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2010/06/22 01:51:51瀏覽994|回應0|推薦27

()文化、知識,和精神的原因 :

A.     新柏拉圖主義與基督教如此密不可分,但是,當新柏拉圖主義和三位一體(the Divine Trinity)形而上的類比方式相連結,思想很容易的陷於形而上的虛無飄渺就連睿智的埃及亞歷山大的大主教阿塔拿休斯(Athanasius of Alexandria;公元293~37352)也必需承認他越想就領悟的越少;而且,他寫的越多就越不能表達他的思想”(the more he thought, the less he comprehended; and the more he wrote, the less capable was he of expressing his thoughts.)

   (I.E. 形而上的類比,中國民間巫術文化至今依然普遍---五行相生相剋無所不在的類比---陷溺其中是死胡同”!!)

阿塔拿休斯(Athanasius of Alexandria) 大主教畫像

阿塔拿休斯(Athanasius of Alexandria) 大主教畫像


新柏拉圖主義主張 : 唯一(One)存在的本源(The primeval Source of Being)的,是無限的(the Infinite),是超越現實的存在,是最真實的(Being beyond existence, it is the most real reality)---(the Good),包括一切有限存在的事物(all finite things have their purpose in it.)

第一個階段是經由最高初始存在(Being)向下導引emanates)出精神能力nous---這是唯一完美的意象和一切實在宇宙的原型。(which is a perfect image of the One and the archetype of all existing things.); 

它同時是存在和思維活動、理性概念和觀念的世界。(It is simultaneously both being and thought, idea and ideal world.); 唯一散發出(emission)的第一階段是純粹的思想或心靈(mind),作為意象精神能力;是不佔時間、空間;是完美、永恆又和諧的;是可以用智力理解完全對應於唯一(As image, the nous corresponds perfectly to the One) 

精神能力nous)確實是第一本源的圖像和反射;但連續這過程的散射之物,使真實存在的比率更進一步的遞減(The nousis indeed an image and reflection of the first Source of Being; but the further the line of successive projections is prolonged the smaller is its share in the true existence.)

總體的存在可被想像為,漸漸轉變為虛無的一系列同心圓,本源散發的的力量在最外層邊緣存在的量就瀕臨消失了(The totality of being may thus be conceived as a series of concentric circles, fading away towards the verge of non-existence, the force of the original Being in the outermost circle being a vanishing quantity.)

第二個階段是經精神能力nous向下導引emanates)出萬物靈魂the world-soul-----但作為衍生物,它是全然和唯一不相同了。衍生的存在,不是原始本源的存在本身,卻是遵守完整性遞減原則(Derived existence, however, is not like the original Source of Being itself, but is subject to a law of diminishing completeness.)

不變異的精神能力nous)的圖像和繁衍物是萬物靈魂,依據柏拉圖的想法,是像精神能力一樣的非物質。(The image and product of the motionless nous is the world-soul, which, according to Plotinus, is immaterial like the nous.) 萬物靈魂精神能力的關係就像是精神能力唯一的關係是相同的。 萬物靈魂是介於精神能力現象世界之間;是經由精神能力彌漫和幅射,但也和現象世界接觸著。(It stands between the nous and the phenomenal world, is permeated and illuminated by the former, but is also in contact with the latter.)

精神能力是不能分割的;萬物靈魂保留在精神能力之內可以維持其統一性,但就在此時,萬物靈魂有了接合物質世界的機能,因此存在就分化了。(The nous is indivisible; the world-soul may preserve its unity and remain in the nous, but at the same time it has the power of uniting with the corporeal world and thus being disintegrated.)

因此,它佔據一個中間(指由精神的無形物質的有形之間)的位置。(It therefore occupies an intermediate position.)

作為單獨的萬物靈魂-----在本質和命定的擁有能用理智瞭解的世界;但萬物靈魂還包括無數的單獨的靈魂;這些可以順從於被精神能力支配或避開智力和選擇官能感覺而在有限中迷失了他們自己。(As a single world-soul it belongs in essence and destination to the intelligible world; but it also embraces innumerable individual souls; and these can either submit to be ruled by the nous, or turn aside from the intellect and choose the sensual and lose themselves in the finite.)

