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2014/04/10 14:46:26瀏覽22663|回應0|推薦1

訊息彙整 : 【最强的奴隸】

的路線, 與各大精神、宗教、物質事件有關

第一次發生: 1493-94 西班牙沒落,猶太人放逐,哥倫布發現美洲大陸(新邦誕生"baby nation")

第二次發生: 1949-50 以色列建國 ( 他們稱之為聖地回歸return of holy land”, 光明幫猶太复國主義Zionist的大本營,羅斯柴爾德家族Rothschild規劃創立的國家--特拉維夫内貫穿市中心的大道叫「羅斯柴爾德路」 )

第三次發生: 1967-68 六日戰爭 (他們稱之為聖城回歸return of holy city”)

這四個'血月亮'月蝕中又包括了六個滿月full moon,
從耶穌誕生以來, 4個血月亮的四分體只發生過七次!


第二血月亮,10月8日,發生在神龕節Feast of the Tabernacle( or 帳棚節Sukkot)期間。


最後1個發生在2015年9月28日,也是神龕節Tabernacle( or 帳棚節Sukkot)期間。

ps. 有趣的是能看到的英美主流媒體,如不是隻字不提、就是輕描淡寫; 一概說「血月四分體」是一個“巧合”,也無關啟示(apocalypse)...所有這些欲蓋彌彰的&*%$#,他們在害怕什麼? 想掩蓋什麼

圖: 日頭要變為黑暗,月亮要變為血,偉大令人驚嘆主的一天到來之前。

聖經Joel 2:30-31

宏偉的事件開始 2014- 4月15日-血月系列

1丁注: 這個傳導文後還附有靈媒本人的備注,譯者略去,以重點為要故我將其放篇首。以下即是~


個人說明:從我現在的感覺和看到,有一系列的事件將開始於四月15日,一路過關斬將通過血月亮一直繼續到明年及以後。我們已經達到一個轉折點,從中我們終於要看到日新月異的變化。這並不是說我們從沒有過,因為我們真的一直都有在不斷變化!只是今年2014帶來的變化特大!但現在事情會加快!大部分的黑暗將被平衡了。很多東西已經被摧毀並全部重建。很多我們失去了歷史終於開始“洩露”消息。科學家將確認更多大家都已經在談論和知道的事實。美國NASA將“渗出”各種證明我們銀河家族存在的圖像。在精神層次上,人們會喚醒內在的連接,並開始重新評估他們對待彼此的方式。我們全都將受到影響。雖然有時它看起來像一條崎嶇不平的道路時,我們應該永遠記住,它只是一個我們必須通過的平面湍流,而且有時飛機必須低飛才能繼續航程。所有的一切都看來是令人難以置信的明亮和美麗! :)我們將期待一個驚喜不斷的奇蹟! :)我們正進入,以及已進入非常激動人心的時刻了。 :)

由於我指導靈的指示, 我也想提醒你注意幾件事情。 :) 去夏我曾與大天使梅塔特隆感應一次。那次信息是令人難以置信的強大,當時我不知道到底是什麼意思,現在血月亮和逾越節,以及所有的事情一湧而上, 一切都有了完美意義。再次,所有這些全是正向正面的!因此也得這樣(正向正面的)處理它。

原文: PERSONAL NOTE: From what I am feeling and seeing, the events are going to begin on the 15th and continue all through the blood moons, all the way through next year and beyond. What we are reaching is a turning point, from which we are finally going to see rapid changes. Not that we haven’t, as we truly have! This year alone has  brought tremendous amount of changes! But now things are going to accelerate! Much of the darkness will be contained and balanced out. Much of what has been destroyed reconstructed, and built all over again. A lot of our lost history will finally begin to be “leaked” into the news. Scientists will confirm a lot more of what we are all talking about and already know. NASA will “leak” various images proving the existence of our Galactic Family. Spiritually people will awaken en mass, and begin to re-evaluate the way that they treat each other. We are ALL going to be affected. And although at times it might seem like a bumpy road, we should always remember that that is exactly what it is, turbulence in a plane, just something we need to get through, and that sometimes the plane must fly lower to the ground in order to continue its flight. All in all everything is looking incredibly bright and beautiful! :) We have a A LOT OF wonder to look forward to!!!! :) We’re entering, well have already entered into very exciting times. :) I also want to draw your attention to a few things. As I was pointed to this by my guides :) A channeling that I have received this past summer from AA Metatron. It was incredibly powerful and I didn’t know exactly what it meant, now with the blood moons, and the Passover and all the things coming up everything’s making perfect sense. Once again this is all POSITIVE!!! So treat it as such.)

