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2019/03/05 16:34:40瀏覽85|回應0|推薦0 | |
漱玉群芳 Classy luxury 照臨室內裝修設計有限公司/SHINING INTERIOR DECORATION DESIGN Co., Ltd. 陳昭諺/CHEN CHAO-YAN
以藝術之美,交會於空間與生活,交會予家人朋友,交會美學入室,盈溢滿室芬馨。 宅妝的高氣韻,不只來自於設計的巧,也來自於配置間所能散發出的氣度氛圍。空間動線營造藝術視覺為主,引領出空間精神,洋灑出藝術品的獨特氣韻,滿載於空間的條理與脈絡間,一貫相連。 The beauty of art comes to space and life, family and friend, and aesthetics and house. The exquisite elegant house decoration comes from not only the delicate design skills, also the layout magnitude. The indoor traffic flow manifesting the artistic vision brings out the spirits of space that spawns the charms of artworks meandering amiably in the house.
氣韻中的主視覺,從公領域的主牆開始延伸,大面的拋亮粉米色玉石牆面,中間坎著金線,配搭間蘊集了典雅奢華,將精緻的表象細膩映照於廳間。並在輕重間協調拿捏,底牆襯起了黑紋理石材,不僅對比出視感深淺,使視覺重心穩重於台面基座。 The major visual perception of space charms originates from the main wall in the public area, where the polished-finish marble walls adorned with golden lines cultivate the classy extravagance. The black marbles furnished on the lower walls not only intensify the visual contrasts, also draw the attentions. 統一調性的米白色系輕漫深植於滿室,也延續在白色沙發上,與餐桌背牆上的淺灰花紋繃皮上,以一貫的典雅穿透在開放式格局的公領域中。色感與線條皆蘊含輕古典味道相融於現代俐落的空間架構,並以多樣的質材,協調的色調混搭豐富鋪陳。大面積的茶色玻璃的分切,勾勒出線條映照間的溝槽導線,對映著微金的金屬線條,繃布的溝線,以及多處開放式層櫃的木質格線,劃出現代風格中的線條基底。 The white couch is consistently elegant corresponding to the beige extensively embellished in the house, in which the light-grey leather walls in the dining room agreeably raise the aura of dignified decency in the public area as well. The colors and lines revealing the elegant classic charms blend harmoniously to the modern order and cleanliness display the sophisticated mixed-and-matched materials and colors. The contemporary styles are defined by the consolidation of the large mirror-pane glass walls, golden lines, leathers stitches, and wooden display cabinets. 餐桌後方對稱的開放式黑石材雙櫃,相當吸睛的豎立於此,櫃上高處左有經典的大衛石膏像,右有巴黎凱旋門上群像浮雕_馬賽曲英雄,兩座白色雕座對稱如訴,猶如藝術與空間的自我對話。 The symmetrical black-stone display cabinets, in the dining room, is captivating, of which a David plaster adorned on the left and a relief of La Marseillaise ornamented on the right artistically feature the dialogue between the art and space meanwhile. |
( 時事評論|媒體出版 ) |