close to watch her informed me that Mom has been getting weak day by day. I decided to make a trip back to my home town to see how she has been treated in the new place. This picture showing my Mom and her Nanny was taken one and half years ago. 我這個沒有盡到「晨昏定省」責任的不孝遊子,即使千里迢迢,懷著慚愧的心趕回去,也不能彌補萬分之一的「母需養,而子不見」的罪過。 I took off on July 9 flying back to see her. On the airplane, I felt so strongly shameful as a son, not being next to my Mom all the time when she needed me. 經過十二個小時的飛行,終於到達台湾。天邊晨光熹微,先乘車到台北拜見岳父母,準備接著趕回家鄉 - 台南。坐在桃園開往台北岳父母家的接駁車上,接到特別早起的岳母歡迎電話,令人心暖。 After a long 12 hours fly, the plane finally arrived in Taiwan. It was 5am, the Sun was about to rise in Taipei. I took a Taxi to see my parents-in-law before heading South to Tainan city where my Mom stays. 踏入岳父母家,小咪雖然不拒絕我,但却以遣責的眼光望著這個不速之客。 Upon entering into in-laws house, a cute kitten looked up at me with his inquisitive eyes seeming to ask "who is this stranger? why do you have to stay away from parents so far?" 休息一下後,不覺得累,就陪著岳父及照顧他的外勞到附近公園晨走。在公園看到一些帶著小孩的阿公阿嬤。他們都無怨無悔,在替白天努力工作的兒女,照顧下一代。公園雖小,但設備齊全。把小孩及老人都顧慮到了,台灣真好。 After a brief rest, I accompanied my father-in-law who had two minor strokes recently, for an early morning walk in a nearby park. The park, although small, is well equipped to accommodate both children and seniors. 婴兒潮退休,台灣老人人口,也愈來愈多。一路上遇到許多行動不便,但努力往前過日子的銀髮族。這些長者雖然沒有兒女隨侍在側,但因大家互相照顧,外表看來好像也沒有沮喪的樣子。但... 他們內心深處真正的想法如何? 若不直接接近關懷,是無法知道的。 On the way to park, I saw many citizens taking morning walk. Some of them are on wheelchair. In the park, they got together, comforted each other but looked boresome. Most of them, like my Moms time in park, were with Nannies only. I was curious about what actually were on their minds.
在岳父母家過了夜,一大早啟程南下。此行接受好友 Kitty 的建議,從台北南下時,先坐捷運到板橋站,再換乘長途火車,繼續回阿母身邊的路。
因為在板橋,台鐵和高鐵的乘車區相鄰,可以就近機動性的選擇車種,對我來說,在許多方面是不輸台北站的。 The ticket offices for Taiwan railroad train and high speed train are very close in Banchao, which allowed me to choose in real-time the best kind of train to take. After comparison, I made a decision to take seat-assigned Taiwan railroad train for the reasons that not only it gave me 3 more hours of time to enjoy Taiwan country sites, it also costed me about NT$500 less. 出發前,氣象報告預測,夏天第一個颱風將於両天内入境。天公作美,我從板橋站出發時,還是陽光普照。台灣夏天那特有的绿油油的田野風光,透過車窗,在我面前一覽無遺。 我真的很幸運,便宜的一趟自強號火車,居然還讓我舒服的坐在車內,享受窗外台灣鄉間,晴雨多元的美麗。 According to weather forecast, the first summer Typhone is about to land on the island. Nevertheless, it was sunny when I took off from Banchao. 這次回阿母身邊的路,前段一路風和日麗。但过了苗栗山區到達豐原時,天氣突然大變!烏雲密佈。車站候車的人也變得寥寥無幾。 The sunny weather did not last long. It started thunderstorm in Fenyuan area (a relative high sea level zone in the cross-Taiwan train trip). Not many peoples waited in the train station. The thunderstorm did not discourage me because it gave me a rare opportunity to enjoy Taiwan country sites in two different mother natures with one price. 窗外這高聳的電塔加上佈满砂石的溪流,是在台灣這科技海島坐火車旅行,常見的特有景像。它們在矇矓煙雨中,忽隱忽現。使我想起大學休假後,臨行前,媽媽塞给我她辛苦準備,多得「令人受不了」的食品及衣物時,我拒絕帶走。但上了火車望著飛逝電塔,悔不當初的情景。 漸漸的窗外霧濛濛一片,我也從懷舊的漫遊回到現實,轉頭回看車内。啊 ~ 不知何時旁邊站個年輕美眉,寧願買站票趕回家,也不願多等一些時辰,坐下班車;思鄉的人,豈只是我而已。 Pulled back from the recollection of the past, I turned my head away from the trains window and saw a young girl standing in front of my seat who evidently had volunteerly paid a full ticket price without a seat - a situation commonly occurred in Taiwan for passenger who could not wait for next train when seats are fully booked. After all, I realized that I was not the only one who was anxious to head home. 不知不覺中午到了。服務人員開始叫賣台鐵排骨便當,這是小時候坐火車,我最期待的一刻。付了NT$100,買了便當加上一瓶時下台灣最流行的"爽健美茶",享受了一頓美好的懷舊午餐。嘿!没想到,上車前買的"蘋果日報",看過了還可當餐巾用。 I was very delighted to know that the famous Taiwan Railroad lunch box will be avaialble on the train in the noon time. This delicious lunch was always my favorite when I rode train as a kid. The Apple newspaper after being read served as napkin. 茶足飯飽,火車上傳來廣播說:「台南,台南站到了...」 記得六年前,我给了他十元。想想物價上漲,這次就给二十元吧 ~ 沒想到他望著我,哀求的說:「頭家,给我一百伍。」 哇,在台南這文化古都,乞討行情也跟著物價上漲!因為欣賞他多年來日日求進,亳不猶疑的给了他三個伍拾元銅板。 從台南後「火車頭」走出站,第一眼看到的就是,從左邊開始佔市區4x4大路段的"國立成功大學",也是我在台灣時生活的重心。爸爸生前和媽媽未到安養院前的老家,就在附近。 The first view after walking out of train station is this big National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) campus on the left. Before my Dad passed away and my Mom went to nursing home, they lived in a house right next to University campus. I also spent a majority of my time in this neighborhood when I was young. 火車站前這條景觀道路,直穿成大校區。不知道多少次,我曾拖著行李,低著頭,依依不捨的離開老爸關愛的眼神,走這條路進入火車站。走入月臺,等著將進站的火車時,每次都會托著腮,想念心愛的爸媽和兄姊,希望可以永遠不要離開這可愛的家鄉。 This beautiful street in front of me cuts across the east side of University campus. It is a path that I had to take when I took train to go back to school in HsinChu after class break was over. Every time while waiting on platform for train to arrive, I wished I did not have to leave my beloved mother, father, brother and sisters who all live in Tainan. 拖著簡單行李,故意不坐計程車,一邊慢慢步行,一邊回憶年少時走這條路的情景。因為老家已暫時人去樓空,我進入校園,就先直奔二姊和姊夫在「成大管理學院」的辦公室 。看到熟悉的校園「車陣」,我被提醒 ... 家到了! 校園除了「車陣」,讓我有回家感覺的,就是學生人潮。既使是暑假,那行政大樓前的開闊空間,也擠滿了來參加「暑期學術營」的高中生。我最喜歡校園和它的氣氛,因為它代表了: 知識,分享,自由和活力。 成大夏天的「鳳凰花」给我很多感覺。成大校園從驪歌響起到七月底,是個「鳳凰花城」。鳳凰花很美,它帶给了我 "天下無不散宴席的惆悵" 和 "未來海闊天空的欣喜" 這两種複雜感受。 NCKU campus has lots of Phoenix trees. Gorgeous Phoenix flowers are all over the trees in the Summer. In my memory, Phoenix blossom season is also a graduation season. The Phoenix flowers touch my heart with a mixed feeling of sorrow and opportunity. 在姊夫辦公室喝了涼水,歇了點腳,就直奔阿母的安養院「友廉安養養護中心」。瞭解了中心的設備和運作後,心理安心踏實了許多。它不但是個寬敞明亮的大樓,院長及院長夫人也住在大樓頂層,心地善良,養護經驗豐富,責任心重。 After taking a short break in sisters office, I could not wait to heading to the nursing home where my Mom stays. The nursing home ran by an experienced and compassing couple is about 2 miles from NCKU campus and my parents house. It didnt take me long to see this well run temporarily home for my Mom. 爬到二樓,看到阿母,叫了一聲,"媽媽我回來了!" ,媽媽雖然看不見我,也不記得我的名字,但從她那激動的表情,我知道,我叫"媽媽"的聲音對她而言是非常熟悉,夢寐以求的 ... 她知道,前面的這握著她的孩子,是她日日想念的人。 Here she is! My beloved Mom. Although she lost her vision and could no longer remember my name, I knew from her facial expression, that I was always in her mind, as soon as I said to her, "Mom, I am back, your 2nd son in USA." 媽媽失明失智,且無法行動。回為我不孝,大學畢業後就離鄉背井,沒有隨侍照顧,她已記不得我名字,可是經我提醒: 「媽 ~ 我是您在美國的二兒子.」 她馬上能叫出,她在美國媳婦和両個孫兒的名字。啊 ~ 原來在失智之間,她一直断断续续的惦念著我們一家人的。媽媽,我爱您。 My Mom lost vision, memory and mobility. I felt so sorry and guilty that I stayed most of my life away from her in USA while she was healthy. I am sure that, somewhere in her deep brain, she remembers about me; because she could immediately name her America daughter-in-law and two grandsons after I reminded her of my name.
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