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Anna German. 1965 - Melodia Dla Synka [Melody For Sonny]
2013/03/30 23:47:56瀏覽741|回應3|推薦9


Melodia dla synka (Music: M.Sewen. Lyrics: Z.Stawecki)
Marek Sewen (1930~)
Zbigniew Stawecki (1934~2000)
Anna German (1936~1982)


Z każdym nowym dniem — mój synku / większy stajesz się — mój synku / niby liść na wiosnę szybko mi urośniesz / i piosenek już nie będziesz chciał.
With each new day — my sonny / you become larger — my sonny / like a leaf rapidly grows in the spring / and you’ll no longer want songs.

Zasną w szafie gdzieś twe butki / już nie powiem ci malutki, / pójdziesz między ludzi, ale zawsze wrócisz / no, bo jesteś przecież tylko mój.
Asleep in the closet, somewhere your boots / will no longer let me tell you these, little thing, / you go out among people, but you’ll always return / well, because you are, after all, only mine.

Mały synku jakże chciałabym odgadnąć / los uśpiony w długim cieniu twoich rzęs / jakie życie wróży tobie twoja gwiazda, / gdzie się szczęście twe znajduje wiedzieć chcę.
Little sonny, how I wish I could guess / the fate dormant in the long shade of your eyelashes / what life your star bodes for you, / where your happiness is is what I want to know.

Jakie dary niesie przyszłość w upominku, / jakie dobro przyjdzie wybrać, jakie zło. / Jeszcze nie wiesz, nie przeczuwasz mały synku / ja za ciebie muszę pytać no, bo kto?
What the future brings gifts as gift, / what kind of good would come to choose, what kind of evil. / Still don’t know, I cannot intuit, little sonny / I’m for you, I have to ask, well, for whom?

Gdyby matki głos — mój synku / mógł wyznaczać los — mój synku / w migoczących gwiazdach twoją już znalazłam / tę, co sieje najgorętszy blask.
If mother’s voice — my sonny / were able to determine fate — my sonny / in the twinkling stars I’d already find yours / that, what sows the warmest glow.

Gdy zapomnisz o piosence, zapamiętaj moje ręce / dniem czy ciemną nocą przyjdą ci z pomocą / moje ręce mały synku mój.
When you forget about the song, remember my hands / if the day turns into dark night they’ll come to your aid / my hands, my little sonny.


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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Anna German. 1965 - La Mamma [in Italian] (Music [1963]: C.Aznavour)
2013/04/09 00:57
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2013-04-09 00:59 回覆:


La mamma [in French] (1963. Music: C.Aznavour. Lyrics: R.Gall)
La mamma [in Italian] (Music [1963]: C.Aznavour. Lyrics [1964]: Mogol)
Charles Aznavour (1924~) 法國的流行歌手(全球唱片銷售量超過一億張)、流行歌作詞者和作曲者(大約一千首)、電影演員(超過六十部)、公共事務活躍人士。生於巴黎,父母都是阿美尼亞人移民,母親是1915~1917阿美尼亞人種族滅絕事件的倖存者。幼時家庭窮乏,十歲輟學。1946年受到Édith Piaf提拔。1997年獲得榮譽凱撒獎。1998年被CNN和Time Online的全球使用者票選為Entertainer of the Century (得票數多過貓王和Dylan)。2008年成為阿美尼亞公民,2009年成為阿美尼亞駐瑞士大使。
Robert Gall (1918~1990)
Mogol (= Giulio Rapetti. 1936~)

{四十歲左右的Aznavour唱錄的法語版〈La Mamma〉單曲唱片於1964年在法國發賣,成為Aznavour的第一張銷售超過一百萬張的單曲唱片。}
{網上流傳的義大利語歌詞並不完全一致,有幾個地方互有微小的出入,這裡以Anna German的錄音為準。}

Son tutti lì, accanto a lei, / da quando un grido li avvertì: / "Stà per morire la Mamma!"
They are all there, beside her, / since the moment a cry warned them: / "Mom is dying!"

Son tutti lì, accanto a lei, / tutti i suoi figli sono lì, / con quello che lei maledì / tornato a braccia aperte a lei.
They are all there, beside her, / all her children are there, / with the one she cursed / coming back with open arms to her.

Tutti i bambini sono là, / intorno a lei che se ne va, / nei loro giochi più non c'è / il gioco bello dei perché alla Mamma.
All kids are there, / around her who is passing away, / in their games there is no longer / a delightful one because of mom.

E la riscaldano di baci, / di sguardi dolci ed infelici. / Stà per morire la Mamma.
And they warm up her with kisses, / their eyes are sweet and woeful. / Mom is dying.

