Don McLean〈The Pride Parade〉那自豪的遊行[附評論及唱詞譯意]
2008/08/09 19:41
這是唱著美國派和梵谷之歌的Don McLean一夕爆紅之後的躊躇遲疑和自我警惕,是他的第三張創作專輯的最後一首歌。歌詞是他的心事表白,空寂落寞,心潮如浪。曲調配著歌詞曲折婉轉,但不是很出色。
本事這麼大的年青人,經過這麼艱苦的奮鬥才在商業市場上掙得與他的才份和成品品質相匹配的巨大成功,他的選擇是避開名利薰心的陷阱,徐行於向來蕭瑟處。在英語世界 -- 尤其是美國 -- 的大眾音樂圈,這種生物在他之前好像沒有,在他之後我不知道。 -- 在別的時空裡有沒有?應該有,但是我不清楚。
他後來說:『我的生涯滿怪的,我沒有像有些人所認為我該有的那麼成功,不過我比其他人所瞭解的更成功。在今天的音樂世界裡,我哪兒都不合適 -- 你也可以說我哪兒都合適。』『我生來是個單幹戶,不是個會跟人搭夥的人。』『我在音樂上從來不重複自己。每一首歌都是那一類裡唯一的一首,題材都是我先前沒寫過的,情歌除外。 -- 不過應該還好 -- 每一首情歌我都處理得不一樣。』
除了Don McLean之外誰說得出這些話來 -- 還能說得讓人服氣?! ^_^
〈The Pride Parade〉那自豪的遊行
Don McLean, 1972 (3rd album, song 10)
唱詞譯意:SCFtw2, 2008-8-9.
It started out quite simply, as complex things can do,
A set of sad transparencies 'til no one could see through.
But least of all the one inside, behind the iron glass,
A prisoner of all your dreams that never come to pass.
但是至少裡面的那個人 -- 在鐵玻璃後面的那個人 -- 是所有的你永遠不會實現的夢想的囚徒。
Alone you stand corrupted by the vision that you sought,
And blinded by your hunger - all your appetites are bought.
你孤單地站著,被你所追尋的景象寵壞了,被你的饑餓弄瞎了 -- 因為所有你想吃的東西都被買來了。
But in spite of what becomes of you, your image will remain,
A reminder of your constant loss, a symbol of your gain.
{*Verse to be repeated}
And your friends are together,
Where the people are all gathered,
All along the road you traveled all your days.
And soon you have succumbed to what the others all believe.
And though the lie affects them still it's you that they deceive.
And all at once you're lost within the emptiness of you.
And there's no one left who's near enough to tell you what to do.
You're left with nothing but your self-potential in the dark,
Like tinder resting on a rock, protected from the spark.
最後你一無所有,除了你的處於黑暗中的勢能 -- 像岩石上遠離火星的火種。
But your fire just consumes you, you alone can feel the pain.
And you stand in all your glory and you know you can't complain.
{Repeat *}
But you are surely just as evil as the worst my tongue can tell,
For you'll never face my heaven and I'll not endure your hell.
You have lost the chance to mingle by your constant quiet lies,
Deceptions hidden with your lips, but spoken with your eyes.
For I know you for what you are not for that's really all you are.
And your talents of a minor order seem to stretch too far.
And we both know that this masquerade can't carry on too long.
You're deep inside the pride parade, but where do you belong?
{Repeat *}