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2011/07/18 09:16:15瀏覽343|回應3|推薦9 | |
Stay at home with in Laws and two teenage kids during summer are big challenge for me.
I wish I can go back to work and stay away from them. But do I need to go back to the same industry that I used to work with or change to different industry?? I feel terrible to stay at the same industry again ( if just for paycheck, then that's fine), but it's not easy to find something different due to lack related working experiences. God, I feel weakness on my mind. Thanks NJ people that she suggested good bible books to read: " Philip Yancey 楊腓立 曾獲多次書籍金牌獎 以平易近人的文筆 洞澈事理 尤其是把聖經中的恩典 講得鮮活 又能連結於生活的世界 力推「恩典多奇異」 及「有話問蒼天」二書" Hope I can get back and figure out what I really want to do Or what God wants me to do in the future. Amen! |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |