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job offer
2011/09/07 06:07:38瀏覽386|回應1|推薦9
I pray with God for my new job and feel surprise that God did listen to me and offer me the position and I also promise that I will donate some of my compensation to the Church.

I don't know is because that I am at the middle age crisis, so I become psychic or .....???

In the past, I always chose the first job offer to work with and doesn't matter how big or small and how good or bad for the company. Anyway, this is a small town so there is no big company at all.

This times, there are two jobs offer the same time which let me face a decision problem.
I start to feel it is hard to reject any one of the company, they are so nice to me when we met and talk together. ( maybe it will become evil when I start to work!!!) I finally chose a bigger company to work with since small company might lose clients and cut people.

Hope God can keep me and help me to improve my courage for a new environment, Amen.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2011/09/15 08:49


Yayawww(yayawww) 於 2011-09-21 08:52 回覆:
Thanks, I still learning new stuff at this new company and Hope can fit this job well. Thanks God lead me to forever road.