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2014/04/12 11:46:16瀏覽1353|回應0|推薦0


BS: 烏克蘭不明飛行物實際上是美國軍事天空無畏号


特納廣播網Turner Radio Network)怎知道這個重大機密詳情?軍方決定經由TRN發布此信息?這是荒謬的。



資訊翻譯彙集: 【最强的奴隸】


【號外:Breaking News!天狼星「UFO」帶给世界和平】


Hello, all Beloved Earth Dwellers, it is I, Ashtar. I have very good news to tell you about our successful Double Trouble display over the Ukraine. You will appreciate the irony embedded in the Truth which is now being revealed around the world. We are whooping and hollering on the ships, as you might say.



Many of you have seen the video of the "cigar shaped UFO" over the Crimea - the territory where Putin gathered his ships and ground troops to try to "keep peace" by applying military force. The video was seen all over Russia as well as the rest of the world, and was claimed by the Russian press to be a UFO. You may have noticed it was then that Putin pulled the Russian troops back "to barracks". He decided that the sight of a 3,000 foot long UFO flying surveillance over the trouble spot was not something he wanted to challenge.

若非因特納廣播網Turner Radio Network欲蓋彌彰的多此一舉,由黑集團控制媒體故意冷卻漠視之故,這一切本應逐步消聲匿跡。在此引述其全文報導,以資笑談。

All might have died down, met as it was by the cold shoulder of the cabal-controlled media, if it weren't for the following release from the Turner Radio Network. I quote it here in its entirety for comic relief.

2014年3月8日--(TRN電台)--   美國已經在烏克蘭的天空部署了驚人的新軍事力量優勢。飛船3月6日在光天化日之下的廣闊地帶現身,讓當地見到的媒體和居民深深困惑,他們稱之為UFO。既然飛船現身已被公眾所見,TRN電台就可以欣然報導新天空無畏号戰艦」誰理你的進展和部署烏克蘭上空的飛船和更多的細節见以下報導。

March 8, 2014 -- (TRN) -- The United States has deployed a spectacular new military asset in the skies over the Ukraine. The craft made its presence known on March 6, in broad daylight, and it so baffled media and local residents, they called it a "UFO." Since the craft has now been publicly seen, TRN is pleased to be able to report the development and deployment of the new "Sky Dreadnought." 愛你喲!Video of the craft over Ukraine and further details, below.

(下文部分引用http://www.awaker.org/a/tonglingxinxi/yinhelianbang/7609.html )


The Sky Dreadnought is the most advanced military weapons system in the history of human existence. Nothing on the face of the earth can even come close to comparing. The ship, a long, cigar-shaped craft, is almost 3,000 feet long, about the length of three aircraft carriers.

It flies by virtue of a gravity-manipulation system, allowing it to operate at any altitude - even into space - and return, without need of jet engines, propellers, massive fuel tanks or rocket engines. All this is achieved by the manipulation of earth's gravity, which, for all intents and purposes, affords unlimited motion possibilities.

Since the craft manipulates gravity, there are ZERO gravitational effects upon the crew or systems inside the craft. Instead of the craft moving despite gravity, gravity itself moves *with* the craft. This means the craft can maneuver at previously impossible angles and speeds without the crew suffering any "G-forces."

While it's maximum speed is classified, TRN can report the Sky Dreadnought can easily travel in excess of ten thousand miles per hour inside earth's atmosphere, or stop and hover --- all of it totally silently. Not only can it achieve these amazing speeds, it can do so almost instantaneously, making the craft totally untouchable by any weapons system on earth.

The exterior of the craft is coated with trillions of nanites, so technologically advanced, it cannot be tracked by radar, cannot be locked-onto by fire control radar of any type, cannot be tracked by infra-red or other heat-seeking weapons. These nanites are not only part of the anti-radar features of the craft, they are also part of the defensive "light-bending" visual stealth, communications and weapons systems.

For defensive purposes, the nanites can be used to view and transfer images seen on one side of the craft, to the other side, meaning the craft can seem to "disappear" to the naked eye.

為了聯絡,其它的納米管理著對天空的電磁發射,使地面或空軍基地無線電遙測、通訊攔 截根本不可能發生作用。對兵器來說,天空無畏戰艦並不使用任何常規武器。它使用的是脈衝等離子光,當被肉眼看到時,它看起來像是青白色集中照明的光。這種 武器首先在第二次伊拉克戰爭中應用在實驗基礎上,技術原型安裝成坦克樣式,看起來像是融化的汽車、卡車和巴士,其功用震驚了伊拉克部隊。武器可以360度 垂直和水平運轉,沒有任何的盲點。沒有什麼可以逃脫它的追擊,地球任何人造物體它都可以打擊。金屬會被熔化,瞬間變成一堆金屬水,混凝土化為粉末,人體在 不到一秒的時間內枯萎、燃燒/熔化成嬰兒大小。
For communications, other nanites direct all electromagnetic emissions to the sky, making it impossible for ground or air-based radio-tracking or communication interception.
As to weaponry, the Sky Dreadnought does not use any conventional weapons. All of its weapons are a type of pulse-plasma beams which, when seen by the naked eye, appear to be blueish-white, focused bolts of lighting. The weapons were first used on an experimental basis in the second Iraq war, where prototypes were tank-mounted, and were seen melting cars, trucks and buses to the shock and horror of the Iraqi troops who witnessed their use. The weapons operate 360 degrees vertically and 360 degrees horizontally without any blind spots. Nothing can escape the crafts' weapons and no man-made object on earth can withstand being hit by the beams. Metals turn molten and melt in seconds; concrete is reduced to powder instantly. Human bodies shrivel to burnt/melted hulks the size of infants, in less than one second.

If attacked, the systems on board the craft can engage a staggering number of threats simultaneously; literally thousands of attacking targets can be wiped out of existence before they even get close to the craft. While the range of its plasma weapons is classified, TRN can report the craft has the ability to attack any target from horizon to horizon, no matter the altitude of the craft! Given this ability, there isn't a weapon on earth that can be be launched at or used against the Dreadnought without the attack being detected and destroyed.

Making the craft all the more amazing is that once its weapons are used, the area in which they were used is completely safe to enter. No long-term radiation or other health hazard exists. This being the case, the craft can go in, utterly flatten an entire country, and the area it conquers will be ready for re-population and re-development by the United States immediately after the confrontation.

Believe it or not, the craft is based at an undersea base in an ocean. The craft can operate underwater, but there are still some unresolved issues in using its weapons while it is submerged; the weapons work, but anything even close to the area they are used is also affected by the dispersion of the plasma, which has unintended consequences for innocent life forms in the area.

It took more than 25 years and literally trillions of dollars to develop this craft. Those claiming the Pentagon "cannot account for" trillions of dollars, can now figure out where that money went.

(1丁: 人民的昭子是雪亮的, ...如此..如此..這般..巨细靡遺的BS大笑, 這年頭黑黑也難為, 算是給他BS一個 「B+ 」啦,快撐不住要漏餡~加油囉!)


( 時事評論國際 )
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