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2010/05/22 13:59:03瀏覽2728|回應11|推薦114 | |
《百年孤獨》的作者馬爾克斯因患淋巴癌退隱, 他寫信向友人告別。 信不長,但令人感動。特轉載於此與各位分享。 但請各位注意這不是我的遺言,所以請不要為我撒把眼淚。白包不用,錢就外匯來給我,如有必要我會把你記在功德簿. 不過令人深思的是如果現在是你的生命的晚年或者是最後幾天,你會寫什麼給你的好友? 為免各位太過與感傷,特找些輕鬆愉快的插圖緩衝一下。請慢慢欣賞。 ===================================================================== “如果上帝在一時間忘記我只是破布製成的木偶,並賞我多活幾天的時間,我一定會充分利用。” ![]() “我也許不會把我的想法和盤托出,我肯定會思考我說出的每一句話。 我會說出事物的價值,然非依其外顯的表相,而是其內在的意涵。 ” ![]() “我會減少睡眠時間,增加遐想時間,因為我知道,閉上眼睛一分鐘,就是失去六十秒的光明。 我會在別人駐足時前進;我會在別人睡著時保持清醒。 ” ![]() “ 如果上帝賞我多活幾天的時間,我就穿上單衣,迎向陽光,臥躺在地上,不僅裸露肉體,並且敞開靈魂。 ” “我會向男人證明他們的迷思,他們認為是人是因為衰老而停止戀愛,殊不知衰老係停止戀愛所致。”
“我會把翅膀送給孩子,但讓他獨自學習飛翔。” ![]() “我會對老人們說,死亡的來臨並非因為衰老,而是因為遺忘。” “我從你們身上學到很多 ...... ,我知道世人都想登上高山之巔,殊不知真正的幸福在於攀登高山的過程。” “我學得,當新生兒首次用他的小手緊拉著父親的手指,父子永恆的連結便從此開始。” “我學得,任何人只有在協助跌倒的人重新站起來時,才有俯視別人的權利。 ”
“我從你們身上學到很多東西,但我卻未能善加利用,現在它們就要隨這我這只臭皮瓤離開人世。” “永遠說你心所感,做你心所想。” “如果我知道今天是我最後一次看到你入睡,我就會緊緊把你摟在懷裏,並請求上帝讓我守護你的靈魂。” “如果我知道這是我見到你的最後幾分鐘,我就會對你說‘我愛你’,而不會愚蠢地認為你早已知道而不說出來。” “總是有明天,生命總是給我們補償的機會的。但如果我錯了,而今天是我們生命所剩下的最後一天,我願對你說:我多麼愛你,我永遠不會忘記你的。” “不論老少,沒有人保証會有明天。今天可能是你最後一次見到你所愛的。因此別再等待, 今天就去行動,因為明天也許永遠不會到來,那你一定會後悔,你沒來得及微笑、擁抱、親吻,及實現所愛的人的” “ 向你身邊所愛的人表達,讓他們親耳聽到,你多麼需要他們,愛他們。請善待他們,抽出時間對他們說,對不起, 請原諒我,請,謝謝 ,以及所有關愛的話語。 ”
“沒有人會因你沒有說出來的想法而想起你。求主賦予你力量和智慧,以說出這些想法。告訴你的友人和親人,他們對你的生命是何等的重要。” ===================================================================== 維基百科,自由的百科全書《百年孤獨》(西班牙文: Cien años de soledad ),台灣譯名為《百年孤寂》或《一百年的孤寂》,是哥倫比亞作家賈西亞·馬奎斯的作品,「魔幻現實主義」的代表作,在世界上享有盛譽。作者也因此獲得1982年諾貝爾文學獎,瑞典皇家學院的頒獎理由是:「像其他重要的拉丁美洲作家一樣,馬奎斯永遠為弱小貧窮者請命,而反抗內部的壓迫與外來的剝削。」 《百年孤獨》發表於1967年,小說以虛構市鎮馬康多(Macondo)的榮衰作為拉丁美洲百年滄桑的縮影。以奇詭的手法反映了殖民,獨裁,鬥爭和流血的歷史,以及遺忘和孤獨的主題。故事講述一個光怪陸離的布恩迪亞家族在一百年間,六代人因權力與情慾的輪迴上演興衰起落,第一代的老布恩迪亞在晚年被綁在樹上過日子,歐蘇拉是布恩迪亞家的女主人,一直在背後默默支持著家人,但她又充滿正義感,她的孫子阿加底奧在馬康多以暴力統治人民時,挺身而出為人民打抱不平。最後一個子孫——倭良諾的兒子在剛出生時被螞蟻吃掉,倭良諾在看完遺稿後,隨著馬康多一起消失了。智利作家聶魯達稱讚《百年孤獨》是「繼賽凡提斯的《堂·吉訶德》之後最偉大的西班牙語作品」。 ===================================================================== The original was in Spanish, below is the English translation from original poem, which is a little different from the Chinese translation. If for a moment God would forget that I am a rag doll and give me a scrap of life, possibly I would not say everything that I think, but I would definitely think everything that I say. I would value things not for how much they are worth but rather for what they mean. I would sleep little, dream more. I know that for each minute that we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light. I would walk when the others loiter; I would awaken when the others sleep. I would listen when the others speak, and how I would enjoy a good chocolate ice cream. If God would bestow on me a scrap of life, I would dress simply, I would throw myself flat under the sun, exposing not only my body but also my soul. My God, if I had a heart, I would write my hatred on ice and wait for the sun to come out. With a dream of Van Gogh I would paint on the stars a poem by Benedetti, and a song by Serrat would be my serenade to the moon. With my tears I would water the roses, to feel the pain of their thorns and the incarnated kiss of their petals...My God, if I only had a scrap of life... I wouldn't let a single day go by without saying to people I love, that I love them. I would convince each woman or man that they are my favourites and I would live in love with love. I would prove to the men how mistaken they are in thinking that they no longer fall in love when they grow old--not knowing that they grow old when they stop falling in love. To a child I would give wings, but I would let him learn how to fly by himself. To the old I would teach that death comes not with old age but with forgetting. I have learned so much from you men.... I have learned that everybody wants to live at the top of the mountain without realizing that true happiness lies in the way we climb the slope. I have learned that when a newborn first squeezes his father's finger in his tiny fist, he has caught him forever. I have learned that a man only has the right to look down on another man when it is to help him to stand up. I have learned so many things from you, but in the end most of it will be no use because when they put me inside that suitcase, unfortunately I will be dying. |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |