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2018/03/28 13:30:29瀏覽82|回應0|推薦0 | |
六相設計有限公司 PHASE6 Design Studio 劉建翎 Chien-Ling Liu 空間裡氛圍,只為一個人的閒適,散發芬芳。設計師無依循傳統制約圍籬,發揮空間多元範疇。無形中客廳不只是客廳,廊道也可多功能,將界限放大,整房子都是自己的房間。 The house appeases solitaries exclusively. Following no conventional rules of interior design, the designer imaginatively extends the space characteristics, of which the living room, hallway, etc. represent fay beyond the original functionalities.
業主為從事旅遊業單身女子,家中多異國風情蒐藏,如浴廁間威尼斯鏡,床頭多層次深色斗櫃,以及來自世界各地風情傢飾溫馨點綴,流洩多元異國情調。 For the client as a single lady working in tourism industry, the exotic collections are omnipotent in the house, e.g. the Venice mirror in the bathroom, the dark nightstand, and the worldwide furniture.
居住僅業主一人,理想住到退休養老,空間規劃以簡單雅緻不媚流行。整二十多坪,設計師將整體以大套房看待,將空間分界模糊化,無須界定空間功能。例如吧檯即可取代餐桌,加大衛浴空間讓梳洗成為享受,或利用廊道空間將洗手檯面外移成端景。規則可無限放大,將空間尺度擴大到最適合人因動態的舒適範圍,增加舒適感,充滿愜意閒適。 Considering the client’s expectation to the lifetime residency in the house, the designer advocates the elegant but genuine style. When initiating the design plan for the 20-pin house, the designer specifically obsoletes the borders among spaces e.g. replacing the dining table with the bar counter, enlarging the bathroom, and removing the basin to the hallway. The rules are no longer restricting, and properly broadening the comfort zones in the residence as well.
客廳中以可供躺臥的跳色橘大型貴妃椅取代沙發,並置中將廳一分為二劃出前後領域。前可看電視或閱讀休憩,後方可供舒展運動。臥房以舒適睡眠為主,衣櫃雙邊規劃,一為實體有門可置不常拿取物,另一以拉式摺門為開放櫃體可掛常需之衣物。 In the living room, the big orange chaise longue in the middle divides the living room into two areas, where the front for watching TV or reading, and the back for stretching exercises. To prepare for the client a pleasant sleeping environment, the designer decorates the bedroom with the wardrobe with sliding doors that gratify the flexible storage demands.
材料配置多原始樣貌呈現,如粗曠木質紋理地壁面,石質紋理用磚,還有業主童年家鄉美好回憶的傳統紅磚牆面,砌磚高處透氣孔洞輔以採光通透。多元混搭手法併和一室簡約風情,協調共存。 The decoration materials are diverse, incorporating the rough texture of the wooden floors and walls, the stone tiles, and the holes on the traditional red brick walls. The distinct skill collaborates agreeably with the elegant style, making the house joyful for solitary. |
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