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基隆備忘錄:劉銘傳碼頭與Ruin Rock
2016/05/13 22:53:10瀏覽378|回應0|推薦2

(「西四碼頭」說法參見 20160412聯合報:基隆建港130年 市民重溫過往歷史)


1889年英商范嘉士(Francis Cass)承辦煤礦擬立合同,記載了「倘該商興辦八斗煤礦,所有已成之小鐵路火車,盡可借用,不取租銀;其未成至海洋關口之小鐵路,該商應照公平納租,其租資應即議定,日後准不加增;並由地方官在洋關邊撥出官地一段」

Image Point=萬人堆鼻,今光華塔。舊文獻誤以為桶盤嶼。
Meropy Bay=火號澳。
Crag Peak=火號山。
junk and boat passage=八尺門水道。
Sowan Point=Ruin Rock=大沙灣旁的那顆岩石。

Perry, Matthew Calbraith. (2013). pp. 378-9. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854, Under the Command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, By Order of the Government of the United States. London: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1856)

開港1863 建港1886 築港1899:底圖是日本築港前


那個Ruin Rock=Sowan Point,用來校正方位的三角點,在大沙灣旁邊。一些文獻誤以為在和平島或仙洞,甚至說是在野柳。





A rock which I have taken for a signal or triangulation point, and named "Ruin Rock" is a lump of soft sand stone washed by the rains so as to present a very exact resemblance to a small gothic ruin. On its top there is a cup like pulpit about large enough for three men to stand upon. The annexed sketch shows some of its peculiarities but not all of them. One of its hollow archways has been connected into a small joss house or altar, and in it there is a quantity of bleached bones and human skulls.

The dark parts are round or oval shaped rocks impregnated with iron and stuck here and there in the sand stone like plums in a pudding. The unshaded part is a light buff sandstone. Two points thus abraded by the sea extended their arms to the E 8t on the Western side of the entrance and between them is formed a beautiful natural dock large enough to hold our ship, and deep enough on one side for her to lie alongside the natural pier.

Back of this dock and between these image like projections, there is a level amphitheater with the escarpment of a sand stone hill rising in terraces behind it. The level part is perhaps one hundred feet square, and its natural stone pavement is traversed by seams and cracks which give it the character of a tessalated pavement like the sketch. Dikes of different colored stone six to eight inches in width marking it all over in irregular seams.

( 在地生活基宜 )
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