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2010/06/25 20:08:10瀏覽1132|回應1|推薦13 | |
今天剛剛做好的韓國梨子泡菜,第一次學做,味道蠻不錯的,哈 哈哈……以後無需再去買韓國泡菜了 ღ(◕‿◕)ღ yelllllllllllll…… 韓國泡菜 材料:大白菜二公斤、半個梨子、半個蘋果(去皮切成薄片)、薑片、蒜頭、辣椒粉(韓國店有賣)、白芝麻 做法:
這時可以試吃你的韓國泡菜了,醃漬越久味道會越好,放在冰箱裏可保存兩個月。 剩下的(3)放進凍廂裏,下次再用,一般可以保存三個月。 不止是大白菜,也可加進其它的菜,如大青蔥、紅蘿卜、白蘿卜等。 願你也能做出讓人垂涎欲滴的韓國泡菜 韓國泡菜Korean kimchi recipe Ingredients: 2kg Chinese cabbage、1/2 apple、1/2 pear、8 pcs ginger、some garlic、chili powder(buy in Korean store)、3 tbsp sugar、coarse salt,white sesame. Procedure: 1.Blend the sliced pear, ginger, garlic, and some water.Then place in a bowl. Mix sugar,chili powder and the slice apple well,until the sugar and chili powder is not visible. 2.Put the mixture in the refrigerator for 24 hours. 3.Chop the Chinese cabbage into pieces and add rock salt.Let it stand for 2 hours.(you can also add carrots and radish or green onion) 4.Wash the cabbage 2 times and drain well for 2 hours. 5.Layer the sauce mixture with the cabbage;one layer cabbage,then put the sauce on surface of cabbage.Remember,don't mix the cabbage. 6.Put the white sesame on the top of kimchi when ready to eat. |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |