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2019/03/21 12:27:46瀏覽1813|回應33|推薦40
豎笛,真有概念。Mnemonic 語言就是 Assembly。

高本衲大二上這門必修。教授剛自美學成歸國,口齒不清結結巴巴。觀念又難懂,全班都在掙扎,只有我最快樂,因爲整學期一個字都沒在聽。上課眼睛看窗外,腦袋瓜裡想蕭娘(魚子醬),那時她十七歲,漂亮到快要爆炸(她漂亮,我爆炸),Who cares Assem 什麼 bly?


上帝沒放過我,之後七年罰我天天寫 Assembly,從學校的 DEC-10,到公司的 ITT、6502、蘋果的摩特羅拉、然後英特爾,十幾萬行總有。

要出國了,找教授寫介紹信。結巴老師問:「我教過你哪門課」?我說 Assembly。他問我成績,我說死當。教授詫異說:「那你要我介紹信怎麼寫」?我說老師別這樣、幫幫忙嘛,我當時少不更事,現在知錯能改,Assembly 一寫七年,早已泰山北斗云云,同時拉住魚子醬讓他仔細端詳咱小倆口有多漂亮 etc.。


Assembly 是用來寫系統的。電腦有硬體然後得有系統,系統有了才能開始寫/跑 app。谷歌、臉書、切西瓜、開心農場都是 app。App 可大可小,臉書就大到可以開一間公司。C 加加、爪哇、露娥、都適合寫 app,但 deal 英特爾只有 mnemonic 的 Assembly 最犀利。你知道電腦的定義嗎?就是 Intel 加系統。

上帝 mandated 的。全世界很少人比我寫過更多 Assembly。上帝處罰我不敢抱怨,畢竟是自己大二時太不像話 —— 何況後來祂還是把魚子醬賜給了我。Gaam Woon Naar~~~

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2019/03/25 15:02

美國在全球各大洋深海底下的多艘核能潛艦...沒有人知道它們在哪裡。海軍不知道,國防部不知道,國會、聯調局、中情局不知道,連總統和內閣也都不知道,俄國更不知道。爲什麼?因爲它們設計、佈防的初衷原本就旨在詭密。永遠毋需「加油」,不必上岸,滿載核武,愛去哪去哪,反正艦隻的 mandate 一清二楚 —— 世界大戰爆發時爲國家保存最後的戰力。



GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2019/03/25 14:17

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2019-03-25 14:24 回覆:
不是在說日本兵,是在說中微子 neutrino。如果希格子是神子,幾乎無法探測的中微子可算鬼子。我記得的數字是每秒有約六百億從太陽射過來的中微子穿過我們的身體 —— 橫躺下來會更多。白天晚上不論 —— 中微子穿過地球毫無障礙,「如入無人之境」是完全正確的描述。


1:12 處勞倫斯提到的 CP violation 事關前帖(宇宙初期)正反物質的真象,改天搞清楚後再來討論,it's another topic。



二、如果粒子以光速行進,它就沒有時間 —— 永遠在第零秒,不管宇宙其他地方或 stuff 如何在時間裡前進。

三、如果粒子以光速行進,既然它沒有時間,那麼一道光線或一顆光子在臺北就也「同時」人在高雄 —— 意思不是光子速度無限大,而是臺北到高雄零距離。光子像上帝,omnipresent(遍在,同時都在宇宙任意處所)、沒週知(omniscient)沒全能(omnipotent)沒關係。

四、之於一顆光速粒子,既然宇宙沒有時間(永遠零)也就沒有空間(任何兩點距離都是零),所以宇宙的 3+1 度時空不存在,一切都是零,沒有空間或時間這回事。你人在臺北同時也在高雄的意思就是:臺北就是高雄,零距離。

五、因此宇宙不可能有「超光速」現象 —— 零不可能再更小。

六、所以時空不可能 fundamental,事屬人類自己錯覺。

七、那麼臺北到高雄的 400 公里除以光速的 300,000,000 公尺/秒得出來的需時 0.00133 秒怎回事?那是你我次光速運動者的時間,不是光子的時間。記得:時間是一種錯覺,並不絕對,你有你的我有我的它有它的。

