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2011/10/10 13:43:04瀏覽1457|回應3|推薦51 | |
May You Be Blessed 祝福你 May you be blessed with all things good 願你一切都好 May your joys, like the stars at night, be too numerous to count 願你的喜樂像夜間的繁星,多到無法算計 May your victories be more abundant than all the grains of sand on all the beaches, on all the oceans, in all the world 願你的成功比全世界所有沙粒的總數都還要多 May lack and struggle be always absent from your life 願你生活沒有匱乏和掙扎 And may beauty, order and abundance be your constant companions 願美麗、秩序和富足跟你常相左右 May every pathway you choose lead to that which is pure and good and lovely 願你選擇的每一條路都能通往潔淨、美好跟愉悅 May every doubt and fear 願所有的疑惑和恐懼 be replaced by a deep abiding trust as you behold evidence of a Higher Power all around you 被轉換成深深不可動搖的信任,因為,你看到了神蹟是無所不在的 And when there is only darkness 當你只看到黑暗 and the storms of life are closing in 當生活的風暴向你迫近時 may the light at the core of your being 願你內在的光 illuminate the world 照亮整個世界 May you always be aware you are loved beyond measure and may you be willing to love others unconditionally in return 願你一直能明白你所受到的眷愛是不能計數的, 也願你能對他人回報無條件的愛 May you always feel protected and cradled in the arms of God like the cherished child you are 願你總能感覺到神對你的呵護和關愛, 你是被神懷抱珍愛的的孩子 And when you are tempted to judge, may you be reminded that we are all ONE 當你想批判別人時, 願你記得我們大家都是一體的 and that every thought you think reverberates across the universe touching everyone and everything 你的每一個心念, 都會回射到無窮宇宙, 影響到每一個人和每一件事 And when you are tempted to hold back, may you remember that love flows best when it flows freely… 當你想退卻抵抗時, 願你記得只有在沒有局限的情況下, 愛才能最自然的流露展現出來 And it is in giving that we receive the greatest gift 也願你記得, 當我們在付出的時候,我們才會收到最好的禮物 May you always have music and laughter 願你總有音樂和笑聲 And may a rainbow follow every storm 願在每一個暴風雨之後,都能看到彩虹 May gladness wash away every disappointment, May joy dissolve every sorrow, And may love ease every pain 願歡樂沖走所有的失望,願喜悅溶解所有的悲傷,願愛減輕所有的痛苦 May every wound bring wisdom and every trial bring triumph 願所有的創傷帶來智慧,所有的試煉帶來成功 and with each passing day may you live more abundantly than the day before 而每過一天,願你活得比前一天更富足 May you be blessed and may others be blessed by you. 祝福你,也願你能祝福其他人 This is my heartfelt wish for you 這是我對你的衷心祈望 May you be blessed 祝福你 原始出處: http://mayyoubeblessedmovie.com/ ~ ~ ~ 一直都很喜歡這部短片,所以試著翻譯出來。原文的意境其實不是用文字可以表達的。 祝福大家了~ With Love and Light May you be blessed! 光 合十 |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |