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2018/03/30 11:23:22瀏覽114|回應0|推薦0 | |
莫國箴建築師事務所 Mo Architects and Planners 莫國箴 Kuo-Chen Mo 本案有別於坊間高層集合住宅的模矩化設計,強調少量開發、無標準層的特色,以「立體別墅」的設計理念,藉此讓每一個不同高度的住戶與使用者,皆能透過精心的設計佈局,在室內體驗到不同的視野。 Different from the general modular-design residences, the house required less construction and no regular floors advocates the design idea “elevated villa” that everyone living in the building enjoys the delicate living environment. 建築物外觀以現代建築的量體堆疊為設計主體,灰色系磁磚搭配錯落安置的枕木,以低調、隱晦的手法弱化建築物在以四、五層建築物為主的基地周遭所帶來的體量感。踏入一樓玄關,延續自立面的枕木作為牆面主體,將屋外的自然景觀意象帶入室內場域中,公共區域與花園以簡約、尊重自然的設計手法,建構質樸、純粹的沉靜氛圍。大廳內以疊蓆、茶几、坐墊營造具東方禪意的空間質感,大面落地窗景,正對屋外竹林、卵石與草坪構築的花園,動物造型的藝術作品,畫龍點睛地作了最完美的點綴。屋頂花園也特別作了精心配置,以一層一區的方式進行規劃,每一個家戶都有屬於他們獨立的區塊,有扶疏的灌木植栽,也有輕巧的木質地板、燈光與水電設施,方便住戶在屋頂享受山巒景致之於,也能進行各種活動。 The exterior appearance of the building, with piling-up structure decorated with grey bricks and timbers, subtly diminishes the sense of oppression. The foyer decorated with timbers artistically spawns the natural atmosphere in the building. The outdoor public space and garden, suggesting the plain and natural style, create elegant and serene atmosphere. The lobby adorned with traditional tatami, table and sofa disperses the dignified Zen characteristics. Outside the big floor-to-ceiling windows, the garden ornamented with the bamboos, pebbles and lawns is enticing, of which the animal-style artworks put a final touch on the aesthetic gardening. Each floor has independent gardening, where the complete decorations and facilities encompassing the bushes, wood floors, illuminations, water and electricity symbolize the joyful life. 透過精巧的設計規劃,建築在都市中有了最合宜的定位,空間的內與外,有了屬於它們最適切的面容。 The exquisite design plan, certainly, presents to the city life the most desirable residential architecture. #紅點、iF報名代辦
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