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2010/04/13 06:58:10瀏覽4882|回應6|推薦9 | |
背景音乐:Pocket Full Of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield 請依自己喜好,調整麥克風音量 按了背景音乐自動播放,若無効,請在閲讀文章之後,再按 YouTube link 欣赏音乐。 https://youtu.be/0btXhLdAuAc 舒筋操後,好不容易驚魂甫定,排舞教練上場,學習開始,才知大勢不妙! 這個排舞,每節八步,一舞多節;第一個八步還好,教練示範到第三個八步,第一個八步全還她了。還好人多好混,第一天就在韻律脫節,追在「學妹學弟」腳步後亂搖的慘況下,踏得汗流夾背,終於結束了。 以前總覺得排舞「擺腰曳臀」,是女生的玩意。現在才發現排舞對男生好處,其實真的很多; 健身冶心,強化記憶,既沒有一般跳舞需要牽女生手的尷尬,也不失「如浴春風」的感覺。 還有,信不信由您,大概因為持續的排舞運動,加州排舞協會的教練及助教練們都是; 健康活潑,快樂友善,個個看起來都像二十出頭的「中年留學主婦」。 排舞真的可舞出健康,舞出快樂,舞出燦爛的人生! 如您對這排舞記述產生共震,在網路上有許許多多寶貴資料,可供參考。譬如…初學者簡介: http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-line-dance 排舞腳步總匯: http://www.copperknob.co.uk/ 我覺得排舞的快樂,在於團動的韻律感及團員間的互動學習, ,所以加入排舞協會,讓自己有個固定的時間,投入健身活動,見見朋友,是最佳的安排. 我是加入加州排舞協會. 它的網址是 www.cldaa.org 若在台北是 http://www.taipeilinedance.twmail.net/ My Line Dance Journey - The First Three Months
Through the encouragement of my classmate, who was the leader of art and literature extra curriculum in our high school class, I divulge on public Blog for the first time in my life about a personal sensation – my journey in Line Dance. After dedicating more than 30 years to the high-tech industry in Silicon Valley and coaching my kids to become independent, I recently earned an "early retiree" title. Initially, a sudden loss in the excitement generated from daily contributions at work left me depressed. Luckily, it did not take long after I refined my life-value from accomplishing paid-job-related services to giving toward myself, my loved ones and community.
Prior to college, I was daddy and mommy’s nice kid; studying very hard to meet their expectations. Extra curricular activities such as dancing (that requires holding the hand of girl) would only be a dream. A year ago, my wife joined the California Line Dance Association and started the hour long daily exercise. To my surprise, within few months into her exercise, she looked like a different person both on her health and beauty. Out of curiosity, I always wanted to know the reason behind it, but was shy to bring it up on the table ….
In the beginning of this year, after one of her after-dance dinners, she asked me if I would like to join her in the line dance club. Although I agreed reluctantly, I felt as if I had hit the lotto. This started my inconceivable dancing adventure.
I can still vividly remember my first day. My wife was driving us to my first lesson, and I felt joyful and anxious but also a little uncertain, much like the mixed emotions of a girl getting married. We were late that night. So as soon as we walked into the dance room, there were already an overwhelmingly massive number of ladies filling the dance floor.
Embarrassed, I followed my wife into the room with my head down, and managed to find a space to stand. During the first 15 minutes of the stretching workout, I perked around the room and to my relief found two other men. The ladies on the dance floor all looked healthy and bright, needless to say about the coaches and assistant coaches.The nervous mind that settled down during the stretching section was re-agitated as soon as the line dance exercise began. It turned out that Line dance is a multi-section dance with eight-count steps in each section. Some have as many as 8 or more sections. After coach moved on to teach the third section, I had completely forgotten the first section. There was no way for me to follow except to shake and struggle to move my body around.
Fortunately, nobody on the dance floor noticed my awkwardness because everyone was focused on his/her own steps. An hour passed, and my first class ended in a catch-up mode lacking behind young classmates’ footsteps. Honestly, although I instantly fell in love with this female-dominated dance, I left the class with embarrassment and frustration. Being intrigued by the dance, I committed myself with the fearless spirit of a Silicon Valley engineer. I worked very hard; this includes note taking after-class, studying reference materials from on-line surfing, practicing at home, and reviewing before-class with predecessors and assistant coaches. I also arrived early to position myself around skillful classmates so that I could gain references in all four quarters during dance.
I eventually discovered that, because everyone had to concentrate on the dance-beat during exercise, there was no embarrassment on being a fresh member. And the awkward mindset I had in the beginning went away quickly. After a month into the exercise, my wife applauded my memory enhancement - due mainly to the repeated use of the brain to remember the sequence of multiple sections in the dance. With her praise and my passion, I became anxious to look forward for this one-hour physical and mental enlightening exercise every day. It was my misunderstanding that line dance is nothing but a hip and waist swing stuff - a female only exercise, until I personally experienced it. After three months of participation, I have to say that the intensive rhythmic movement under line dance music is a great exercise for men, not only on physical improvement but also for mind enrichment. It is also an amazing prescription for killing beer-tummy syndrome. It was a delight that I saved more money for not needing to upgrade all of my pants with a larger waist size than the money I had to pay for the CLDAA annual membership. According to an insider story, there was a female member who dropped her clothing size from 14 to Petite after continued line dancing for over a year. No wonder one of our coaches said, "The Line Dance can make women pretty and men handsome.” When I first started, male members were so scarce that every one was treated as well-protected rare species. Lately, I have noticed more than 10 men showing up routinely. It is inevitable that I need to work even harder before our special rare-species’ right is taken away. Aside from exercise, members also enjoy friendship and humorous conversations in the dance class. On one occasion, one of our coaches told us one of her secrets that she used the CLDAA designed dance "10 minutes" to awe her husband almost to death. I have pleaded our "seed coach" to create an equivalent dance that allows male members to magnetize their wives. This months new dance is called Cha Cha Ruleta (pronounced "thundering hit" in Chinese). It is a very hard advanced dance. It took me three lessons to start following coach’s teaching, but still 3 to 5 counts behind her steps. Although difficult, it is a beautiful and great work-out dance.
Personally, I treat this “thundering hit” dance a perfect exercise for men due to its intensive and fast-paced turning movement. I repetitively practiced it with great effort and eventually became better on this dance than my wife who joined line dance one year earlier than me. It was a great feeling of achievement. Joining CLDAA for line dance has been the best decision for me and my wife this year. I strongly recommend it particularly for those couples whose children have grown up and started their own lives. Finally, it is amazing that, probably because of their continued line dance exercises, the coaches and assistant coaches in California Line Dance Association are all very healthy, happy and friendly; all looked in their 20s’ even though they are "middle-age study-abroad housewives”. Line dance really can make the dream of dancing into a healthy, happy, and brilliant life true. If you are motivated to learn what the line dance is, there are plenty of references on the web. 謝謝來訪 |
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