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2019/04/19 18:22:16瀏覽525|回應0|推薦7

The recent fire that inflicted Notre Dame Cathedral caused different reaction among Chineses.  Some people felt sorry for such a mishap, while some minor others gloated over it by associating the accident with the vandalism and plunder made by French and British allies towards that splendid royal palace and garden of Yuanming Yuan during second Opium War over 160 years ago, claiming it is a nemesis upon Western "civilization".

Many comments have been given towards the the fire, as well as towards the various reaction from Chinese people.  The article attached below is the most unbiased one I have seen among them.


PS  Luckily, I have been both meccas: the intact Notre Dame Cachedral before the fire and the remaining relics of Yuanming Yuan after the calamities.  Now you know how I feel.  FYI, I watched the movie adapted from that great novel Notre-Dame de Paris by Hugo when I was a high school student; regretfully, I have yet to read it up to date.   

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