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NEWS:2013 A Year with Proust, the French Embassy's centennial celebration
2013/10/04 05:26:09瀏覽376|回應1|推薦10

NEWS2013 A Year with Proust, the French Embassy's centennial celebration

1913 11 14 日是《追憶似水年華》第一冊《斯萬之路》(Du côté de chez Swan, Swann's Way) 出版滿一百週年之日。

請參考舊文 http://classic-blog.udn.com/le14nov/7709972 Past ExhibitionMarcel Proust and Swann's Way: 100th Anniversary )

位在美國紐約,隸屬法國大使館的文化服務處 Cultural Services 在今年 10 月及 11 月策劃了與普魯斯特相關的兩個活動 A Nomadic Reading 以及 Proust Inspires Fiction!

參與活動的名單之中不乏與普魯斯特相關的一些知名學者及作家,像是 William CarterEdmund WhiteAlexander Aciman……

順道一提,Cultural Services 成立的主要目的就是為了引介及推廣法國文化,最早於 1930 年代由法國詩人兼外交官 Paul Claudel 提出,一直到 1945 年,法國總統戴高樂指派著名的人類學家李維史陀擔任第一任文化參贊。

Sans doute mes livres, eux aussi, comme mon être de chair, finiraient un jour par mourir. Mais il faut se résigner à mourir. On accepte la pensée que dans dix ans soi-même, dans cent ans ses livres, ne seront plus. La durée éternelle n’est pas plus promise aux oeuvres qu’aux hommes. (l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )
追憶似水年華 VII 重現的時光 聯經版 1992)

然而,普魯斯特並沒想到 (誰又能想到呢?) 原來百年之後,他的《斯萬之路》並未死去,甚至還成為法國文化活動的要角呢?


2013 A Year with Proust
On November 14, 1913, Swann’s Way (Du Côté de chez Swann), the first volume of In Search of Lost Time, was published in Paris, à compte d’auteur, by Grasset. One hundred years after the publication, the Cultural Services of the French Embassy presents a centennial celebration to commemorate this major international cultural turning point, 2013: A Year with Proust.

Since February, festivities have unfolded throughout New York City, from an exhibition of manuscripts, notes, letters and other materials from the drafting of Du côté de chez Swann at the Morgan Library and Museum to a screening of The Captive by Chantal Akerman, based on the fifth volume of A la Recherche and a concert entitled Proust the Musician, devoted to the composers and works that inspired the famous Vinteuil Sonata.

A Year with Proust continues in October and November with two special events. First,
A Nomadic Reading of the entirety of Swann’s Way, over seven nights in seven locations. Second, Proust Inspires Fiction!, a series of roundtables which will gather French and American contemporary authors whose works in fiction are influenced by Proust: Charles Dantzig, Elyane Dezon-Jones, Laurent Mauvignier, Catherine Millet, Olivier Rolin, Jean-Christophe Valtat will converse with Jennifer Egan, Daniel Levin Becker and Edmund White.

In addition, the 
Proust and Me blog will continue through November 14!

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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2013/10/06 17:43

原來, le14nov 是這樣來的喔.........恍然大悟!愛你喲!

le14nov(le14nov) 於 2013-10-06 22:35 回覆:

Hasards ou coïncidences...

四妹的推論確屬合理,但純屬巧合,其實莫內的生日也是 le14nov 呢 ! 誰理你