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"一個中國不是問題"? 別受騙了.
2017/07/12 15:37:12瀏覽224|回應0|推薦2

If I remember correctly, it was that "high-IQ" Ke P first claimed subject statement.  That was a witty remark alright, and recently some DPP's politians followed suit also. 

When they said "One China is not a problem", what in their mind was China had been widely referred to PRC without any dubious interpretation, then the so-called one-China had nothing to do with Taiwan.  The statement is absolutely a blatant sophistry, a sheer lie that may fool the islanders in Taiwan, but not to have any effect on Mainlanders who have long been familiar with dialectical materialism. 

Then why did China's Mainland still rendered a warm hospitality towards Ke during a forum held in Shanghai several days ago?  Simple.  It was a part of Mainland's tactics: unite secondary enemy to fight the primary one.  But I don't think CCP should fuss about those ridicuous remarks; just wait and keep close eyes on what those clowns are going to make a series of blunders.     

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