八、之於以超高但次光速行進的中微子,宇宙非常之小,太陽到地球很近,但距離不是零,時間也不是。光子從太陽飛來需時 499 秒(在我們來講)同時也是 0 秒(就光子而言)。中微子呢?格友家庭作業,自己 google 然後算算。

九、之於光子,宇宙零歲;之於中微子,宇宙不是 13,700,000,000 歲。那麼幾歲?第八道算出來順便算算這題。答對有獎。


GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
Why An Incredible New CERN Observation Has Physicists Popping Champagne
2019/03/25 12:18
GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2019-03-25 12:18 回覆:
A shot inside the LHCb experimental hall at the Large Hadron Collider. (Photo: CERN)

Scientists have announced the observation of “CP violation in a D0 meson” at CERN, a discovery that will appear in physics textbooks for years to come. You’re probably wondering what exactly it means.

The universe is full of regular matter. There’s also antimatter, which exists even here on Earth, but there’s much less of it. This new observation is important on its own, but it also takes physicists another step closer to explaining where all the antimatter has disappeared to.

“This opens up a new field,” Giovanni Passaleva, spokesperson of the LHCb experiment that detects particle collisions at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, told Gizmodo. “We’ve never been able to see CP violation in these up-type quarks, but now we have the instruments at the LHC and LHCb to explore it.”

Understanding CP violation requires starting from the top, or rather, the charm. There are six kinds of quarks: The up, charm and top quarks, which all have an electric charge of 2/3, and the down, strange and bottom quarks, each with a charge of -1/3. 

Each quark has an antiquark partner with the same mass and the opposite charge (-2/3 instead of 2/3 and 1/3 instead of -1/3), and opposite parity, which you can think of as handedness. These particles combine into the protons and neutrons that create atoms as well as a variety of other particles, such as the D0 meson, a particle composed of a charm quark and an anti-up quark.

The laws of physics do differ if parity alone is switched, but should remain the same if the charge and handedness are switched — this is called CP symmetry, and it basically says that physics behaves the same when you switch a particle with a mirror-image of its antiparticle. 

But one quirk about antiparticles is that they annihilate when they meet their regular matter partner — and yet, there’s so much more matter than antimatter in the universe. How did that happen?

One potential explanation for why there’s so much extra matter is CP symmetry violation, or CP violation — examples where the laws of physics work differently if you replace a particle with another particle that has the opposite charge and handedness.

CP violation was first spotted in kaons, particles that contain strange quarks, in 1964. It was a huge deal, and netted physicists James Cronin and Val Fitch the 1980 Nobel Prize. It was spotted again in the early 2000s in B-mesons, particles that contain bottom quarks. 

If you’re paying attention, both the bottom quark and the strange quark have a charge of -1/3. CP violation has never been observed in an quark with a charge of 2/3, even though it’s predicted to exist by the rules of particle physics, called the Standard Model.

That is, it had never been observed until now.

LHCb is an experiment that monitors collisions of high-energy protons at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. These protons travel at nearly the speed of light and, when they slam together, turn a lot of that energy into particles that then decay inside the experiment. 

LHCb physicists reported this week at the Moriond physics conference in Italy that their experiment measured an asymmetry in the rate that D0 mesons decayed into other particles compared to the rate that anti-D0 mesons decayed into other particles. 

Their analysis reveals that they’d spotted an example of CP violation, specifically in the D0 meson’s charm quark versus the anti-D0 meson’s anti-charm quark. It was a teeny tiny effect that took tens of millions of D0 mesons to see, but it was there 

It’s a big deal. “The talk by Federico Betti,” in which the result was announced, “was welcomed by a longer-than-usual applause, and after it the [conference] organisers (by surprise!) called the whole LHCb contingent at Moriond on the stage and offered two bottles of champagne,” Passaleva told Gizmodo.

