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a letter for my partner, pan
2009/09/07 04:39:59瀏覽437|回應0|推薦1

Hello stranger, it's long time we have no more contacts, I know that is a pity in me, but I am very appricated for your helps before. Even we will never get in touch any more, but I do a lots efforts to learn and to backup something as before you'd taught me. I was not a good student to gain more while your teaching, and then make now I meet a lots of problem and cry for no helps react for me.

How is your days going on those days, I am overcome my moto-accident. I can walk as normally, and I think while I'm walking, the same speed as before I walk. Sometime I must look back behind my companies, they always complains about me to walk so quickly. I think that is my nature characters. As you are, we can not change to each others.

During these days, I get some projects, but it is without your helps and cooperation that make me not smoothly in completion. I meet a lots of troubles and issues that I can not solve it in time, but you, you can solve it in few minutes. What a gift you have!! You are talent in your professionals. NV and admire from me.

Well, thank you for your helps as before we worked, I cherish and appricated in my minds. Not worry about me, I will be more stronger and pick up all the skills as you have.

Best regards for you.


( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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