第三階段是經萬物靈魂the world-soul向下導引emanates)出現象世界(phenomenal world)靈魂,作為一個活動的本質,形成物質現象的世界 這個世界應該如此充滿了靈魂,應該在各個層面維持完美和諧。普羅提努斯(Plotinus西元204~270不是像諾斯底主義 (the Gnostics) 教派相同意識的二元論者(dualist),成對比的,他欣賞美好和輝煌的世界。只要是理性概念控制物質,或是靈魂控制身體世界是公平和善良的 雖然它是遵守完整性遞減原則(subject to a law of diminishing completeness.)圖像---雖然是一個模糊了的圖像----外在的世界,或許在程度上有好和有壞,但,在本質上應該是反映整體的和諧 

但在實際的現象世界團結與和諧被競爭或不和所取代,結果是衝突、一種質變和消失、一個虛幻的存在(But in the actual phenomenal world unity and harmony are replaced by strife or discord; the result is a conflict, a becoming and vanishing, an illusive existence.)


物質是在不決定的:它沒有性質。(Matter is the indeterminate: that which has no qualities.) 若沒有形式和理性概念它是邪惡的;作為形式物質是中性的。(If destitute of form and idea, it is evil; as capable of form it is neutral.) 這裡的邪惡是可以理解為一個寄生的,具有它自己的不存在是宇宙的不可避免的結果具有"其他"的必要性,當作一個和諧的因數(Evil here is understood as a parasitic, having no-existence of its own (parahypostasis), unavoidable outcome of the Universe, having an "other" necessity, as a harmonizing factor.)

人類的靈魂向下導引成為肉身就存在那些允許誘使他們自己陷入官能感覺的圈套並被肉體的欲望制服(The human souls which have descended into corporeality are those which have allowed themselves to be ensnared by sensuality and overpowered by lust.)

普羅提努斯(Plotinus西元204~270認為,現象世界(phenomenal world)向下導引emanates)同物質相結合是一種墮落。人要克服這種墮落,必須回歸到唯一(One)


第一個階段是淨化靈魂的階段,使靈魂擺脫物欲的束縛,指向純粹的心智。最低的階段是公民的的美德,然後,接著使靈魂潔淨,最後的所有神聖的美德公民的的美德只是修飾了生命,沒有提升靈魂這是淨化的美德的儀式,靈魂擺脫官能感覺以及引導回歸到靈魂本身,然後,再回到精神能力nous(The lowest stage is that of the civil virtues, then follow the purifying, and last of all the divine virtues. The civil virtues merely adorn the life, without elevating the soul. That is the office of the purifying virtues, by which the soul is freed from sensuality and led back to itself, and thence to the nous.)


達到唯一,要通過冥思初始存在,換言之,即通過一種出神的方法達到。思考不能達到唯一,思考只能達到 精神能力,因為思考本身就是一種活動。思考只是在一種完美被動和靜止的狀態,靈魂可以識別和觸碰初始存在。因此靈魂必須首先通過精神的課程。冥思由有形的物質開始,專注在他們的多樣性與和諧性,然後退回到冥思的本身,再由冥思特有的存在中撤出,從那裡向上引升到精神能力理性概念的世界(This is reached through contemplation of the primeval Being, the One - in other words, through an ecstatic approach to it. Thought cannot attain to this, for thought reaches only to the nous, and is itself a kind of motion It is only in a state of perfect passivity and repose that the soul can recognize and touch the primeval Being.  Hence the soul must first pass through a spiritual curriculum Beginning with the contemplation of corporeal things in their multiplicity and harmony, it then retires upon itself and withdraws into the depths of its own being, rising thence to the nous, the world of ideas.)


看哪!在最強的張力和專注,在寂靜和完全的遺忘所有的事物,冥思好似能夠失去冥思本身時,達到了最後的階段。(The last stage is reached when, in the highest tension and concentration, beholding in silence and utter forgetfulness of all things, it is able as it were to lose itself.)

他的學生波菲芮(Porphyry234~305) Enneads記載,普羅提努斯(Plotinus西元204~270曾經有四次達到“出神”狀態,他在68年中有一次達到這種境界。

普羅提努斯(Plotinus)使用哲學宗教相混雜的表達方式,唯一(the One)精神能力the nous)與萬物靈魂the world-soul)是三個本體,但又是同是一個存在的本源(The primeval Source of Being)的,是無限的(the Infinite),是超越現實的存在,是最真實的(Being beyond existence, it is the most real reality)---(the Good),包括一切有限存在的事物(all finite things have their purpose in it.)

( 知識學習其他 )
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