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#WALKAWAY 歐巴馬著撒旦裝(圖) 主媒華時開撕白宮無間道
2018/07/13 14:22:25瀏覽5562|回應4|推薦4

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來自紐約的髮型師布蘭登.斯特卡(Brandon Straka)已經成為美國自由派中明顯增長阻力一個面孔。 他發布了一個瘋轉視頻#walkaway(#走開),呼籲其他人放棄自由主義(liberalism),尤其是民主黨。


#walkaway, Brandon Straka

Image result for walkaway movement

不要服用他的藍色藥丸,走開!! #walkaway


這張照片提供了巴拉克·奧巴馬居住的幕後現實世界,最初是由安娜瑪麗·霍普(Annemarie Hope)在Instagram上傳的originally uploaded on Instagram by Annemarie Hope,她是一位因推廣撒旦主義而得到認可的藝術家,被稱為國際精英的最愛。。

照片出現的標題是“品味和優雅,你是我的最愛”,很快就在Instagram上傳播了。 然而,安妮瑪麗·霍普(Annemarie Hope)迅速刪除了令人對奧巴馬私生活不安的一瞥,聲稱她“得不到足夠的支持”。


用於確定圖像是否已被拍照或偽造的過濾技術, 未提供此圖像已被篡改的證據。

她(Annemarie Hope)沒有偽造圖像, 事實表明她自己拍攝奧巴馬著撒旦裝的照片, 無法在其他地方獲得這照片

站在奧巴馬旁邊的人是阿圖爾·戴維斯(Artur Davis),他是2003年至2011年期間擔任美國眾議院民主黨成員的律師兼政治家 - 他穿得很正常 - 表明這張照片奧巴馬並不是參加化裝舞會或萬聖節, 而是奧巴馬特意打扮成撒旦, 參加光明會派對/儀式並向他的Lord Lucifer致敬。

image appears to also show artur davis

奧巴馬作為撒旦參加光明派對, 對前任總統的許多觀察者來說並不意外。 然而,有些人很難接受這個披露

“他欺騙了所有人! 特別是黑人。 他沒有為他們做任何事情, 讓他的妻子為學童提供垃圾。 他是2000年前耶穌所說的那個人--當他坐在第三座聖殿時,你會知道...”,YouTube用戶評論道。

*聖經清楚地教導說,未來將建造一座新寺 - 將被稱為第三聖殿。 第一座神廟是所羅門建造的神殿,於公元前586年被毀。 第二座聖殿(公元前516年至公元70年)是在猶太人從巴比倫被擄後返回時建造的。 由希律王大大擴展和美化,但由於在這次改造和擴建期間犧牲從未停止過,新的寺廟仍然被認為是第二聖殿。
大災難期間將存在第三聖殿。 “即將來臨的王子”(敵基督)將進入它並在大災難中停止犧牲(但以理書9:27)。
使徒保羅提到了第三聖殿, 在宣稱“無法無天的人man of lawlessness”通過進入第三聖殿, 並宣稱自己是上帝而褻瀆聖殿。第三座聖殿將在耶穌复臨(2nd coming)時被摧毀。

White house correspondents SATANIC MAY DAY RITUAL

Image result for annemarie hope satanic church



Image result for white house manchurian candidate washington times Image result for manchurian candidate

在參觀了中東的一些戰區之後 - 在巴黎舉行的2018年自由伊朗聚會結束 - 我很驚訝美國確實在白宮有一個「滿洲候選人」(著名電影 "諜網迷魂",美國無間道菁英版,敵方遣派臥底的美國總統)已經八年了。


在川普總統任職的短短一年半時間裡,他制定政策減輕奧巴馬對美國國家安全和盟國造成的損害。川普扭轉局面的速度,針對奧巴馬政府為了破壞我們國家實力和生活方式,而潛入的惡魔深處。川普所要做的就是停止傷害美國; 然後美國就可照顧自己。結果很明顯。





然而,反美活動的政變是JCPOA,該協議旨在向伊朗提供它想要的一切,包括核武器和金錢 - 大量資金 - 它立即用於進一步破壞該地區的穩定,也破壞存在威脅中東唯一的民主,以色列。更進一步看,奧巴馬為什麼不支持2009年穆拉政府(埃及之春)的反對派?當時伊朗有明顯改變政權的機會?奧巴馬為什麼不正面處理敘利亞阿薩德的化武使用?其中一個未解決的主要問題是Valerie Jarrett與伊朗政權的關係究竟為何?


像Brennan,Hillary,Kerry,Clapper,Comey和Jarrett這樣的人們, 在我們的國家安全和保障方面,著著實實重傷了我們八年!


女童合影曝光, 奧巴馬與邪教圈

Q更新_25544封密封起訴, 馬侃IS照, 奧巴馬AK-47

《O戒傳奇》精蟲爬臉,身世之謎, 這人是誰?