On April 15th a magnanimous event shall unfold before earthlings. An event of such proportions that the world has not seen eons past. The event that shall be known in recorded history as that which has come and that which has gone and that which has returned and that which has risen from the ashes of the past into the newly formed UNITY of the ones to come.


For the event of the magnanimous proportions, shall strip mankind of all their EGO, shall strip mankind of all their knowledge of eons past. For all shall be stripped away, and only the raw, true, nature remain. The stripping away of the veil of the illusionary world that they have found themselves to be a part of. And the truth of their kind be revealed to them yet again.


Therein within the hearts of so many lays the code to the eternal understanding of time, the eternal understanding of all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. The codexes imprinted therein shall activate on the date in question and continue to rapidly unfold throughout your known world, and the worlds around you. Baring the fruitful commencement of the events that are tofollow, the earthlings shall face the history that they have not been exposed to prior.


The earthlings shall bear fruit of all that has been laid before them, by those who have come and gone. And as such, the events that are to unfold will touch many a heart, will unraveled many a truth, from within the layers of the sub atomic particles within the psyche of their being and the civilization as a whole.


Many upon many shall awaken and open their eyes as if for the first time, seeing the world anew, many upon many shall bear witness to the magnanimous events occurring in the skies and within their own vessels, for the vessel of time and space, the vessels of the human understanding of time shall be transformed once and for all. That which was hidden shall become known and open the doors to the eternal understanding of that which they are!


For the events unfurling themselves before you have been misunderstood by humanity. For the stories that have been foretold have been put through the EGO selves of the beholder, for the truth that is to be unfolded and revealed to humanity is not the Armageddon of the world. For the word Armageddon has indeed been misunderstood by humanity. For the idea of Armageddon truly is the BEGINNING of times, and the shedding of the old, and welcoming of the new!


For indeed the revelations of the history of mankind shall cause the Armageddon of the know world, the know world within the hearts of so many, for upon the awakening of themselves to their true selves and facing thereof, much will become crystal clear, much will become, known, and there shall nolonger be a shadow to hide behind, for each and every single one shall face their own self, their own EGO, their own fears and apprehensions, their own reality.


For each one shall see the bright light of the source, and their own divine selves. For each one shall take heed of their actions, for each one shall be faced with that which they have indeed experienced prior, and asked to release and cleanse from their palate.


All of this shall occur in a split moment of time, for the energies that shall pore onto earth at the time of the second moon shall be grand, for the first moon that ye shall see in the nightly skies, the first moon that ye shell lay eyes upon shall swirl the energies, the beautiful energies of creation, for the energies of actions shall be deliveredinto the earth's fields of glory.

所有這一切會在一個分離的時刻發生(1丁:翻譯有誤, 是「迅速」發生,"a split moment"=電光石火的快速),因為在第二(血)月亮到達地球的能量會是宏偉的,你在夜空看到的第一(血)月亮會使能量旋轉,美麗的創造能量,行動的能量會被傳遞給地球的榮耀領域。

The unusual alignment of the sun, Earth and Mars Tuesday night happened a week before the beginning of another astrological event that some believe is associated with the end of the world

Next week begins a cycle known as the 'Tetrad,' which involves a series of four dark red 'blood moons.' At the end of the cycle in September 2015, some believe the end of the world will happen

This graphic explains why Mars was so visible to the naked eye on Tuesday night

圖: 日頭(自發力)、火星(行動力)和地球三方的對齊和軌距,500年一次。2014~2015就要發生了!

Much shall unfold before you. Much of the human understanding shall be changed. For only the love, the unconditional love of the universal proportions shall rein on this planet. Love and understanding, love and eternal bliss, for the time has come to put down the weapons of self destruction and open the hearts to the new energies, the new consciousness to descend into your own vessels and for your souls to ascend to the creator, to ascend into a new understanding. The understanding of oneness, the understanding of manifestations, the understating of your own supremacy and the powers therein. To understand that indeed you are a part of the great composition that is the universe. To understand that you are indeed NOT alone. For you are always surrounded, for you are always supported by the source and all that is.

許多會在你面前展開。人類許多的理解會被改變。因為只有愛、無條件之愛(宇宙比例的)能支配這個星球。愛與理解,愛與永恆的幸 福,是時候放下自我傷害性的武器並向新的能量敞開了,新的意識下降到你的器具中,你的靈魂揚升至造物主,揚升至新的理解。合一的理解、顯化的理解、自己主 權和力量的理解。明白你確實是偉大宇宙構成物的一部分。明白你確實並不孤單。因為你總是被包圍著,你總是被源頭和一切萬有支持著。

And so, as the hearts of so many shall open, the hearts of so many shall embrace the new world, and a such, and thus, it is of utmost importance for ALL of YOU – The Ground Crew, to remain in balance, remain in balance dear children of light, for the road ahead is turbulent indeed. Remain in balance for the light that you bring forth into this world is emanating tri fold. For you are as a prism that is transporting the light into the known world. For you are that which has brought into this universe the new knowledge and understanding of self. The new knowledge and understanding of that which has come and that which shall be. For the mathematical equation of Pi, and E=MC2 shall play a very important role in the days to come. For that which does not exists to the human mind, shall indeed be revealed. For the humanity shall once and for all see with their very own eyes, that indeed it is so, that they are not alone, they are not alone it the galaxy, that they are not alone in the universe, they are not alone.

因此,許多人的心會敞開,許多人的心會擁抱新世界,因此,至關重要的是---地面人 員,處於平衡,親愛的光之子們,因為前方的道路確實是混亂的。處於平衡,因為你帶給世界的光正在成三倍地發散。因為你作為一個棱鏡把光傳輸到世界各地。你 把新的知識和自我的理解帶給了這個宇宙。新的知識與正在到來的和即將成為的理解。

E=MC2 每一件事都是能量,這就是一切。符合你想要的現實之頻率,你便無法不使這一現實成真。就是这樣,沒有其他法子了。這不是哲學,這是物理學。」

數學方程式π和E=MC2會在未來的日子發揮重要的作用。在人類頭腦中不 存在的,會被揭露。人類會徹底地看清,確實如此,他們並不孤單,他們在宇宙、銀河中並不孤單。

The wonder of life, shall unfold before all children of their creator selves. The wonder of the beautiful creation you call Mother GAIA. For indeed it is so. And a such, many questions shall arise, and many shall cry to the heavens for explanation, for their ideals and their understanding of self, shall vanish, and all shall be erased, for they will stand in awe and wonder and trepidation, stripped completely naked to the core of their hearts. And only the beautiful melody of truth shall ring in their ears.

生命的奇 蹟,會在所有造物主自我的孩子們面前展開。蓋亞母親美麗創造的奇蹟。因為確實如此。因此,許多問題會升起,許多人會渴求天堂一個解釋,因為他們對自我的理 解,消失了,一切都被清除,因為他們會處於敬畏、驚訝和驚恐,完全袒露無疑地面對內在核心。只有美麗的真理旋律會在耳中響起。

And when such an event occurs, know that much chaos shall unfold, and as such, you shall be the ones to embrace the lost souls, you shall be ones to show them the way, you shall be the ones to honor and protect them, to respect that which they are going through and assist them in further rediscovery of themselves and their link to the universe en large.


For that which they shall see, for that which they shall hear, for that which they shall sense, will frighten them to the core. For most it shall be occur in private, in the privacy of their chambers, for some it shall occur in the open fields of their imaginations. For others it shall occur in the vast cosmic alliances and yet for the rest it shall be revealed and brought through the television screens, through the computer screens, through all the media of your known world.And so. And thus, the preparation is near, the preparations of the galactic history that will open the gate and unfold a new plan for the new millennium, a new plan for humanity a new plan for all that is.

