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修正與補遺(二) for天葬:西藏的命運---不揣淺薄,嘗試破局!!!
2022/04/04 13:09:32瀏覽333|回應0|推薦0

修正與補遺(二) for天葬:西藏的命運---不揣淺薄,嘗試破局!!!





The two person led by Xie Xun walked to the rear of a hill on the west side of the island


The three-masted ship after taking Xie Xun to the island moored in the harbour


Xie Xun walked to the side of the ship making a slight bow and said "You two please get on the ship"


Yin Susu sneered and said "Now you are more polite."


Xie Xun said "The two of you are on my ship as my guestshow can you not be treated with hospitality and a warm welcome by me?










Comments by 塵緣與八月桂花香:







修正與補遺(一) for天葬:西藏的命運---不揣淺薄,嘗試破局!!! 中談到『好一個






謝遜走到船邊,欠身說道:“兩位請上船。”殷素素冷笑道:“這時候你倒客氣起來啦。”謝遜道:“兩位到我船上,是我嘉賓,焉能不盡禮接待?”』(詳:修正與補遺(六) for『民主與憲政』這個深水區!!!,https://blog.udn.com/9dfb99f0/173010092)如何起關鍵作用,就極為重要了!!!!







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