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a letter for my dear sister, amanda...
2009/05/28 17:51:53瀏覽578|回應1|推薦2

Hello dear Amanda, thank you for your helps in the business's tax issues, I really do not know how to fix those applications. And I am very appreciated for your kindly helps and cares. I know we are working hard and not gain too much, but it increase all lots of experience more than money can buy.

I know you are a sweet and kindly-hearted girl, everything we share to each other, also you must to take care more for yourself. To enrich more healthy and sleep well that will be great energies for every days. It is hard to have some rest times, while you're taking cares of 2 babies, they are your proud. I am so envy yours, and I am happy for you.

( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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so sweet
2009/05/30 23:35

Ha~your lucky have a great sis~