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德國之聲(DW)電視台的專題報導 "台灣 : 中國的下一個目標?"
2020/09/19 17:21:18瀏覽1466|回應2|推薦37

在Youtube 看到這一則報導,非常詳盡的敘述臺海兩岸分崎的由來、現況,和各種(我們不希望發生的)可能危機。 分析透徹,但也讓人很不安。還沒有找到有中文字幕的版本,先貼在格子裡,有時間再翻譯。

Despite China’s increasingly aggressive behaviour both at home and abroad, Beijing’s open threat to take control of Taiwan by force is receiving comparatively little attention – leaving this flourishing liberal democracy uniquely isolated and vulnerable. The threat may be far more imminent than many imagine. According to Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu “the Chinese authoritarian leaders may find Taiwan as a convenient scapegoat. Therefore Taiwan needs to be doubly concerned about a possible Chinese use of force against us.”


5:09 What is Taiwan?  (介紹台灣)

16:05 Why China wants Taiwan  (為何中國大陸要得到台灣?)

26:25 Scenario 1: Chipping away (手段1 : 消耗戰)

33:10 Scenario 2: Crimea 2.0  (手段2 : 克里米亞式 ... 例如 併吞金門)

41:18 Scenario 3: Invasion  (手段3 : 進攻本島)

49:05 What now? (目前的情況)

In this video DWs Chief International Editor Richard Walker explores the roots of the threat in depth – aided by military and strategy experts from Taiwan, China, the United States and Germany. He charts the dramatic expansion in Beijing’s navy and advanced missile arsenal that is shifting the balance of power against the U.S. in the Pacific. The video examines three possible scenarios: China gradually chipping away at Taiwan’s stability via military and hybrid means; a sudden, Crimea-style annexation of outlying islands; and a full-scale invasion. This final scenario would pose extremely dangerous for global stability. “Everything that happens in this scenario happens under the shadow of a potential nuclear war,” warns Ian Easton, author of “The China Invasion Threat.”

Adding to Taiwan’s profound vulnerability, there is growing doubt that the any country would come to its aid in the event of Chinese military action – or even have the capability to do so. “Even five years ago, the ability of the United States to come to Taiwan’s defense was greater than it is today,” warns Bonnie Glaser, one of Washington’s top experts on the region. “It has eroded over the last decade. And that is, I think, problematic.”

In the U.S., Congressman Ted Yoho of the House Foreign Affairs Committee explains his bill that would commit the U.S. to come to Taiwan’s defence, ending the longstanding “strategic ambiguity” that he and some experts see as destabilizing. But could this in itself pose greater dangers? Europe must also take the threat more seriously, argues leading German expert Janka Oertel. “We have not devoted enough energy to these kinds of scenarios. What we lack is a European conversation about what kind of player Europe in the future would like to be in these kinds of scenarios.” m concludes with a passionate plea from Joseph Wu for democracies to end Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation from global bodies like the U.N. and the World Health Organization: “Its not fair to the Taiwanese people.”

What should the democratic world do to minimize the risk of an open conflict between China and Taiwan?

For more news go to: http://www.dw.com/en/

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( 時事評論兩岸 )
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2020/09/23 13:03



看雲 (33wang) 於 2020-10-11 23:36 回覆:

"關鍵時刻"語氣比較誇張,可能為了引起注意,衝收視率。不過局勢的確緊張,大家表面"處變不驚" ,心裡可能都不是那麼安定。 