But as is generally the case with particle physics, the story is far from over. Even with the new discovery, “the CP violation we see and predicted by the Standard Model isn’t enough to explain why all the antimatter disappeared, and why we have more matter than antimatter in the universe,” said Passaleva. 

“We need to find new phenomena in order to explain the full difference between matter and antimatter.”

The team will continue measuring the amount of CP violation to see if it agrees with the amount predicted in the Standard Model, or if it differs — if it differs, it could be a sign of never-before-seen physical phenomena. 

But today, the LHCb team is celebrating.

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2019/03/25 09:20


我八百年前就告訴過你蔡英文是豬 —— 壞母豬。

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2019/03/25 09:05
愛人是美德,不喜歡人是缺陷,己所不欲勿施予人只是應該 —— 別講,用

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2019/03/24 19:53

年事已高,嗓音沙啞,可是在民生經濟上極有見地 no?

加州的卡瑪拉、東岸 a force of nature 的布克、參議員華倫、還有 maybe 下個月才會宣布參不參選的拜登...2020 選誰好呢?煞費思量。

Black brown or white, let's get rid of orange from the White House.  Enough is enough.

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2019/03/24 10:47

回應「休旅車衝破台65護欄摔落5層樓 男駕駛送醫不治


回應「昏暗國道 夫婦下車遭比丘撞死


GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2019/03/23 18:22

俄國,我是這樣想的啦:經濟上在全球國家排名第十一,美中日德英法印義巴加之後 no. 11,剛好在第十二名的南韓和第十三名的澳洲之前。


如果俄國願與 NATO 結盟,中國大陸願加入亞太國協,而中俄不交惡,這樣有沒有、或會不會很好?



GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2019-03-23 18:40 回覆:

大西洋、印度洋、地中海、南北極、外太空...美國本來就這樣,反正它一定要當老大,換你來當不也一樣?只要人類相安無事就好,大家和平相處 OK 吧?


GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2019-03-25 09:07 回覆:



臺灣?大陸最好三思而後行。臺灣/臺灣人是不像話,但也還輪不到你大陸來說三道四、頤指氣使;你們大陸一直以來都很像話嗎?中華民國再怎麼不堪也是你共和國的爸爸(或伯伯),無論如何模樣上你也該得裝裝。貴共和國是強大沒錯,羅馬也有亡朝的一天。你要的是什麼?真正偉大還是窮兇極惡?時代不同了,有種屌點來打美國, 少兇,別碰我臺灣!

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
希爾伯特空間是一切,de Sitter space 不是
2019/03/23 16:23

Ok 好,然後呢?

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2019-03-23 16:23 回覆:
這輯從一開始就一塌糊塗昏天黑地,不曉得他們在幹嘛或講啥洨,直到 5:00 起老俄林ㄓㄨㄟˇ 首提 de Sitter space 後才開始有點意義。希爾伯特空間不管,De Sitter space 還記得嗎?很重要的概念:

de Sitter space is the analog in Minkowski space, or spacetime, of a sphere in ordinary Euclidean space. The n-dimensional de Sitter space, denoted dSn, is the Lorentzian manifold analog of an n-sphere (with its canonical Riemannian metric); it is maximally symmetric, has constant positive curvature, and is simply connected for n at least 3.


GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2019-03-23 16:38 回覆:

還沒弄懂 de Sitter space 就別去搞明寇斯基空間,治絲益棼而已。讓我們了解 de Sitter 的抽象意義在一、數學,二、幾何,三、代表性(像代數裡的 X, Y, Z),四、實質表徵(雞兔同籠問題裡的雞兔都是真的)。


GolfNut — 無心的邂逅(GolfNut) 於 2019-03-23 16:56 回覆:

對物理沒興趣的可以聽聽老俄林ㄓㄨㄟˇ 的幽默:「在俄國,只要沒被明令容許的一概禁止;在美國,只要沒被明令禁止的一概容許」。


GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
2019/03/23 12:33


我完全體諒,連說沒關係、瞭解 etc.。


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