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2018/06/06 11:31:17瀏覽68|回應0|推薦0 | |
富麗華居 以古典為名 Living in loftiness; famed for classicalness
丰心設計|上馨制作 fongsindesign|songsindesign 涂慧敏 Huei-Min Tu
俐落的現代簡約,劃出屬於當代富麗雕琢的古典華居。在空間動線景致與生活行徑間,以低調淺酌的華麗鋪陳,在充滿古典語彙的線條中,有多様的裝飾性紋理,刻劃在細節處。如櫃體白色基調裡,或地面大片對花石紋裡,或在亮澤的壁紙線條中,盈盈滿滿的散漫著。彩度於地面以灰調為基底,壁面與家具間配搭著大量的米色暖調為輔搭,在上輕下重間有著穩定的協調感。 The architectural elements of sleek contemporary elegance constitute into a modern glorious and classical house, in which the spirit of classy grandiosity carrying the classical gestures delineates all around in the house. The white cabinets, the marble floors and the glossy wallpapers reveal the graceful noble ambience. The gray floors associated with the walls and furniture massively ornamented in beige amiably display the composed characteristics.
質材呈現多相貌,在一室的暖調古典中,穩定的樹立些許現代黑框線條。書房區域的玻璃帷幕框體,與客廳落地玻璃窗框相互呼應,為古典浪漫中劃分出些許的理性線條。客廳與書房間以通透視覺感受打造雙區域的共融性,但在隔音與空間劃分上能有互不被干擾的特質,以實用見長。 The black lines and frames articulate the contemporary components, of which the black frames on the glass walls in the study room and the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room assert the charms of logic. The glass walls furnished between the study room and living room magnifies the visual scope while preserving the unruffled environment essential to the study room.
電視牆面的千層紋理木紋石,配搭著地面上雲紋拋光面石材,玄關處菱格灰鏡與雙廳間的水晶吊燈,皆為晶亮且通透的反射性亮質地,在互為映射間更顯得空間的亮澤華麗感。 The slick and polished decorative textures are omnipresent in the house, in which the marble TV walls and floors, the entranceway lattice glass and the chandeliers in the living and dining room are glitteringly lustrous.
公領域空間打造通透大場域,使空間動線有流暢性。另又於雙廳間安置結合半穿透感與裝飾雕花拉門隔屏彈性界分出開放與隱私空間。而私領域空間中延續一致性的低奢華古典氛圍,以繃布與壁紙等軟材來貼近絢麗且放鬆的休憩質感。主臥室睡臥區與更衣間的分界亦延續公領域安置了同質透感裝飾拉門,使整體空間作品多有一致性的視覺連貫巧思。 The public space is extensive and has smooth traffic flow. The sliding grill doors adorned between the living and dining room distinguish the open and private space. The private space consistently manifests the delicate classical aura, of which the leathers and wallpapers display the magnificent but soothing atmosphere. In the master bedroom, the translucent sliding doors decorated between the bed and dressing room ingeniously create the persistent visual effect as well.
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