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6/19 我想這裏的分享要告一段落了!以後就一個星期寫一次了,其他的日子,我想用手寫的了!我會繼續的,就像我每天運動一樣,是每天都要做的!謝謝UDN給我這個地方,讓我寫了好幾年!這些會不會在10年後就消失了呢? 消失了也沒關係,因為影響已經深植在我的心理了!

6/18 使徒行傳 6:35 35 摩西就是百姓棄絕說『誰立你做我們的首領和審判官』的,神卻藉那在荊棘中顯現之使者的手,差派他做首領、做救贖的。>>>神所檢選的人沒有一定的規則,他沒有因著相貌英俊或聰明選擇人,我們甚至看不起眼人都有可能是神所重用的,你我都有可能有是神所重用的,不管我們如何的看待自己,只要是神所看重的,我們必能勝任神所交付的責任!

6/16 使徒行傳 6:10 But they were unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.>>> 當聖靈與Stephen同在時,他所說得沒有人能夠駁倒他,是的,當我們所講的不是出於自己,乃是出於神的靈時,有誰能抵擋呢? 感謝神,Stephen的見證讓人聽了興奮,沒有人能夠說他講的是假的。 除了神的話,我要聽誰的呢? 那從神來的,我們當仔細的聽及研讀!

6/14  使徒行傳 5:38 I say to you, stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God.”>>>若是出於神,必站立得住,這是一個原則我所遵守的。願我能常記得這樣的原則,當有人要開始一件事情時,或許跟我的想法不同,甚至方向不同,除了說出我的不同的想法外,靜觀其變,就讓神來帶領吧!改變我的主觀,幫助我能更以神的眼光來面對!

6/13 5:12 At the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were taking place among the people; and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s portico.

6/12 使徒行傳 5:While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not [b]under your control? Why is it that you have conceived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.>>> When we lied, we are not only lied to the person but also lied to God.  Thanks God that today I had the chance to use this phrase to teach my daughter about honesty again.  To her, lie is not really a big deal even though we have been teaching her about it.  Dear God, teach her to be a honest person to herself, friends as well as God.

6/11  使徒行傳 4:32 And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them.>>> 多麼美的畫面,每一個信徒在神面前都是同心合一,沒有說什麼是自己的,我們會有許多的紛爭就是有太多ˋ自己的想法要人接受,要人百分之百的同意,主啊!幫助我們在你的面前常常的看自己為卑微,看自己為你的僕人,是因著你的緣故,我們能夠榮耀你的名!主啊!願你常常提醒我們在你面前的"我"需要退下!

6/10 4:19 彼得約翰說:「聽從你們不聽從神,這在神面前合理不合理,你們自己酌量吧! 20 我們所看見、所聽見的,不能不說。」>>>我的禱告;主啊!我願意多聽從你的,因為聽從你的會帶來許多神要給我的祝福及恩典,但我也知道除了祝福外,我也有從主來的使命。願我在這兩方面,聽從及使命,我能夠持續的遵守,也去行出來!主啊!謝謝你!

6/8 16 And on the basis of faith in His name, it is the name of Jesus which has strengthened this man whom you see and know; and the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect health in the presence of you all.>>> It is the faith that we do things.  It is the basis of faith in Jesus name the name healed.  Dear Lord, help me set my eyes on you, not the environment, so that I may somehow feel down, but you lead me through the downhill.  Father, lift me up.  I need your faith! Amen.

6/7 使徒行傳 於是拉著他的右手,扶他起來。他的腳和踝子骨立刻健壯了, 就跳起來站著,又行走,同他們進了殿,走著跳著,讚美神。 9 百姓都看見他行走、讚美神,>>>當瘸子得到了醫治後,第一件事情所做得是將榮耀歸於神,然後見證神!這是自己讀經時的得著,但經過與H姊妹分享時,我又看到另外的點:我們常會跟神求某件東西,但往往神要給我們的比我們想的還要大還要多。還有我們有很多時候,當人向我求助時,我們不能給我們沒有的,我們有的是神,所以,我需要將人帶到神的面前,讓神來幫助他,讓她ˊ親近神,認識神!

6/6 使徒行傳 2:46 他們天天同心合意恆切地在殿裡,且在家中掰餅,存著歡喜、誠實的心用飯, 47 讚美神,得眾民的喜愛。主將得救的人天天加給他們。>>多麼美的畫面,讓我羨慕,也讓人有期待,在神的國裏,是這樣的美,這樣的平安,人人讚美神,沒有缺乏!主啊!願你在我們當中滿有你其妙的靈帶領我們在你的裏面!

6/5 26 所以我心裡歡喜,我的靈[a]快樂,並且我的肉身要安居在指望中;(Rest in hope)>>>我們在主裏面,不只得著安息,並且是有盼望的!我的安息不是就這樣沒有了,乃是有希望的,希望什麼呢? 在於主!我們不像沒有神的人,死後就了了!我們仍然有神的盼望在其中!

6/4 使徒行傳 221 到那時候,凡求告主名的,就必得救。』>>>那時候是神釘十字架又復活之時,也就是我們現在,只要我們呼求他的名,我們就必得救!神的愛在十字架上彰顯出來!因著他的死,我們得已成為他的兒女!


6/3 使徒行傳 2:And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other [e]tongues, as the Spirit was giving them [f]utterance.>>>Dear Lord, yes enables me to speak today as well as other spekers too. Without your holy spirit, I am not able to speak fluently. May the Lord touches the people who will come today.  Thank God, I feel peace and happy!

6/2 使徒行傳 1:14 They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.>>> "constantly in prayer" caught my eyes, they pray constantly with everyone.  This reminds me that I need to pray with others, not just by myself.  Dear Lord, I need to make change in my life: my prayer life, my way of leading fellowship and etc.  What is your way, please guide me through. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

6/1   使徒行傳 1:  但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷猶太全地和撒馬利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。」>>>聖靈啊!願你傾倒在我的身上,好得著能力,主啊!謝謝你賜下聖靈,讓我能夠向祂來求,主啊!謝謝你!願我彰顯妳在我身上的能力,好榮耀你的名. 阿們!

( 在地生活北美 )
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