相對於上集由工業生產者的角度來分析瞭解汽車製造銷售的冷硬成本結構, 下集談到的汽車測試與車價制定就比較有消費者親和力. Compared to the 1st-half episode reviewing the solid and boring automotive cost structure from manufacturer’s sight, the 2nd-half episode talks about the homologation tests and the pricing which are closer to consumers.
從探討台灣消費者關心的撞擊安全測試(T-NCAP)的必要性(從07:50開始), 給了一個很不一樣的答案, 也指出安全測試在汽車產業的灰色空間. Regarding the T-NCAP issue (starting from 07:50) which highly discussed by Taiwan customer, the commenter gives an unusual and unexpected answer, and also points out the grey area of the collision tests existed in auto industry.
汽車售價到零件採購價格的制定遊戲賽局, 講到品質與價格的聯動關係(從18:20開始), 也解釋了近年日`歐車廠車瘟的實際驅動原因. In the games of car pricing as well as component purchasing (starting from 18:20), the commenter states the linkage and leverage between quality and price, and also reveals the genuine reasons of the lemon-car plagues happened in Japanese and European Makes these lately years.
簡單地說, 下集比較有戲劇張力, 適合看門道, 也適合看熱鬧一點...... That is to say, the 2nd-half episode is more dramatic and suitable for industrial insiders as well as general customers.
節目有上、下兩集,上方影片連結是下集,有興趣觀看上集的讀者請見下方的連結. This interview has been edited to 2 episodes, here above comes the 2nd-half, and the link below is the 1st-half.