After returning from a tour of some of the war zones in the Middle East — which ended with the Free Iran Gathering 2018 in Paris — I am struck by the realization that America really did have a Manchurian Candidate in The White House for eight years. If you look at the evidence, there really is no other conclusion. The calamitous consequences of the Obama presidency will be felt for the foreseeable future.

In the short year and a half that President Trump has been in office, he has put in place policy that has mitigated the damage that President Obama inflicted on our national security and on our allies. The speed with which Trump has been able to turn things around points to the diabolical depths the Obama administration went to in order to undermine our national strength and way of life. All Trump had to do was stop doing things that hurt America; America could then take care of itself. The results are plain as day. However, it will take decades for the Obama damage to be completely undone. The deviousness of the Obama sedition runs deep.

Think about it for a moment. If you wanted peace in the Middle East, why would you throw away the trillions of dollars spent, as well as the lives of thousands of American souls, by irresponsibly pulling out ALL American troops from Iraq? No matter your thoughts on starting the war, pulling out was an irresponsible thing to do. We still have troops in Germany, Korea and Japan, for Gods sake. Why? For stability, thats why. As Colin Powell said, we broke it, now we own it. It was a given that instability would follow the force withdrawal. When you combine this act with the reality that Obama never really did try to defeat the Islamic State, what conclusion can you come up with? Trump defeated them in a few months. The conclusion is obvious: Obama really didnt want to destroy them.

Why did Obama and Hillary take down Moammar Gadhafi, who had already given up his nuclear weapons? Was it to destabilize Libya, where ISIS could gain another foothold? Why did Obama help install the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? What was the agenda behind the so-called Arab Spring?

However, the coup-de-grace of anti-American activity was the JCPOA, or, to say it another way, the agreement to give Iran everything it wanted, including nuclear weapons and money — lots of money — which it immediately used to further destabilize the region, and existentially threaten the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. To take it a step further, why didnt Obama support the opposition against the Mullahs in 2009 when there was an obvious chance for regime change in Iran? Why didnt Obama confront Bashar Assads chemical weapons use? One of the main unanswered questions is what ties did Valerie Jarrett really have to the Iranian regime?

I wont go into why Obama ran up more debt for the United States than all previous presidents combined. I wont ask why he weakened our armed forces. I wont ask why he used tyrannical policies, like using the agencies of the federal government to go after his political opposition. I wont ask why he politicized our security apparatus in an attempt to frame President Trump.

What I will say is that there was a big fox in the hen house for eight long years. Eight long years for people like Brennan, Hillary, Kerry, Clapper, Comey and Jarrett to really hurt us regarding our safety and security.

Trump has a lot of house cleaning to do. Thank goodness hes being quick about it.

( 時事評論國防軍事 )
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2018/07/18 10:17

根據律師加里克里普(Gary Kreep)的說法,

“奧巴馬的西方學院(occidental college)的記錄非常重要,因為他們能表明他作為一名外國留學生在那裡就讀。”

事實上,奧巴馬在西方學院時使用了他的印尼名字“Barry Soetoro”。克里普已提起訴訟,質疑奧巴馬成為總統的資格,並且作為訴訟的一部分,他要求從西方學院獲得奧巴馬記錄。然而,奧巴馬的律師迅速採取措施阻止這一要求。

總而言之,有一個名為“Barack Obama”的人列出了49個地址和16個不同的社會安全號碼。在某些情況下,列出了中間的首字母“H”。如果你要擴大搜索範圍以包括密切相關的名稱,例如:“Barac”,“Barak”和“Barrack”Obama,你會發現十幾個額外的地址和社會安全號碼。

事實上,無論在哪個地方看到奧巴馬的背景,我們都會發現密封的記錄,網站清理,修改過的文件,欺騙和未回答的問題。例如,奧巴馬對Punahou學校(Punahou school)的申請 -- 現在神秘失踪 -- 很可能包含出生證明。如果總統候選人約翰麥凱恩john mccain, 或喬治.布什阻止媒體進入他的學校,醫療和出生記錄,那麼有人能想像一下嗎?
實現全球主義議程, 他們需要一位穆斯林擔任美國總統.
一丁(Uni127) 於 2018-07-20 10:33 回覆:
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2018/07/15 10:50

2018/07/14 15:53

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Barry Husessin Soetoro 他的哥倫比亞大學“外國學生證”浮出水面。

一丁(Uni127) 於 2018-07-14 15:58 回覆:
一丁(Uni127) 於 2018-07-14 16:00 回覆:
一丁(Uni127) 於 2018-07-14 16:08 回覆:

我從未意識到蜜雪兒.奧巴馬有多大! 直到大家都開始評論她是個'老兄'之後.. 看看這張照片,她是最大的一隻

2018/07/14 14:40
一丁(Uni127) 於 2018-07-14 14:44 回覆:

