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摩登質 Modern
2018/03/29 13:35:47瀏覽124|回應0|推薦0

沐恩空間設計有限公司  MOO-N・SPACE  DESIGN

邵昭文  Jao-Wen Chao


Focusing on the design layout, the humanity-oriented-style designer displays the design plan by incorporating the geometrical ideas into the current fashion, which is avant-garde in this residence.


The foyer, designed in geometrical shapes, distinguishes the indoor space from the outdoor that is the cutting-edge idea of interior design. With the proper illuminations, the vista wall decorated with leathers and white-and-black ironworks has created visual structure in order. For the client favoring the cross Gothic family crest, it is evident that the client cares much for the residential impression.

廳間室頂幾何造型如鑽石切面耀眼,鋪陳與潮流共進的現代表現。廳間牆面鋪陳大理石材展演大氣視感,灰白系石紋紋理調性,輔以3D進出面拼貼手法打造視覺層次。再襯托Ligne Roset跳色完美紅沙發與灰色躺椅,混搭白色按摩椅,三色系並存廳間配置,每一處細節刻劃精緻點滴。

As dazzling as diamond, the geometrical-shape ceiling is enchanting and stylish. In the living room, the magnificent marble walls in off-white appearances and the 3D wall surfaces are eye-catching as well. Meanwhile, the red Ligne Roset sofa, the grey couch, and the white massage chair demonstrate the attitude bringing fashion to home. 

餐廳區以精品展示概念營造時尚調性,牆面裱以Hermes絲巾為飾,餐椅配搭Philippe Starck宛若水晶的Louis Ghost 路易鬼塑膠椅,餐邊的收藏展示區櫃於廊道壁面,矩形錯落排列如精品櫥窗概念,並利用天花造型與鏡面模糊橫樑,延伸視覺尺度。

To present the boutique style in the dining room, the designer adorns the walls with Hermes silk mufflers. Furthermore, the Louis Ghost chairs invented by Philippe Starck are staggering. The display cabinet aesthetically creates the visual effect of boutique window display. The stylish ceiling and mirrors alleviate the suppressive sight impact by column pillars, the design skill making the dining area more expanded.


The design tone, in the master bedroom, is cold and sedated, in which the main wall furnished with cubical shapes and finished wooden veneers reveals elegant style. The bedside SWAROVSKI chandelier lamps are captivating. The genuine distinguishing effects, created by both the Turkish blue leathers wall ornamented with recessed illuminations and the beige desk, consistently send forth the spirit of fashion as well.


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