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What will be, will be ( Que Sera Sera
2023/05/14 06:19:06瀏覽43|回應0|推薦0


When I was just a little girl 當我還是個小女孩

I asked my mother, "What will I be?" 我問媽媽:"我將來會變成什麼樣子呢?"

"Will I be pretty, will I be rich?" "我會變得漂亮嗎?" "我會變得富有嗎?"

Here's what she said to me 她這麼回答我

[Chorus] "Que será, será 順著命運的安排

Whatever will be, will be 該來的總會到來

The future's not ours to see 我們無法預知未來

Que será, será 順著命運的安排

Whatever will be, will be" 該來的總會到來

When I grew up and fell in love 當我長大後墜入愛河

I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead 我問心上人,未來會如何

Will we have rainbows, day after day? 我們將會度過美好歲月嗎?

Here's what my sweetheart said: 他這麼告訴我

[Chorus] "Que será, será 順著命運的安排

Whatever will be, will be 該來的總會到來

The future's not ours to see 我們無法預知未來

Que será, será 順著命運的安排

Whatever will be, will be" 該來的總會到來

[Bridge] Now I have children of my own 現在我有自己的孩子

They ask their mother, "What will I be?" 他們問我:"我長大後會成為怎樣的                     人"

"Will I be handsome, will I be rich?" "我會變得帥氣嗎?" "我會變得富有嗎?

" I tell them tenderly 我溫柔地回應他們

[Chorus] "Que será, será 順著命運的安排

Whatever will be, will be 該來的總會到來

The future's not ours to see 我們無法預知未來

Que será, será 順著命運的安排

Whatever will be, will be" 該來的總會到來

鬼玩人--復活 這首歌

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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