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2018/01/26 11:13:34瀏覽175|回應0|推薦0 | |
大賞建設股份有限公司 Awards Construction Co., Ltd. 陳明遠 Ming-Yuan Chen 空間中的寧靜意趣,來自於東方元素與現代設計手法、建築素材的和諧匯流,文人書房樣式的玄關作為起始,此處用以接待賓客,明代髹漆家具與書畫墨跡鋪陳幽靜懷古的響韻,淡淡流淌,沾染於竹木編織的天花板與牆面,其上溫潤手感,實際上為回收鋼管經烤漆所製作而成,將永續概念轉化為空間的美學意象。玄關旁側設置了一道琉璃隔屏,是動線與機能的過緩,亦可隱約望見空間型態即將舒展的場景—琉璃的典雅姿態,清透蘊光的質感,兼之照明的精準調度,將細致而不張揚的藝術性摹繪入空間。 隔屏之後,即圓弧形的辦公空間,一條嵌入地面、覆以玻璃的光帶,有如流水,除了標定出空間範圍、作為光源以及調節室溫等實質效用,同時呼應整體人文況味之中的自然語彙;光帶內,荷花在石桌鑿空處綻放,牆面上懸掛以古銅鏡、純白瓷器、佛頭畫像,重新演繹東方文化中與宗教、與自然交融合一的神秘感。主管專用辦公室則位在此開放空間的一側,以金屬仿木紋隔牆延續穿透的空間調性,內部以竹簾、書架、竹葉盆栽、傳統家具,共構簡約樸實兼具使用機能的布局。 本案所意味的「平衡」,不僅是風格或技巧方面的協調與共,在此顯著的面向之外,永續/美感、古典/現代等看似異質的語彙,甚至精神內涵,如何在設計之中加以思索及實踐,使平衡之「衡」,亦成為歷久彌新之「恆」,或許正是設計師的核心意念。 The strong image of classic oriental elements are created with the entrance . Ceramic glaze art partition with Chinese colored paintings and sculptures are fully applied here; together with the natural bamboo ceiling and Eco bamboo Carbon wall represented the health concept. Public office area applied open space concept, natural stone table top has lotus and fish within it. The quite peaceful atmosphere has been created also because of the side lifting system and climate control air con. In eastern concept, water represent fortune. With this concept , the design of open space office are surrounded with tempered glass with floating water and lighting system . This design can adjust the humid and temperature; and also, provide the air con water recycle and increase the identity of the area. There will be an extra space formed by the round shape wooden movable partition ; these increase the privacy of the chatting area. Further more , these area also provide leisure , storage and meeting space. Office of management are adjustable open space; this will help colleagues to blend-in as all-in-one United. This is the oriental beauty by represent the "eastern -balance" concept.
Oriental balance project starts from the concept of long eastern history and the cultural language , yet, full of myth and rich in its content . Based on the goal of "spatial" balance, oriental balance project provide a new solution for the modern civilization conflict to the living habitant . It also awake people's attention to the traditional culture ; by applying both of traditional history and modern intelligence. In order to maximize the spatial function , it apply the flexible partition. All walls are made by natural bamboo to reduce the environmental impact, and all lights are LED lights; also, climate control system with green plants for fresh air quality, further more, to provide joyful working space; there are symbiosis lotus sink on the office working station. There are also circulate water system for the A/C control located around the floor; this system will balance the interior humid and temperature. To avoid the chaos lighting system, there are dim lights behind the wall to create a calm and peaceful space; these will enhance the awareness of spatial changes and it is good for all kind of ages. Eastern myth blend into the modern fashion and Eco-friendly design , and here we present : ''oriental balance'' . |
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