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2018/04/02 11:33:00瀏覽215|回應0|推薦0 | |
浩室設計 Houseplan 邱炫達 Hsuan-Ta Chiu 表現出解構主義手法中塑造多元不對等性,創造獨特與趣味。室內用材盡以自然原生質材展現,並充份以不規則線性構築,模糊水平與規矩等既有概念,賦予空間個性。 Creating unsymmetrical diversity by deconstruction methodology, and creating uniqueness and fun. The indoor space decorated with the natural materials, irregular structures, and fuzzy scales displays the genuine space idiosyncrasy. 視覺多以岩石質與水泥質作鋪陳,期望與一般居室空間呈現迴異性格,並解決屋主飼養鸚鵡容易造成家具破壞等問題。玄關的岩石穿鞋椅以單邊不對稱呈現活潑與使用便利性。電視牆為真岩石,以不同切割面大小拼接,充分表現立面深淺層次。餐桌面取平整岩石材作應用。地坪拼貼紋理不重覆的仿石紋半拋石英磚,鋪陳間充滿自然對花,襯托空間精緻性。 The visual effect, created by using rocks and concretes, exhibits the distinct residential style, and solves the furniture-damage issue of housing the parrot. At the foyer, the unsymmetrical-style shoe stool shows the vivid strength and practical functionality. The TV wall, paved by the stones in different sizes, manifests the stereoscopic visuals. The dining made of the complete rock, and the floors decorated with the inconsistent homogeneous tiles set off the space delicacy. 客餐廳間大斜面造型牆為銜接兩廳之動線,以不對稱非線性手法塑造牆體,如水泥雕塑品般充滿立體凹凸角面,製造搶眼外形並兼具展示藝術品與複合收納雙功能。在居家空間大膽嘗試此裝置,相當具原創與實驗性。 The stylish slant walls, in disproportional scales, connect the living and dining room, in which the uneven wall surfaces demonstrate the beauty as an artwork and the function of storage. This design skill is full of originality and imagination. 不規則斜面天花板,以白色斜框,大氣鋪陳與水泥雕塑牆面構成塊面嵌接,如大型的室內複合雕塑。充滿清水模與水泥質地的觸覺手感,模糊了居家與藝術間的界線,將空間演繹如夢境般。充分打破傳統思維,不需工整也無需對比,只講究遊走在非線性間的黃金比例。 The inconsistent slant white ceiling magnificently joints the concrete walls, as if the big complex indoor sculpture. The textures of the fair-faced concrete obsolete the distinction between the house and art, and transform the space into the heaven. There is neither the conventional stereotype nor the conditional consistency, but the nonlinear golden ratio roaming in the space. 空間創作無限制,設計也無界限,在考量實用與美觀外,能否兼具獨特性與趣味性的延伸吸引度,值得讓人玩味醒思。 The space creation is boundary free, neither is the design. On top of the consideration of functionality and beauty, it reminds us of the possibility to create the uniqueness and joy. |
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