因為他們會看到的、會聽到的、會感覺到 的,會徹徹底底地嚇到他們。因為大多數是發生在個人層面的,對於一些人會發生在他們想像的空曠領域。對於其他人會發生在廣大的宇宙聯盟中,而剩下的會通過 電視屏幕和媒體揭露。因此,準備好,銀河歷史的揭示會打開大門並展開一個新的計劃(為了千禧年),為人類的新計劃。

Stay in the light dearly beloveds, stay in the light knowing that we are standing by you. Know that you are loved beyond measure by the universe, by the source and all that is. Understand that you are the ones in command, that you are the ones that have taken it upon yourselves to walk foot in foot and hand in hand with humanity. Know that you are, the guardians of earthlings, for you are their guides, you are their way showers, you are their support team. Understand that although the road will be lengthy it will be a fruitful one indeed!


That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.



四月將會是個非常忙碌的月份 ~~

在為 『新的』 做準備 ---


請保持與你的內在協調對齊 ~~


15th April : Full Moon in Libra/Aries : This is a Full Moon in an Air Sign, and the focus is on Balance. The Lunar energies will demand that you focus on bringing your life into balance.







15th April : Total Lunar Eclipse/ Libra : The Total Lunar Eclipse introduces new Light Codes into the Collective Consciousness of Earth. The Libra energy means that there will be great pressure to bring in new ways of thinking and living that will restore Balance to the Earth. It is certainly time when Balance will be a Key issue in our lives and on the Earth.













18th April : Easter Friday. Anchoring the Energy of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness on the Earth. The Balance of Cosmic Masculine and Cosmic Feminine. Honoring Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, the Christ Avatars.

2014-04-18: 復活節星期五.





同時榮耀 『耶合華Yeshua』以及

Mary Magdalene~~


20th April : Easter Sunday The Energy of Rebirth as a Cosmic/Galactic Human in the Cosmic Christ Energy.

2014-04-20: 復活節星期天

~~能量的再生 ~~

成為一個 『大宇宙\銀河人類』


29th April : New Moon in Taurus : The Focus of this New Moon, an Earth Moon, is personal and global Finance. Seeds for the new economic structures in the New Earth will be planted at this time.







29th April : Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus: The introduction of new Light Codes that will guide the development of a new economy on the Earth. There will be a focus on Compassion and Sustainable ways of living together. 



『新的光能密碼』將被帶入 ~~


會有一個專注於 慈悲『可續性共生發展』出現!



The FULL BLOOD MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE is at 7:07 UTC on April 15th when the eclipse is the fullest. For the USA, that is 12:07am PT and 3:07am EDT. For me, it is 1:07am This is also the evening of the first day of Passover. The moon will BE at the horizon on the East and Arcturus will BE shining so bright up and to the left of the moon. I have added a visibility map in the top comment.

完全的血月亮月蝕是在7:07 UTC

(英國格林威治時間) 415日發生~~


對於美國~~ 這是12:07 AM PT(太平洋時間)

3:07 AM EDT(美東時間)







This is the first of a series of four Blood Moons in 2014/2015. It is called a Tetrad. There have been many prophecies of the Return of the Christ on the Blood Moon. Of course WE Know this refers to Christ Consciousness. This Tetrad of 4 Blood Moons has only happened 7 times since the birth of Jesus. Many have waited for the Return of the Christ in the past during these occurrences. This is the One!



它被稱為是 『四分體 Tetrad』。


當然,我們知道這指的是 ~~ 『基督意識』






, 這次是了!

For millennia, a rare celestial event known as the 「Blood Moon Tetrad」 has coincided with periods of monumental change affecting the Holy Land and ultimately the world.



巨大的具有歷史標誌性的變化而發生 ~~~


「And I will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.」 Joel 2:30-31

『而且, 我要在天上,而且在地上顯出奇蹟,有血,有火,有煙柱。日頭要變為黑暗,


聖經Joel 2:30-31


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