Santa Maria, piena di grazia, / la statua è là, giù nella piazza. / E voi tendendole le braccia, / cantate già "Ave Maria, Ave Maria!"
Holy Mary, full of grace, / the statue is there, down in the square. / And you stretch her arms, / singing "Hail Mary, Hail Mary!"

C'è tanto amore, tanto dolore, / intorno a te, la Mamma. / Amore che non finirà, / intorno a te, la Mamma.
There is so much love, so much grief, / around you, Mom. / The love that will not end, / around you, Mom.

E fuori là, dietro la porta, / la gente attende sotto il sole. / Stà per morire la Mamma.
And out there, behind the door, / people are waiting in the sun. / Mom is dying.

Il vino buono viene offerto, / non c'è nessuno che ne vuole, / è un omaggio per chi muore, / per chi ha vissuto come lei.
Good wine is offered, / nobody wants it, / it's a homage to those who is dying, / to those who have lived like her.

È strano a dirsi ma è così. / Nessuno piange madre chi / una chitarra prenderà, / la ninna nanna suonerà alla Mamma.
It's strange to say but it's so. / Nobody weeps, a mother / picks up a guitar, / playing a lullaby for Mom.

E l'aria è piena di canzoni / e di dolcissimi altri suoni. / Stà per morire la Mamma.
And the air is full of songs / and other very sweet sounds. / Mom is dying.

Le donne intanto a bassa voce, / perché si possa addormentare, / come un bambino quando è sera, / cantano già "Ave Maria, Ave Maria!"
The women, meanwhile, in a low voice, / so that she could fall asleep, / like a baby when evening falls, / sing "Hail Mary, Hail Mary!"

C'è tanto amore, tanto dolore, / intorno a te, la Mamma. / Amore che non finirà, / intorno a te, la Mamma, / e giammai, e giammai, e giammai ci abbandonerà.
There is so much love, so much grief, / around you, Mom. / The love that will not end, / around you, Mom, / and will never, never, never forsake us.


SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2013-04-09 23:33 回覆:



{……Aznavour唱錄的法語版〈La Mamma〉單曲唱片於1963年在法國發賣,……}

誤 {……Aznavour唱錄的法語版〈La Mamma〉單曲唱片於1964年在法國發賣,……}


Anna German. 1967 - 'O Marenariello [The Young Fisherman]
2013/04/05 22:24


SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2013-04-05 22:28 回覆:


'O Marenariello (1893. Music: S.Gambardella. Lyrics: G.Ottaviano)
Salvatore Gambardella (1873~1913)
Gennaro Ottaviano (1874~1936)
A Neapolitan song. Sung in Neapolitan.


Oi né', fa' priesto viene! / nun mme fá spantecá… / ca pure 'a rezza vène / ch'a mare stó' a mená…
Hey babe, come to me quickly! / Don’t let me get withered from waiting… / ‘cause even the fishnet will come to me / that I cast into the sea…

Méh, stienne sti bbraccelle, / ajutame a tirá… / ca stu marenariello / te vò' sempe abbracciá.
Miss, stretch out your slender arms, / help me to pull… / ‘cause this young fisherman / always wants to embrace you.

Vicin'ô mare, / facimmo 'ammore, / a core a core, / pe 'nce spassá…
By the sea, / let’s make love, / heart to heart, / for a good time…

Só' marenaro / e tiro 'a rezza: / ma, p' allerezza, / stóngo a murí…
I’m a fisherman / and I’m pulling the fishnet: / but, for happiness, / I can suffer dying…

這首歌的旋律有四段,每段四句。這四段旋律重複出現三次之後這首歌就結束了。前兩段旋律所配的唱詞每次不同,後兩段旋律所配的唱詞三次相同(這也就是Refrain部份)。Anna German衹唱了第一循環和第三循環的歌詞。

Oi né', io tiro 'a rezza / e tu statte a guardá… / li pisce, p' 'a prijezza, / comme stanno a zumpá!…
Hey babe, I’m pulling the fishnet / and you stand watching… / the fish, for great joy, / they’re jumping!…

E vide, pure 'e stelle / tu faje annammurá… / ca stu marenariello, / tu faje suspirá…
And look, even the stars / you can make them fall in love with you… / ‘cause this young fisherman, / you make him suspire…

Vicin'ô mare, / facimmo 'ammore, / a core a core, / pe 'nce spassá…

Só' marenaro / e tiro 'a rezza: / ma, p' allerezza, / stóngo a murí…

【'O Marenariello】在拿坡里語,單數陽性名詞和單數中性名詞的定冠詞都是“lo”,這個lo在以子音開頭的名詞之前通常縮寫成“'o”。marenariello是“little/young marenaro”。拿坡里語的marenaro = 義大利語的marinaio = 英語的seaman,但marenaro與marinaio都可以用來稱呼漁夫,算是尋常用法。

【Oi né'】http://www.proz.com/kudoz/italian_to_english/poetry_literature/3756995
『Né is the short form for "nennella", that is a tender way of calling a little girl, and it's used only in "oje né" like it is a "vocative case". Anyway Baby (or even better the slang form babe) fits better rather than girl.』

【spantecá】請參看 http://www.proz.com/kudoz/italian_to_english/poetry_literature/3757001
『nun mme fá spantecá』可以譯為『別讓我蔫了』。拿坡里歌的創作基本上是為社會大眾提供娛樂品,所以拿坡里歌以情歌為主。許多拿坡里情歌的唱詞簡單、老套,有些唱詞裡甚至有鹹濕的句子或鹹濕雙關語,聽不懂拿坡里語的賞歌人不必在意這一點~~~ 如果旋律好,聲音好,唱得也好,那麼聽歌便是,不必去想歌裡在唱什麼,完全聽不懂歌詞有時或許反而比較好~~~ ^@@^

【Vicin'ô mare, / facimmo 'ammore, / a core a core, / pe 'nce spassá…】咱們在海邊男歡女愛,兩心相連,消磨好時光~~~ 當然可以文雅一點 —– 讓我倆在海邊蜜意繾綣,心心相印,以消永夜。

【p' allerezza, / stóngo a murí】古有『不自由,毋寧死』之言,然而有了魚和麵包之後,一百年之後,拿坡里漁夫的人生態度不一樣了~~~ ^+++++^

【li pisce, …】請參看 http://www.proz.com/kudoz/italian_to_english/poetry_literature/3757007

Εuropean Project Comenius - archinet

In this song the author is directly the protagonist, or rather a Neapolitan fisherman, the “Marenariello”. The marenariello is a fisherman that fishes with the aid of a fishing net, he has tired arms and he’s annoyed by the usual routine. However as soon as he sees the girlfriend by the sea, his arms immediately are ready to embrace her. In facts he says that when the girlfriend goes to visit him on the beach, he is so happy that seems that all the fish in the sea let him fish them. In the end he says that it is so beautiful to be in the evening on the sea shore with her to make the love the whole night, heart to heart…


Anna German. 1974 - Swierkowa Koleda [Spruce Carol]
2013/04/01 23:53
SCFtw2(SCFtw2) 於 2013-04-01 23:54 回覆:


Swierkowa koleda (Music: A.German. Lyrics: J.Ficowski)
Anna German (1936~1982)
Jerzy Ficowski (1924~2006) 二戰中的抗德地下軍戰士、二戰中華沙起義的參加者、詩人、散文家、歌詞作者、作家、翻譯家(從西語、義語、法語、羅馬尼亞語、俄語、德語、意第緒語、吉普賽語、匈牙利語)、猶太和吉普賽民俗專家


Gdy wigilijne sny z nieba / gwiazd najjaśniejszych nam narwą, / wtedy choinka zaśpiewa, / światłem zapachem i barwą. / Wtedy choinka zaśpiewa, / światłem zapachem i barwą.
When the Christmas dreams from the sky / the brightest stars, us Narva, / then the Christmas tree sings, / light, scent, and color. / Then the Christmas tree sings, / light, scent, and color.

A w tej świerkowej kolędzie, / owocującej cudami, / czego zachciała bym będzie / o co poproszę ją da mi. / Czego zachciała bym będzie / o co poproszę ją da mi.
And in this spruce carol, / fruitful miracles, / what I will wish / about what I would like it to give me. / What I will wish / about what I would like it to give me.

W niej złoty orzech zaklęty, / w niej strucla z makiem zawiłym, / i najpiękniejsze prezenty / co mi się nawet nie śniły. / I najpiękniejsze prezenty / co mi się nawet nie śniły.
In it is the enchanted golden walnut, / in it is the sugarloaf with tricky poppy seeds, / and the most beautiful gifts / what I have not even dreamed of. / And the most beautiful gifts / what I have not even dreamed of.

Kolędo moja poczekaj, / świeczkom woskowym łzy otrzyj, / wraca dzieciństwo z daleka, / sercem z piernika najsłodszym. / Wraca dzieciństwo z daleka, / sercem z piernika najsłodszym.
My carol carries on, / candle wipes away wax tears, / childhood returns from afar, / the heart of gingerbread is the sweetest. / Childhood returns from afar, / the heart of gingerbread is the sweetest.

